Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, March 5, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jordan: I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Maybe you’ve had one too many.

Seth: Oh, come on. You think a co an old professional drinker like me sloshed? That’s just another sign that you’re not who you say you are. Yeah, that and that little act of you throwing the drink in the bus car.

Jordan: I don’t have to listen to this.

Seth: You are despicable. You’re not going anywhere.


Mamie: Billy Abbott doesn’t belong here, Devon. You know that. I know it. I have no doubt that he is scheming how he can wrest more power from you. But you know what? He can’t help it. It’s just the way that he thinks. He’s always been a gambler at heart. He’s always trying to figure out how he can get over on someone. How he can get the better hand.

Amanda: I don’t think it’s fair to say that Billy’s the one with power on his mind. Wow. This must be the famous Mamie Johnson. It is my honor to meet you. (Hamlet) it’s beggin’!

Mamie: Ms. Sinclair.

Amanda: Please, call me Amanda.

Mamie: I can do that. I heard that you were visiting genoa city.

Amanda: Yeah, Jill asked me to come since she has other commitments.

Mamie: Oh, now, honey, you can be more straight with us than that. She sent you here to spy.


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