Y&R Best Lines Monday, January 15, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Chelsea: Hey, uh, is everything okay with you and Devon?

Billy: Yeah, everything’s fine. Why?

Chelsea: Are you sure? It seemed a little tense in there.

Billy: Just a difference in business styles, you know? That’s all. We stay out of each other’s way for the most part.

Chelsea: Well, you are trying to run a company together. I mean, it is important that you talk every once in a while.

Billy: We talk. Look, I don’t think Devon expected me to come back at Jill’s request, right? So, I think he’s being a little aloof right now.

Chelsea: Aloof how?

Billy: When you walked in, I was asking him about a proposal that I sent his way that he’s been taking his time on. That’s about it. That’s the microscopic tension that you picked up on.

Chelsea: Is he stonewalling?

Billy: I think Devon’s used to having autonomy. He’s been running the company with Lily and now, I’m here and Nate’s back. Not to mention Jill, Mamie, and Chance.

Chelsea: That’s the opposite of autonomy.

Billy: It is. But Devon’s a pro. He’ll adjust.


Sally: Congratulations, Sharon. I’m really happy for you and your new chapter.

Sharon: Thank you. So am I. And these two scored a big win at Newman with Victor.

Adam: Things are going well, so I feel pretty lucky.

Nick: Don’t be modest, Adam. It’s not about luck. You tend to go pretty hard after the things you want.

Adam: Well, anything worth having is worth the effort. But yes, things are going well, so we all have something to drink to.

Nick: Just as long as you remember this night is about Sharon.

Sharon: And I couldn’t have done it without the two of you. Your input, even at the beginning, just helped me figure out what I wanted to create.

Nick: Well, it is great to see you realize that vision.

Adam: Absolutely. And Sally’s design business seems to be taking off quite well.

Sally: Thanks to Nick’s investment.

Adam: Have you considered hiring her to design your offices, Sharon?

Sally: Adam, you can’t just put Sharon on the spot like that. Can you go get me a champagne, please?


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