Y&R Best Lines Monday, December 4, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Danny: Well, I just finished the last minute touches on the song that we collaborated on. You know, in the lounge the other day.

Christine: Yeah, I– I remember, believe me. But uh, yeah, there wasn’t much collaborating. You pretty much did it all.

Danny: Oh, no, no. You definitely contributed to the process.

Christine: I’m a woman of many talents but, um, writing music is not one of them.

Danny: No, no, you’re an excellent muse. And that is a genuine talent.


Danny: So, what do you think?

Christine: It’s beautiful.

Danny: Like the lady herself. ()

Danny: Mm. What? What?

Christine: You really were hungry.

Danny: Do I still eat like a skinny kid at a smorgasbord?

[ Christine chuckling ]

Christine: I can’t believe you remember that?

Danny: Mind like a steel trap.


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