Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, March 13, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Lucy: You know, prom is still months away, but I was just asked to be on the decorating committee, which is really cool because technically Iā€™m still the new girl. But I canā€™t be on the decorating committee and show up to prom without a date. And what if no one asks me? Speaking of asking, you know waylon marrs? Heā€™s the kid with the really great hair and heā€™s really smart. I mean, I wonder who heā€™s going to take, because I would be a pretty good date.

Daniel: Whoa!

Lucy: What?

Daniel: Hold on there. Waylon Marrs? Whoā€™s that?

Heather: You know Waylon, babe, the one with the, uh, really good hair.

Daniel: Mm. And are you dating this one with really good hair?

Lucy: Dad, if we were dating, then I would already have a date to prom, which I donā€™t.

Heather: She did mention that.

Daniel: Hmm. Well, you knowā€¦ I am going to expect to meet this child before you go anywhere with him.


Devon: Actually, you know what? If Iā€™m being honest, it was kind of peaceful here with you gone.

Billy: Yeah? Is that right?

Devon: Yeah. No one was trying to change the name of the company. Or exert their power inappropriately. It was great.

Billy: Oh, thatā€™s funny. What about aunt Mamie?

Devon: What about aunt Mamie?

Billy: Amanda informed Jill of Mamieā€™s latest proposition. How she would like to split the company in two and keep it merged together in name only. I mean, if thatā€™s not an attempt at exerting inappropriate power, devon, I donā€™t know what is.

Devon: I think that was just a suggestion though, right?

Billy: Right. A suggestion. Like I suggested we add ā€œAbbottā€ to the company name. Except with you, devon, thereā€™s always this accusation that Iā€™m trying to orchestrate some sort of power grab. Which Iā€™m not. But I think itā€™s very clear that Mamie would love nothing more than to split this company into two.


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