Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of July 29, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl



Tate was talking while Theresa was on screen.

Tate was upset when he found out about his mother. If he weren’t scheming to be with Holly, he would have known what she did.

How is Holly able to get back and forth to the Horton cabin without anyone knowing that she went.

Why didn’t Roman include Marlena in his plans to throw Eric and Nicole a going away party? She might have wanted to help throw the party too.

Nicole had a pocketbook with her one minute, and it was gone the next.


No one ever sees Connie walking around. She doesn’t attempt to hide, but no one sees anything.

Stephanie thought Leo would keep her secret from getting out. He told her that he needed content for his article so why would he keep her secret quiet?

Bobby threatened Connie. He heard her say that she never gets caught, so why would he threaten her?

Connie knows too much about Bobby’s life considering they didn’t know each other before she approached him about killing Li.


Leo managed not to hear Connie in Bobby’s room. She was talking loud, but he managed not to hear her.

Stephanie didn’t have to refer to Leo by his full name. Jada should know who Leo is, so she didn’t have to call him by his full name.

Jack claimed that Jennifer knew that he and Chad dug up Abby’s body. It’s not likely that she wouldn’t have come back to Salem to help find her.

Jada called Rafe “Detective Hernandez.” He is the commissioner of the police department.

Connie conveniently heard Ava talking about sleeping with Stefan. Ava wasn’t talking loud, but Connie managed to hear her.


Jada and Stephanie didn’t call for help right away. They basically just watched Bobby before they tried to get him help.

The pill bottle that was on Bobby’s nightstand was closer to the pillow in Wednesday’s episode, but it was closer to Jada in Thursday’s episode.

Ava didn’t hear Connie talking about her sleeping with Stefan, and she was in the same room with her. Connie conveniently heard Ava talking about her affair, and she wasn’t in the room. Ava wasn’t talking loudly at all when Connie heard her.

It took the paramedics a long time to get to Bobby.

Stephanie cried without any tears.


Marlena said that they invited Brady to Eric’s going away party, but she wasn’t part of the plan. When did she invite Brady to the party?

Marlena said she didn’t hear from Brady, but he told her that he was at the office. She obviously heard from him after all.

Xander managed not to hear Fiona and Brady talking in her room. Fiona was talking loud when she wanted Brady to sneak out her room.


The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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