Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, November 28, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jordan: You know, you know, those denials were pretty convincing, pretty convincing, but I think that deep down, you know the truth, don’t you? I think deep down underneath all that beautiful hair that you have, you know that this beauty over here, you know the truth about her. And you’re afraid to think that perhaps you’re standing right in front of your daughter.

Victoria: The only thing I want to know is where my mother is at.

Jordan: Yes, because the mother-daughter bond is so strong, isn’t it?

Victoria: You two are deranged.

Victor: Listen, um, we can work this out. What do you want?

Jordan: I want my sister, but she’s dead and there’s nothing that you can do to bring her back. So, just stop all this negotiating, all right?


Jordan: Well, all right, victor Newman. If you want to stay alive, you have to listen to me. Now, I know that you’re the alpha male who likes running the show, but you know what? This isn’t your show. This is our show. And you’re all merely the audience, understand?

Victor: Yes, I understand.

Claire: Phones. I never thought I’d see this day. Both of my parents are here.

Victoria: Stop saying that.

Claire: Why mother? Does it make you feel guilty for ignoring me all these years?

Victoria: I’m not related to you.

Claire: How do you think it felt? Knowing that both of you were just going on about your lives pretending I never existed? Just gave me away the day I was born and never looked back.

Victoria: Oh, my god. You’re claiming to be–

Claire: Sure. Sure. Yeah. You’re putting on a show for the others, pretending that you’re just putting it all together, but I can tell by the look in your eye that you’ve known exactly who I am. Mother.


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