Days Best Lines For The Week of January 15, 2024

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(to Everett)
Chad: I bet you’re as sharp with that racket as you are with that broom. Charlotte picked up more trash than you and she’s in pre-school.

(to Sloan)
Leo: Keep in mind that you did promise to pamper me in a manner to which I was becoming very accustomed, and so far, honey your service is like getting two and a half stars from me.

(to Chad and Everett)
Leo: Where’s the confetti? Where are the streamers and banners celebrating the return of Lady Whistleblower?

(to Chad and Everett)
Leo: Well, what do you think? What do you think? I mean, not that I’m desperate for a compliment under accolades and kudos and or praise. Actually I am.

(to Sloan)
Nicole: May I suggest that you pour yourself a large glass of wine before they get there because if you start the night off wired, it’s only going to go downhill from there.

Stefan: What are you thinking?
Ava: Orange is a bad color for me.

(to Ava when she was talking to Harris)
Stefan: From where I was standing, it looked as if you were going to shove the truth and your tongue down his throat.

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