Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Lucy texts Heather to go over to Daniel’s apartment because she is the only one who knows how to make the perfect grilled cheese. Heather arrives at Daniel’s apartment and, since they don’t have any cheese, they decide to have peanut butter and banana sandwiches and hot chocolate. Lucy goes to bed after dinner and Heather tells Daniel she is falling in love with him again.

Chance and Summer have dinner. After dinner, Chance tells Summer they should have dinner again soon.

Lauren tells Nikki to call her anytime she needs help and can’t find her sponsor Seth. Nikki promises Lauren she is working hard to regain her sobriety.

Phyllis puts on a bra and panties and, then, a long coat and goes to meet Danny at the jazz lounge. Phyllis asks Danny to play the song she inspired and then she posts the song on social media. Christine sees the song and goes to the jazz lounge. Phyllis tells Danny to stop pretending he feels nothing for her and then kisses Danny. Christine walks in and sees Danny and Phyllis kissing each other.

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