Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, February 21, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Danny: Look, Daniel’s not here. I have nothing more to say to you.

Phyllis: This is a peace offering.

Danny: Not necessary.

Phyllis: Well, it’s your favorite, brunello. I know you want it, even if you’re still angry at me.

Danny: Peace offering accepted. Now, would you please leave me alone?

Phyllis: Is that so hard? I just wanna have a little chat with you first.

Danny: Phyllis, I ca–

Phyllis: Just a little chat, please. Danny, I need to say this. I’m not the one doing the competing here.

Danny: You gotta be kidding me.

Phyllis: I’m not. I mean the old me, yeah, for sure. The old me would’ve loved this. Ticking off the sa– the most sanctimonious person on the planet. Yeah, but not me now. Okay, listen, I’ve had a brutal year. Oh, massively painful. You know that. And you have helped me so much. I feel like I really am changing. I’ve really worked hard to change and you’ve been there with me every step of the way, encouraging me when nobody else in this town would do that. And– and I realized that since the moment I met you, I made your life turmoil. I realized that. I’m not proud of the things I’ve done. I’m not proud of them at all. I’m ashamed. But I feel like I took responsibility for them and just every day, I’m changing and changing. I just kind of wanted to do that with you. Do you know what I mean? So, I kind of think that beneath all your caution and coloring within the lines, I kinda think you feel the same way


Devon: Good. So, listen, Billy, we, uh– I, uh, I had that conversation with lily about your request to add abbott to the company name and we have an answer for you.

Billy: Why do I feel I’m not gonna like where this is headed?

Devon: Well, listen man, we– we certainly respect your sense of legacy when it comes to your name for Jill’s sake, but lily and I feel like we already have a very strong brand name in place.

Billy:  Well, true, but it doesn’t mean it can’t be modified.

Devon: True. Another big concern we have though is it might confuse people.

Billy: Confuse people. How so?

Devon: Well, because the name Abbott, for as long as I can remember, has been synonymous with Jabot. And people might start thinking that our companies are linked when they’re not.

Billy: Yeah, I don’t see that happening. Two very distinct niches.

Devon: Well, either way, uh, lily and I feel like making a name change will shake things up just too much right now.

Billy: Adding Abbott to the chancellor-winter’s name is hardly shaking things up, Devon. In fact, it further defines this company. It gives it a broader reach, it gives it more name recognition.

Devon: And I hear all the points you’re making, Billy. And I’m still sorry to tell you that we’re gonna be keeping the name Chancellor-Winters as is.

Amanda: Well, Jill will be very sorry to hear that.


Phyllis:  that there’s something going on between me and Danny?

Christine: Oh, my god, because you are stalking him. Big difference from an actual relationship.

Danny: I seem to remember asking you both to give me some time and some space and yet here you are back in my place again. What don’t you understand about boundaries? I’m confused here.

Phyllis: I never really believed in boundaries, to be honest. And I think that we could both agree, there’s nothing wrong with going after love.


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