Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, December 5, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Lucy: The weekend’s too far away. Can’t I just go get my stuff and move in this afternoon?

Daniel: Oh, the weekend is too far away?

Lucy: Yeah. It’s like a year.

Daniel: Wow. I guess it is, isn’t it? Um, yes, sure, you can move in. I mean, it’s fine by me if it’s okay with your mother.

Heather: Oh, you’re putting it on me. Um, you’re that anxious to abandon me, I see. Just like that?

Lucy: No, I’m not abandoning you. I’m just taking a little vacay before we move into our own place in a few weeks. I mean, why would I let a cool room like that go unused.

Heather: Fair enough. I’ll help you pack a few things

Daniel: I won’t. And use a coaster if you put that tea down!

Heather: She’ll be fine. I haven’t seen her this happy in a long time. I take that as proof positive.

Daniel: Of what?

Heather: That moving back to genoa city was the right decision.

Daniel: You know, I appreciate you putting our daughter’s needs first, but what about you? Are you happy that you made the move?


Lucy:  Oh, Lily. Hi. Don’t you love my dad’s new digs? And my room is the coolest spot in the whole place. Oh, mom, I need your advice. You have to check out my closet. I’m gonna need more clothes to fill it and shoes, lots of shoes.

Heather: Lots of shoes.

Daniel: You know, there are times where she sounds way too much like Phyllis.

Lily: Well, let’s hope it stops at clothes and shoes.


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