Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, March 6, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Abby: So, he’s cooking for you here and not at his place or your place? Yeah, I get it. He doesn’t want to be alone with you. He wants to be in public with witnesses.

Phyllis: That’s ridiculous.

[ Phyllis sighs ] Hey, um, what’s going on with them?

Abby: Well, they paid.

Phyllis: But can we shoo them out or something?

Abby: No, look at them. They’re in love.

Phyllis: Well, I think they need to take it somewhere else.

Abby: No, Phyllis, don’t you dare.

Phyllis: I was gonna buy a drink for them somewhere else.

Abby: Please don’t make me change my mind about this

******** ****************************************

Phyllis: What are you doing here?

Christine: Danny wanted me to come.

Phyllis: Oh. Okay, well, I don’t want you to be here. This is a private dinner. Just the two of us. So, you can go.

Christine: That’s not gonna happen.

Abby: Okay, well, I’m gonna leave you to your evening. Um, try not to destroy anything.

Phyllis: Um, but… I’m sorry, this dinner was just the two of us. It was a private dinner. Um, just to say goodbye before you go off on tour. I mean, god knows when I’m gonna see you again, so…

Christine: Never would be good.


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