Days Transcript Friday, March 15, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Uh, don’t take this the wrong way, but what the hell are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be on bed rest?

Yeah, I can’t watch TV and sleep all day, I’ll go crazy. Not to mention, I need to know how The hell Clyde Wesson escaped from prison?

Okay, there was a toxic spill in one of the cell blocks. And so when all the inmates had to be evacuated to the yard, when the prison guard took a head count, Clyde was MIA.

So he’s on the run. And we have no idea where the hell he is.

What were you thinking, breaking out of the halfway house like that? And then breaking into the DiMera mansion. I mean, aren’t things bad enough already?

I had to talk to Holly. I had to try to clean up this mess.

Well, this is an even bigger mess now, isn’t it? And then stealing my phone.

I’m sorry, I was desperate.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s obvious, Tate. But I don’t think you’ve understood how you’ve screwed up here. You’ve not only violated a legal mandate, you could go back to jail!

Okay! Okay, I get it.

Your new lawyer’s gonna have to work some real magic to stop that from happening.

Look, I get that you guys are angry, but don’t you get that I was going out of my mind stuck in that halfway house? I had to see what Holly remembers!

Your mom and dad being mad at you is the least of your concerns. We are worried. I’m not gonna sugarcoat this for you. What you did last night was a really bad move.

I’m sorry.

Good morning. Can we come in?

Well, um, you slept in, that’s good.

Hardly slept at all, actually.

Well, you’ve had a lot on your mind.

Holly, we need to talk about last night. about Tate breaking in.

He didn’t break in, okay?

Coming onto our property and climbing into your bedroom window in the middle of the night without anyone’s permission is the very definition of breaking in.

Look, this whole thing is a huge misunderstanding. Tate wasn’t doing anything wrong. You didn’t have to have him arrested.

Would you just have me look the other way? Holly, I did what I had to do. For your safety and the safety of this family.

I’m safe. We’re all safe. EJ, please. This is ridiculous. You can’t send Tate to jail.

Alrighty. There you go.


I, uh, I hope I didn’t alarm you coming up to the pub like that.

By the look on your face, I think I should be alarmed. What’s going on? What do you have to tell me about John?

It’s about his past. As the pawn.

Wait, What I did to you You gotta be kidding me because you’ve been messing with me ever since that night in the park over a month ago,

ah, yes But our history did not begin one month ago You see many years ago You tore my life apart Here, look at this.

Am I supposed to know who this is because I don’t?

You don’t remember her? I find that very perplexing.

I know. Why is that?

Because you are the one who killed her.

Okay, uh, Goldman, any signs of her?

I don’t have good news on that front either. Uh, we found out that she cleaned out her bank account, about 50 grand, and so there’s no likelihood of tracking her down via credit card spending either. And we found her car, it was abandoned on the outskirts of town.

Okay, any, uh, clues in her vehicle?

Nothing. She probably swapped out her car with another one.

Yeah, or she hopped on a bus or a train.

Yeah, we’re looking into all of that right now.

Yeah, but Clyde Weston, I can’t. There’s, he had to have set this up. Goldman could not have pulled this off on her own.

I agree. I have a bolo out nationwide and border patrol on both of them.

I, I think he’s gonna stay local.

Why do you think that?

I don’t know. I just think Clyde will stay in this area to keep his eyes on his business and his people.

Yeah, well, that’s another loose end as well. Aside from Goldman, we don’t know who else was helping him.

Right. Um, thanks for the update. I gotta get going.

All right, well, get some rest.

I don’t think so.

Holly, Tate broke the law. When you break the law, there are consequences.

Honey, honey, don’t you think you’re overreacting? Just Yes, sure. Tate shouldn’t have left the center, okay? But he just wanted to talk to Holly, for God’s sake. They’re just teenagers.

Teenagers are still accountable.

Yes, but they make mistakes. They act impulsively. I mean, it’s nothing compared to what I did when I was her age. Sure, you as well.

Our childhoods have no bearing on this situation at all, Nicole.

God, you act like Tate is Loki or someone.


You don’t know him at all.

I do know that he was brought to Salem after being kicked out of boarding school for vandalism, causing five figures in damages.

That was a dumb mistake. A stupid prank, but he’s not a drug dealer and I know he didn’t drug me.

Honey, how do you know that if you don’t remember anything from that night?

I know! Because Tate would never do anything like that, Mom. EJ, please, don’t send him to jail. Please.

I’ll consider the options, but I’m not making any promises.

What do I not know? About my husband.

About his past.

Tell me!

Well, as you know, I was one of the first people to encounter John when he came to Salem. Under Victor’s orders, John was in my care. He was the pawn, and I was his handler. Until he went on the run and became John Blair.

I’m aware of how he got his name. Go on.

Well, we both know the kind of guy I was back then. I still have a lot of shame knowing that I carried out Victor’s orders. Did those unethical things. He demanded of me. For money. So one day, Victor had a mission for us. For me and the pawn.

Let me tell you a story. Our story. About me and Victor Kiriakis. And the others were Steve Patch Johnson. And my beautiful, innocent daughter, Katarina. And finally you, the pawn.

What would you do? Dad? Mom? If you were stuck in some rehab facility, and Holly’s the only person that can get you out of that place. So yeah, I went to go see her. Alright. And all she had to do was tell her stupid stepfather that I had nothing to do with those drugs. And then I could have come home. I just want to come home.

Tate, we all want you to come home, but My God, you are doing so well!

Oh my God! What does that even mean? I was doing so well. Why do you keep saying stuff like that? Like, like I belong in that horrible place and like it’s actually helping me. Which it is not. It’s just painful because I don’t need that kind of help. I, I pulled a stupid prank at school in California. I admit it. But that’s it. All this crap about drugs in Salem, I didn’t do any of it. No. I’m being railroaded for a crime I did

DiMera mansion, son? Holly could have given me permission.

Did she?

Do you not understand what’s happening here? All of this snowballing into even a bigger mess.

We all want the truth, okay? We want Holly to tell the truth. But breaking the law is not the way to get it.

Why does EJ have to make such a big deal about this?

Well, I agree. He is Being a little overzealous about this whole Tate business. So I will talk to him about not sending Tate to jail

Okay, you have to mom.


She should just stay out of it Well, I mean it is his house that Tate broke into

it’s our house too mom

You’re right, but honey EJ cares about you and he’s just looking out for you

Yeah, well, he’s not my father. And if he really cares about me, he’d back off on trying to punish Tate. Because he’s a good person, Mom. Tate’s not who EJ’s making him out to be. He’s always been so nice to me, and he was really nice on New Year’s Eve. I swear. We were having a good time. That I do remember. And What? Why are you looking at me like that?

Well, I’m, I’m just wondering if you’re covering for him. So that he doesn’t get in any more trouble.

Oh my god.

Well, honey, you said he didn’t drug you. That night. And, I mean, did you just say that to get EJ off your back? Honey, look. It’s just me. You can be honest. Do you remember more about that night than you’re telling me?

Ah, Harold told me you were here.

Mr. DiMera?

Sorry to keep you waiting. I was on the phone with my officer. What brings you by, detective?

Your brother, Stefan, you know where he is?

I have no idea. I haven’t seen him in a while. Days now, in fact.


I don’t keep tabs on my family members, detective. Though I’m sure I’ll cross paths with Stefan eventually, though it is a big house. He could be in another wing, for all I know.

Hmm, yeah. Well that’s, uh, that’s quite the coincidence. I just came from the station and was just briefed on Clyde Weston’s prison break and escape, and, uh, you know, he’s fallen off the map.

Yes, I heard about it. It’s infuriating.

And now I’m here looking for your brother, and he’s disappeared too.

What exactly are you insinuating, detective?

I don’t know. I just have a hunch that Stefan had something to do with Clyde busting out of prison. And I think you know something about it.

This is part of my past. I’d just as soon forget. Now I’m, I’m being forced to confront it. Victor sent me and John to deliver a message. It was John’s first assignment as the pawn. The message was to a man who was challenging Victor’s authority.

Victor and I were always fighting over territory in the Greek crime business. He sent his pawn over to deliver me a message.


Oh yes, it was you.

The message was loud and clear. Make sure this man knows that his interference will no longer be tolerated.

So John and I, Flew by private jet to Nafplion. And then rode east into Aria, a small village. We were there to find the man we know today to be Konstantin Melionis.

I told you, I don’t know what happened on New Year’s Eve, but I know in my heart Tate didn’t drug me. How many times do I have to say it?

Hey, honey, honey. I hear you loud and clear.

So you’ll talk to EJ?

I said I would.

Do you think he’ll change his mind?

Oh, I don’t know, but I will do my best, okay? So, are you hungry? Can I bring you something? Maybe grilled cheese? Okay, you got it. Oh, and uh, your school teachers sent some homework for you that I’ll bring after lunch. And maybe, if you’re up for it, we could look at some colleges online together?

Okay. College, college, I love you.

Thank you. I love you. I love you.

Fine. I’m a screw up. Are you happy? I admit it.

No, Tate, you are not a screw up.

No? Let’s see. First, I get kicked out of school, and then I get sent to jail for drug pushing.

You’re not a drug pusher.

No, but the world thinks that I am. My biggest mistake was not calling 9 1 1 as soon as I found Holly. Or even telling that cop the honest truth when she started shining that blinding flashlight in my face.

Dad, I know. All of this is very confusing. I get it. There’s nothing confusing about it, Dad. I’m just angry and scared. My life is over.

Buddy, don’t say that.

No, but it is. You just said that. You did. You said I screwed up my whole future. You think I’m a loser just like everyone else.

No, you are not a loser.

We don’t think you’re a loser. We just think that you made a mistake.

But if you make a mistake over and over and over again, doesn’t it make you a loser?

No. Son, it makes you human.

Oh my, I, I, I didn’t realize one could develop brain damage after being shot in the chest.

You’re out of your mind.

So you know nothing about Clyde Weston’s escape?

Let me remind you, Detective Harris, that I am the district attorney. Not only do I have zero knowledge of anything involving Clyde Weston, I have no idea where my brother Stefan is, as I already told you.

You’re lying.

Oh, for God’s sake. We already talked about the possibility of Stefan and Bean in cahoots with Clyde. And I told you I would throw the book at him if that turned out to be the case.

Yes, but I got a feeling that you weren’t completely transparent that day.

And I have a feeling that it is raining coconuts. Oh, whoops. Looks like we’re both wrong. Now I strongly advise you to spend your time out there going after an escaped felon rather than in here, in my home, harassing me. And when I see my brother,

or finally produce your brother,

The door’s this way.

I know Stefan’s working with Clyde.

And how the hell do you know that?

Because Stefan is the one who shot me.

Konstantin, isn’t that the name of the man who’s staying at Maggie’s house?

That’s right.

Well, I thought that he was a long time friend of Victor’s.

More like long time rival. That’s why John and I know that he’s been conning Maggie and why we’ve been trying to get him to leave town.

So you went to his house to persuade him?

Yes. And Victor called and instructed me to wait outside and watch for guards and such. Well, John confronted Konstantin.

I was sitting at my workbench carving a little wooden figurine for my Katerina when all of a sudden the door burst open and you came in. I thought that Victor would send someone. I tried to defend myself, and we struggled, and I never saw your face. Just your eyes, only your eyes that still haunt me to this very moment. Yes, you beat me and beat me. We struggled. You got the best of me. You beat me over and over until I lost consciousness. Then I heard a gunshot.

I knew the pawn wasn’t supposed to kill Konstantin. So I rushed inside to see what happened. It was hard to see at first. But then, I saw John off to the side. In a trance. He’s holding the gun.

Oh, dear God.

And I, I spotted Konstantin on the floor. Face down. Unconscious. But he was still breathing. Then I saw, a young girl lying next to him. Blood had pooled underneath her. I checked for a pulse. But she was gone.

When I woke up, you were gone. The door was open, my home was a wreck. When I finally could focus, I saw my daughter. My only child, my Katerina, on the floor, shot by you.

I’m back. I brought you chips with your grilled cheese. Polly, honey?

You can’t be serious.

We’ve charged Xander Cook with your shooting. The evidence is stacked against him.

Of course it is, because Clyde and your brother framed him, and I’m starting to think you’re in on this too.

Oh! Hey, what’s going on here?

Oh, we’re just talking shop. Is there anything you need, sweetheart?

No, not really. I was just looking for Holly.

Wasn’t she upstairs with you?

Well, she was, and I came down here to make her some lunch, and when I went back up, she was gone.

She’s probably just feeling cooped up. Check the, uh, check the grounds.

Uh, the garden. In fact, why don’t I come and help you?

No, gosh, that’s, that’s okay. I’ll find her. I’m sure she’s here somewhere. I’m sure she’s here somewhere. It’s nice to see you, Harris.

Well, detective, as soon as I see my brother, I promise you’ll be the first to know. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go find my stepdaughter.

Yeah, we’re not done here.

Hi. Can you help me?

Oh, Holly Jonas. Wow, it’s nice to see that you’re doing better and you’re up and about.

Thanks. Um, I need to speak with Tate Black.

Well, I’m sorry, but that’s not going to happen.

Why not?

Well, for one, he’s in interrogation with his parents right now. And for another, he is in police custody and may be charged with another felony.

So, he’s in there?

We can’t allow you to see him, Holly. He violated the terms of his release. And he broke into your house last night. But he And I also have a feeling that your mom does not know you’re here. So, why don’t you have a seat and I’ll give her a call.

Are you telling me that John killed that girl?

I didn’t see it happen. I mean, it wasn’t hard to piece together though. Marlena, John was the pawn at that time. I mean, he, he, he wasn’t even, he wasn’t considered human. He was, he was more like a tool, a weapon. An assassin.

Yeah. Look, I know that John went to Winterbourne Academy when he was younger. I know that he trained there.

Yes. Which made it very appealing to anybody. Evil bastard at the time to recruit him.

But do you think that John meant to kill that girl? It could have been an accident.

I mean, John’s brain had been scrambled, reprogrammed. I don’t know, maybe he, maybe he felt threatened in some way. Maybe he snapped. I don’t know. All I knew at that moment was, the mission was complete. Message sent. And this poor young girl was dead. So I grabbed John, took off for Salem.

I held my daughter’s lifeless body in my hands, telling her of the memories of her child stories. The memories that we made are trips we took together. She was the only thing in this world that mattered to me. The only reason I had for living. And after her funeral, I, I developed another reason to go. I brought it in plant. To undermine Victor, every chance I got. And I swore to myself that if I ever found a man who killed my daughter, that I would make, make him pay. And now, after all these years, I have finally found. You.

I thought this whole thing was behind us. But then John and I confronted Konstantin about his intentions with Maggie. Turns out to be the same man from Aria.

John’s face was covered when that girl was killed. How could Konstantin know?

He said it was his eyes.

Steve, I was John’s doctor. I was trying to help him find his identity. Why am I just hearing about this?

In trying to keep this secret from John, I just didn’t think I could tell you either. I’m sorry.

Does Kayla know?


How have you been living with us all this time?

It’s a terrible memory. I kept it buried. And as you know, there were times in my life when I didn’t know who I was either. When the DiMeras had wiped my memories from me. Now, how I wish I didn’t. This whole thing had stayed in the past. I wish I could have protected my friend from the knowledge of what he did.
But then Konstantin showed up in Salem, and one of the times that John and I confronted him about Maggie, he mentioned his hometown of Aria. And it all unraveled from there.

Yes, yes, yes, John! Now do you remember?

I don’t remember! I don’t, I don’t, I don’t. But damn it, I have always had this feeling in my gut.

I hope that feeling eats you alive! And as for me, I will not rest until I get my revenge. You know, you should have killed me that day, huh? But instead you chose to murder my daughter in cold blood and for that Make no mistake. I will make you pay

So now you’re detaining me in my own home Damn it, Michaels, I could make one call and have you fired.

The secretary cannot fire a detective, only the police commissioner can. Just tell me where Stefan is and I’ll go.

Oh, for the hundredth time, I don’t know. And if I did, I’d haul his ass down here because talking to you is a colossal waste of time. Face facts, Xander Cook shot you, not my brother.

Stefan shot me, he pulled the trigger.

And what proof do you have of that? There was an eyewitness at the crime.

That would be me. I saw Stefan shoot me.

I’m not a little kid, you know.

You’re a minor.

So that means I’m allowed no voice?

Not one that loud.

Listen, Tate wasn’t doing anything wrong when he came to see me last night. He didn’t break in. I let him in. Me. I did.

Okay, settle down.

I’m telling you the truth. Why won’t you just listen to me?

Holly. She’s, she’s here to see me.

Oh, my God, there you are. Honey, what were you thinking? I’ve been worried sick.

That’s it, that girl’s done enough. I’m gonna go talk to her right now.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Nicole’s here.

I came to see Tate. I need to talk to him.

Honey, now is not the time.

Well, when is the time, Mom? When it’s too late?

You haven’t even been medically cleared to leave the house yet.

Oh, God.

Jada, thank you for calling.

Honey, we are going home. Now. I will send for someone to pick up your car later.

Thanks again, Jada.

Oh, you pulled that out of your ass. How can you prove you saw Stefan and not Xander?

Once I find your brother, you’re gonna have the proof.

You have nothing. This is a ridiculous theory.

Oh, I have my word. And that means something. I’m a detective and a Navy SEAL.

Whose brain has been scrambled so many times it could be served up with toast.

I will find Stefan. And when I do, I’m gonna take down every dirty bastard That’s involved in this mess.

That was not a good move on Holly’s part.

No, but I wish to hell that I had a chance to talk to her face to face.


Hey. So, I have news from the DA’s office. EJ has decided not to press charges.

Thank God.

Okay, okay. So, he can go back to the halfway house.

Yes, he can, but he will be required to wear an ankle monitor to track his whereabouts.

So you can’t skip out again, Tate.

He won’t. He won’t.

And he’s not going to be there much longer.

And, uh, when Holly’s feeling better, maybe she can come visit me?

I wouldn’t count on it. The DA has also filed for a restraining order. You are not allowed within 100 yards of the DiMera mansion, Or Holly Jonas.

You chose to murder my daughter in cold blood!

John has always been afraid that he’d done unthinkable things in the past.

The man who went to Aria with me was not John, Marlena. The man we know today would never do something like that.

I know that. But you know as well as I do, that the truth would destroy him.

You knew?

John. My God.

You never said a word to me. But you told my wife.

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