GH Short Recap Friday, March 15, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Nina is very angry about a story that The Invader ran about Sonny. Nina forbids The Invader to run any stories about Sonny. Nina later screams at Gregory and tells him to correct all of the spelling mistakes in his article because she doesn’t know that he has ALS and his hands have a hard time typing. Alexis is very angry and tells Gregory Nina had no right to talk to him that way. Gregory is very logical and tells Alexis that Nina doesn’t know he has ALS. Gregory tells Alexis that this will be his last article for The Invader because Nina made him realize that he can’t work for the paper anymore Gregory gets Finn to help him make corrections to the article and post it to The Invader website.

Alexis later talks to Diane and tells her she doesn’t want to work for the paper anymore. Diane tells Alexis she thinks she can get her disbarment overturned so she can be a lawyer again.

Finn calls a neurologist friend of his to see if he can look at Gregory’s medical file because he thinks Gregory’s ALS is progressing very rapidly.

Heather is diagnosed with metallosis which means that the cobalt in her hip replacement is poisoning her causing her physical and mental problems. Heather asks Laura if she should have the surgery to get a better hip replacement and, since Laura thinks she should do it, Heather decides to have the surgery.

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