Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, March 19, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: Connor, we talked about this, right? The “crazy” word? That is just the ocd talking. Because you, connor Newman, you are the greatest kid ever.

Connor: Who’s crazy.

Adam: Buddy–

Connor: Call it what you want. It’s still what it is.

Adam: We’re gonna fix this, okay? And everything is gonna be okay. Can we get back to the room change for a second? Was somebody being a jerk to you? Was someone bullying you, Connor?

Connor: No, that’s not it.

Connor: My room was 23. Two

Adam: Excuse me?

Connor: You like to gamble.


Jordan: I wish you could’ve shared that joy with your poor sponsor, seth. He’s dead because of you.

Nikki: He’s dead because of you! Because you are a serial killer.

Victoria: It’s over. You’ve lost. You can never hurt us again.

Jordan: What a pr

Nikki: I hope that pretty picture torments you for the r because the three of us are bound in love, in strength, something that you could never have any comprehension of. But at least you’ll have plenty of time to think about it, because you will be in prison forever.

Jordan: Oh. Oh, so victor’s not gonna keep me here and feed me spoiled food and the occasional rat?

Nikki: Lady, if I had my way, you’d never leave this hellhole, which quite literally was of your own making. So, I guess the next best thing is to know that you will slowly, oh, so slowly, rot away in your cell


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