Y&R Best Lines Thursday, February 22, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Sally: Adam swore he wouldn’t do any of that.

Chloe: And the second victor is in a mood, he will make sure to get rid of us.

Sally: Okay, well Adam said that he would protect us from victor if anything like that happened, okay? But hopefully it won’t.

Chloe: You have to trust me on this. Getting into bed with Adam was a huge mistake. Getting into bed with Newman enterprises is a bigger one.


Adam: about my idea to bring your business into Newman?

Sally: After I unloaded on her about you going behind my back, yeah. But I mean, it’s no surprise. It’s no secret that she’s not your biggest fan.

Adam: I’m more concerned about where your head is at. Are you still mad? Or do you understand why I went to nick and my dad before I came to you?


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