Days Transcript Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[light music]

– Hey, boss. You wanted to see me?   – Yeah, come on in.   – Thanks.   So what’s going on?   – Well, I heard about your encounter at the Pub yesterday.   – The Pub?

Mm-hmm.   Roman Brady’s greasy spoon, that pub.   Want to explain why you didn’t tell me about it?  

[intriguing music]


Sorry if I woke you.   I just needed my rosary before I head back to the hospital   to see my brother.

How’s he doing?

He’s still in a coma.   Now, if you’ll excuse me.   – No.   We need to talk.

Why don’t you go home and get some rest?

I’m OK.

Well, you can’t sit here  hours a day.   You know that Rafe wouldn’t want you to do that.

I know.   I’m afraid.   I’m afraid that if I leave his side, he’ll–

You can’t think that way. Come on.   He’s a fighter. You know that.   Really.

Yeah, but the machines,   they’re still breathing for him.   And there’s no sign that he’s getting any better.

That doesn’t mean that he won’t.

But it doesn’t mean that he will either.   Be honest with me, Kayla.   What are the chances that he’ll ever wake up?

That’s not the same knife you used to stab Rafe in the back,   is it?   – No, that would be unsanitary.   Besides I left that planted between his shoulder blades.   I’m assuming it’s in some police evidence locker.

Hmm.   And you’re not worried about your prints showing up?

Oh, please, do you take me for an amateur?   I wore gloves.   No one’s ever going to know it was me.

Unless Rafe wakes up from his coma,   in which case you’re screwed.  

[light guitar music]

– Sorry, Commish.   I didn’t think Crazy Connie would take it that far, but…   nothing I can do about it now.   I see no reason to waste this golden opportunity   to get closer with Jada.   I should probably get over to the hospital now.


[soft orchestration]   announcer: Like sands through the hourglass,   so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

– Steph, I–I didn’t see you standing there.

I–I couldn’t help but overhear.

Overhear what?

Did you say you’re heading to the hospital?

Yes, I am.   I–I have my therapy appointment with Dr. Evans.   – Right, of course.   How’s it going?   – Great.   Yeah.   I’m making a ton of progress.   – I’m so glad to hear that.   – Well, don’t get too excited.   I don’t want you to think we’re getting back together.

I–I didn’t think that.

Good.   I just don’t want there to be any confusion.   Anyway, I should get going.   – I wish I could give you a definitive answer   of when Rafe will wake up,   but there really is no way of knowing.   – Well, I think the chances are that the longer he’s out,   the longer it’ll take him he’ll wake up, right?   – I don’t trust the odds.   And if it’s any consolation to you,   Rafe has been through this before,   and he has made a full recovery.   – He has?   He’s never mentioned that to me before.   – Well, it was years ago.   He was attacked and almost killed.   I mean, things looked pretty dire back then.   But Rafe had a strong spirit.   And he has a strong spirit now.   There are a lot of people praying for him.   There’s no reason to think that he won’t come back to us.   – Well, I hope you’re right   because he has a lot left to do in this world.   – I was up most of the night at the hospital.   I don’t have the energy for another fight.   – I don’t want to fight with you either.   I just need you to stop pushing me away.   – Please move.   – No.   I didn’t say a word when you told me not to come   to the hospital last night   and certainly not when you decided   to move out of our room.   But now I need you to stop being so stubborn,   and let me be there for you.

Aren’t you still mad at me for revealing   that EJ lied about Jude?   You said I may have started another war with your brother.

OK, none of that matters now.   Doesn’t matter now that your brother   is fighting for his life.   So please, let me help you through this.   I know how scared you must be.

Yeah, it’s more than scary.   I’m scared I’m gonna lose him.

Come here.   Come here.

I knew I should have said something to you.

Yes, you should have.   It’s me, Ava.

How did you find out about it anyway?

Gabi left a message last night.


Yes.   She said that she ran into you at the Pub   and pitched you the idea of reviving Gabi Chic at DiMera.

Right, Gabi Chic.

Mm-hmm.   And why didn’t you tell me about this offer?

Because it’s a terrible idea.

Says who?

Says me.   And you well know that I slept with her husband   while she was in prison.

God.   And she doesn’t know about that, don’t she?

No, she does not, OK?   But she hates me.   And there’s no way that I’m going to be sitting   side by side next to her.

Actually, that’s exactly what you’re going to do.

Gabi Chic is a valuable asset.   And it will give us a chance to compete with Basic Black.

So this is about Brady?

No, this is nothing to do with Brady.   Unlike you, I don’t let my personal feelings   get in the way of a smart business decision,   which this most certainly is.   So you’re just going to have to suck it up and accept the fact   that you’ll be working with a woman   whose husband you did sleep with.   So…   I want you to track her down   and get her to sign with us today   before she changes her mind.

Don’t you think Gabi’s got more important things   on her mind right now?   Like the fact that her brother is in a coma.

I’m used to Rafe being this big, strong hero.   You know?


My protector.   Now he’s just lying in that bed helpless.

Cops have any idea who did this to him?

Not yet.   I just keep thinking about the way it happened–   stabbed in the back.

Like Li?

Yeah, like Li.   And it makes me think, I mean, what if there’s a connection?

But Gil Carter’s dead.   How could that be?

Well, apparently, Everett Lynch’s alter, Bobby,   claims he knows that Gil wasn’t the killer.

Oh.   And you think he’s telling the truth?

I don’t know.   But if he is, that means the person that murdered Li   is still out there.

All the evidence pointed toward Gil Carter.   And that was the evidence that we used   to get your conviction overturned.   I mean, Rafe himself was convinced.   I don’t know.   Maybe this is just some horrible coincidence?

Maybe.   All I know is I just want my big brother back.  

[music playing]

Thank you.   I know I’ve been trying to push you away.   But it feels really good to have you here with me.

I will always be here for you whenever you need me.

Promise?   – I promise.   – Make love to me, Stefan.

Listen, Hernandez.   I’m going to need you to get better.   You know I am not a patient woman.   You know I hate red lights.   Remember that time you were going to cite me   for hitting my siren at that long red light?   And I know that you deserve a little rest,   but I’m going to need you to wake up, OK?   I mean, not just for me,   but for everyone at the department,   for your friends and your family,   Gabi.   I want you to know that the whole community   is praying for you.   And I hope that you can feel that.   I hope you know how much I love you.   You know, these past few months has been the happiest   that I have ever been.   And I am not ready to lose that.   We have a whole lifetime of happiness ahead of us.   So, Rafe, will you please, please wake up?   So I can hold you again,   and so you can help me find the person who hurt you.

Rafe’s barely hanging on.   I doubt he’ll make some sort of a miraculous comeback.

And if he does?

He didn’t see me.   I came up from behind him.

You’re being awfully coldhearted about all this.   – What do you mean?

I mean, an innocent man is in a coma thanks to you.   And you seem to just be going about your day   without an ounce of remorse.

What was I supposed to do?   Bobby was going to tell Detective Hunter   what I did to you.   And the only way to keep him from blabbing   was to get rid of the Commish.

And how do you know he won’t still blab?   What if Bobby doesn’t hold up his end of the bargain?

I am sure Gabi is very upset about her brother.   But you and I both know that she has no problem   setting aside her emotions   in order to get what she wants.   And look, I know that you two have your issues,   and that you feel guilty about sleeping with her husband   while she was behind bars.   But if you want this job,   you are going to have to get over it.   – Fine.   I will go talk to Gabi today.   And I will make her an offer.

Great.   I took the liberty of having a contract drawn up.

Fine.   For the record, I still think this is a terrible idea.

Yeah, and for the record, I don’t care.   So track down my sister-in-law   and get her to sign on the dotted line.



[sighs]   Feels like now’s a good time to say I’m sorry   for the whole mess with EJ.   What?

How do I know you actually mean it?

Well, I’m not sorry Eric got his kid back.   And yes, it was very satisfying to screw your brother over   after he sent me to prison.   But I’m sorry I betrayed your trust.   I really am.

Well, I accept your apology.   I do.   I’m sorry I got so mad at you.

You had every right to be mad.

No.   Not after how long we were apart.   Not after I almost lost you for good.   I shouldn’t have let something like that come between us.

Easy to say.   You were hurt.   And I don’t blame you.   When it comes to other people,   we can lie, cheat, steal.   You and I need to be able to trust each other.   Give me your hand.   I swear I’ll never keep secrets from you ever again.   From now on, honesty and trust.

Honesty and trust.

It sounds like I missed quite a wedding.   – Well, two weddings– double the drama.

I still can’t believe that Theresa orchestrated   that whole scheme.

I know.

I mean, stealing Xander’s birthright.   You know, I really thought that she had turned a corner.

Me too.   And the way she treated Alex.

How is he doing?   – He’s a mess.   Why wouldn’t he be?

So you’ve seen him after this whole thing went down?   – He took off from the wedding.   And I followed him just to try to comfort him best I could.   But I don’t think it did much good.   – You comforted him?   – Well, not like that.   – Well, I mean, I just mean that the two of you   have a history.   – And that’s all it is–   history.   – Right. Right. That’s right.   You and Everett are back together now   that he’s been released from Bayview, right?   – Well, actually, that’s history too.

[knocking]   – Everett, what are you doing here?

I’m so sorry to intrude.   I just–I heard the news about Rafe.   And I wanted to tell you how sorry I am.   – Oh, that’s very kind of you.   – How’s he doing?   – Not good.   The doctors aren’t even sure if he’ll ever wake up.   – It’s terrible.   Do the police have any leads on who could have done this?   – Forensics is analyzing the knife now   to see if they can pick up any prints or DNA.   But besides that, we don’t have much to go on.

Well, if I can help at all,   let me know.   I’ve got a team of journalists at The Spectator.   I could put them on the case see   if they could dig anything up.

Thanks, but I think it’s best that the police handle this.

I understand.   I just–I want you to know that you have   the full support of not just the newspaper,   but me personally.   Whatever you need, I’m here for you.   – What reason does Bobby have to double cross me?

He was using his knowledge about my murder   to cozy up to Detective Hunter.


So what if he decided to   ID you as my killer   as a way to ingratiate himself to her?   I don’t mean to rain on your parade, Connie,   but this plan of yours could possibly   just blow up in your face.   – I appreciate your concern, Li,   especially since I’m the reason you’re, you know, dead.   But I’m not worried.   Bobby will be careful around Detective Hunter.   He’s shrewd.

So is Jada Hunter.   And Bobby’s her ex.   What if she figures out he’s faking?

She won’t.

I hope you’re right.   Because if he’s caught,   Bobby will have no reason   not to throw you under the bus.

I appreciate your offer to help, Everett.   But I have to admit I’m a bit confused by it.

Why is that?

Because you and I, we barely know each other.

True.   But I was in a coma for a year.   So I have a lot of sympathy for the situation.   – Right.   And you have a lot going on.   So you got to get your life back on track.   I don’t want to be an imposition.

You could never be that.   Look, um…   The truth is I–   I’ve been continuing my outpatient therapy   with Dr. Evans.   And…   the integration process has been, like,   really successful so far.

That’s great.

Yeah.   I mean, I can’t say I fully understand it yet,   but I don’t know.   I’m–I’m starting to feel   like Bobby’s becoming   part of who I am.

Really? Already?

I’m sure I’ve got a long way to go.   But yeah, I feel like–   I don’t know–like, I think I’m starting to remember   some of Bobby’s life.

Do you happen to have any memories   on the murder of Li Shin?

Li Shin?   Yeah, you’ve mentioned that before.

Well, Bobby claimed that he had some information   on the death of Li Shin.   – Oh.   Wow.   No.   No, I don’t know anything about that.   Sorry.   – No need to apologize.   But if something comes back to you, you let me know.

Of course.   And just to clarif,   what I said before about remembering Bobby’s life,   I meant I’m starting   to sort of feel   what he’s feeling   now,   especially when it comes to you.   – Sweetheart, I–sorry.   I know how excited you were that Everett was coming back.   – I was, foolishly in retrospect,   since I was all set to tell him   that I was ready for a serious relationship.   It turns out he’s just not ready.   – Well, that’s understandable.   He might just want to focus on his mental health, you know?   – Which I fully support.   – But it still hurts.   – Yeah, it does.   Everett’s a great guy.   And I’m really gonna miss him,   even if it seems he won’t miss me.   – What?   – He seemed pretty glad to be rid of me.   – What are you talking about?

Before you got here, I ran into him.   Mom, he was so dismissive,   so cold.   – All set.   You know, some would say   this was the savviest negotiation since the big man   himself was in charge.   – Are you now comparing yourself to Stefano?

Just saying.   – All right, leave before your head gets too big   to fit through the doorway.   – You know what?   I am going to get out of here before I bump into Ava.

Oh, don’t worry about it.   She’s not here.   She’s off trying to convince your wife   to bring Gabi Chic back to DiMera.

Oh, Gabi.

Ava.   – Hey. – Hey.   I know this is a really bad time.   I’m very sorry about Rafe.

Sorry you’re not the one who did it?

Oh, come on, Gabi.   Come on.   I know things ended badly between us,   but I care deeply about Rafe.   I would never wish this on him.

Right.   So what do you want?   – Well, if you’ve got a few minutes,   I’d like to talk business.

Is this about Gabi Chic?

I talked it over with Kristen,   and we decided we would love to have you revive   your brand with DiMera.

So I was right to go over your head.

I wouldn’t say that.

Kristen forced you to come to me, huh?   It couldn’t have been easy for you.

Look, we completely understand   if you need to concentrate on your brother right now,   but it is a standing offer.   So if you’d like to take a few months before jumping in–

That’s very considerate of you,   but we don’t know when Rafe’s situation might change.   And jumping back in the game with Gabi Chic   would be a welcome distraction.

Are you sure?   – Yes.   In fact, one of the last things that Rafe said to me before he   was attacked was that I needed to start thinking about getting   my life back together.   It’s almost like he gave me his blessing.

That’s great.

So got a contract for me to sign?

Seems surprisingly fair.

Well, Kristen is eager to have you back in the fold.   Feel free to have your lawyers take a look at it,   get a second set of eyes on it.   – That’s OK.   When I was CEO of DiMera, I worked with plenty of contracts   like this.   Seems pretty standard.

Um, Wait.

What’s the problem?

No, no, no problem.   I just–I want to make sure that you realize   how much work it’s going to take   to start your company again.   – Are you trying to talk me out of this?   – No, not at all.   And Kristen is eager to have you on board.   And therefore, so am I. I just–   you know, I don’t want you to sign and then have regrets   when the workload starts to come on in,   especially since you’re going to have to be   juggling Rafe’s medical needs.   – Oh, I see.   – You see what?   – You’re right. I may not be up for it.   – No, I didn’t say that.   – Look, I ran all of DiMera.   I can certainly handle the pressure of Gabi Chic.   It’s a deal.   I know you have your personal doubts,   but I can promise you, neither one of us   are going to regret working together.   – I’m sorry.   Did you just say that Gabi and Ava   are going to be working together?   – That’s the plan.   – OK, why? Why?   Why?   Why the hell would you do that?   – Hey, it was Gabi’s idea.   I mean, she’s the one who wants to restart   Gabi Chic here at DiMera. – OK.   But of course, she didn’t realize   that she’d be working with the woman   who slept with her husband.

Yeah, but she doesn’t know about that.   And Ava’s not gonna tell her.   I mean, Ava wasn’t too thrilled about the situation either.

Of course, she wasn’t.   So why did you move forward with it?

Because it’s good for business.   – Right.   You sure about that?   Or is this your way of getting back at me and Gabi?

Listen to me.   Do not take Everett’s behavior personally.   Look, he has been locked in his psyche for months.   I’m sure it is just really disorienting to be back,   you know? – Yeah.   Yeah, you’re right.   I shouldn’t take it personally.   And I shouldn’t complain.   I’m glad that Everett is himself again.   And he deserves to   live a life he chooses for himself.   – I am so proud of you.   – Thanks, Mom.

Oh.   My break is over.   Listen.   Why don’t we have a girls’ night tonight?

Really?   You sure you’re up for it?

%.   Look, your dad’s still in Greece.   You can come over.   We’ll order in.   We’ll watch a movie.

Well, can we do   popcorn and ice cream?

You know it now, huh?   I love you, baby girl.

I love you too.

All right.   See you in a bit, OK?   – OK.   – If you’re suggesting that you’re developing   feelings for me–

No, no.   I just–   I know Bobby really cared about you.   And I guess I’m starting to feel that affection.   I just wanted to come and offer my support   as a friend.   – OK.   Sorry if I misunderstood.

Not at all.   It’s a very confusing situation.

Yeah, for all of us.   But the important thing is that you’re getting healthy.

That means a lot coming from you.

You know, I am suddenly starving,   so I’m gonna grab some takeout.

You know, I’m headed into town.   I can pick something up for you.   – Oh, no, I could–   I could use the fresh air.   – I understand.   If you need anything, just call.   I’m just trying to busy myself, you know, other than work.   I’m trying to stay busy   now that I’m alone.

Alone?   What about Stephanie?   – Oh, yeah, we–   we’re not seeing each other anymore.   Sadly, that had to end.

So sorry to hear that.   – That’s OK.   It’s for the best.   Anyway, I’ll see you around.   – I’ve been ruminating on what you said about Bobby.   And maybe you’re right.   He could turn out to be a liability.   – What are you gonna do about it?   – Well,   I guess if it comes to it,   I’ll have to get him out of the way   just like I did the Commish.   – And now, why would I want to get back at you and Gabi?   – I don’t know, Kristen.   Maybe for the way we stole your DiMera shares?

You mean the way you made it look like   I was abusing my own daughter?   – Yeah, that. – Yeah, that.   And I was very upset about it.   But…   we can let all that go, right?   Because now we have a mutual disdain that we can bond over–   our brother EJ.   – I’m glad we’ll always have something to bond over.

Mm-hmm.   So you can let go of your paranoia   and know that I am not out to get you and Gabi.   And I am not gonna spill the beans   over your one-night stand.   I wouldn’t do that to Ava.   – What about Ava?   – Oh, I was just filling Stefan in   on how you’ll be working with Gabi.   – It’s a done deal.   – Jada.   – Steph, hi.   – I’m so sorry about Rafe.   How are you holding up?   – I’m hanging in there.   But how are you?   I saw Everett, and he told me that you two broke up.   – Yeah, we did.   I’m surprised he told you about that,   considering all you’re going through.

Right. Well, he was acting very weird.   – Well, what do you mean?

Let’s just say he just wasn’t acting like himself   at all.

Oh, my God.   Do you think it’s possible–   – That Everett really isn’t Everett?   Yeah, I do.   – Everett.

Dr. Johnson.   – Hi. You know what?   I was so glad to hear about your breakthrough   that you’re doing better.

Yeah, I am.   Thank you. Thank you.   – Wait. Do you have a minute?   Actually, I’d like to talk to you about my daughter.

Oh?   What about?

Well, Stephanie told me that the two of you   aren’t seeing each other anymore.

Yeah, I’m sure she told you I really need to focus on   my–on my recovery.

Yeah, she did.   But she also was very upset about how dismissive   you were with her earlier.   And I just thought that you should know   how much she cares about you.   And maybe it’s none of my business,   but I was just hoping that you would be a little more   sensitive to her feelings.

You’re absolutely right.   It is none of your business.

What are you doing in here?

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