Days Transcript Friday, December 1, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne


[mellow country music]

Why don’t we do this breakfast thing more often?

Because I own a bakery.

Yes, but you finally found someone to replace Talia, right, so you’ll be having a lot more free time now.

Yes, and I plan to spend it with my handsome, supportive boyfriend.

Well, I won’t tell him that you’re with me.

[laughs] Yeah. You just keep that to yourself.

For sure. What are you having?

Oh, I don’t know yet. Oh, where’d you get that bracelet? I’ve never seen it before.

Oh, um, yeah. Holly made it for me. It’s cute, right?

Holly made you a bracelet?


Oh, Johnny. And you still don’t think that girl has a crush on you?

[soft calculating music]

Yeah, you’ve got a little bit of, uh– got some gravy right there.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, just the–

This is so embarrassing.

No, don’t worry. It’s not like I’m gonna take a pic and post it on social media.

I’d kill you if you did.

[laughs] Um, did I get it all?

Uh, almost, but you missed a spot right there. Got it.

[sighs] Okay. Focus, girl. You can’t sit around dreaming about Johnny all day. Mom is really struggling. She needs you to help her.


[sighs] Okay. Sloan said that she got Leo’s murder charges dropped, so it’s gotta be in here somewhere. Now where is it? Leo, Leo, Leo, Leo. Here it is, “Leo Stark”… “To be arraigned on murder charges.” What the hell is this?

Well, I’m off to make sure Leo Stark is held responsible for our baby’s death. You’ll be all right?

I’ll be fine. You go do what you have to do.

I just wish that my nephew Dimitri was also in custody.

Yeah, well he’s the only one who really knows what happened that night.

Nicole, we know what happened that night. Dimitri brought him into the hospital, where Dr. Pierce tried to save his life but couldn’t. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I told you last night that I wouldn’t keep trying to convince you.

That the baby Eric and Sloan adopted is not ours. You don’t have to.

Then you’re letting it go? You’ve accepted that– you’ve accepted that our child is gone?

I have. It’s just that there’s so many unanswered questions from that night, and I just– I don’t know if I’ll feel at peace unless I know the whole story.

I know.

Hi, Eric.

Holly. Hey, everything okay?

Yeah. Yeah. Uh, no. Um, I just wanted to confirm that you’re still going to do the DNA test today.

I am. I, uh–I set up an appointment with my aunt Kayla.

That’s great. Thank you so much for doing this. I-I honestly think this might be the only way to prove to my mom that your baby isn’t hers.

Does she know about the test?

No, I didn’t want to say anything in case you changed your mind.

Holly, you know that I’m happy to help put your mom’s mind at ease in any way I can. I just–I just need to talk to someone about this first.

Talk to me about what?

[mysterious music]

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Okay, Chanel, this is a friendship bracelet. “Friendship” being the operative word.

Yeah, right.

[laughs] What, “Yeah, right”? She made it for me to thank me for spending Thanksgiving with her.

Mm, yeah. Um, Johnny, I know how teenage girls are. I-I was one. And when I was into someone, look out.

[laughs] Okay. Holly is not “into” me. All right? I told you, she already admitted she was crushing on somebody else, my dad.

Yeah, and that doesn’t seem weird to you? I mean, for one, EJ is her stepfather. And if Holly is crushing on EJ, then why is she making gifts for you?

Chanel’s right. Holly doesn’t have a crush on EJ.

[unsettling guitar music]

Who are you talking to?

I’m guessing you’ll need to get back to me.

Yeah, I do. I don’t think it’s gonna be an issue. But I will text you to confirm.

Okay. Thanks again.

You got it. Bye.

Who was that?

Uh, Holly. That was Nicole’s daughter. She’s worried about her mom.

Well, is Nicole still fixated on that crazy idea that our baby is hers?

I’m afraid so, which is why Holly…

[phone beeps]

Can you just–I’m sorry– hold that thought real quick? I’m expecting to hear from the judge in Leo Stark’s case.

What’s going on with that?

Oh, well, I filed a motion this morning to have the murder charges dropped ahead of his arraignment.

[eerie music]

Good morning, Mr. Stark.


[hums] Uh, this is where you say, “Good morning, DA DiMera.”

Well, first of all, it’s not a good morning at all. It is a miserable, sucky morning, but more importantly, I’m not speaking with you without my attorney present.

Oh, that’s fine. You don’t need to talk. I just wanted to let you know that I am going to absolutely relish throwing the book at you at the arraignment today. And I assume you’ve also been warned that, in addition to being charged with aiding abetting a wanted fugitive, you’re also being charged with the murder of my infant son.

Look, I am really sincerely sorry for what happened to your baby.

I thought you weren’t going to talk.

Well, I need to say this because I delivered that baby, and I’m heartsick that he didn’t make it. But that aside, my attorney has told me there is no way you can get this murder charge to stick.

Oh, I can. And I will. And that means you, Leo, my dear friend, are going to spend the rest of your miserable life behind bars.

[tense percussive music]

So EJ had to go to work, huh?

Yeah, he got a hearing about the Leo Stark case.

Oh, that’s too bad because I was hoping to talk to both of you guys.

What is it, honey?

[sighs] Well, I’ve been thinking a lot about the conversation we had last night, about the baby. I mean, I’m guessing you still believe that Sloan and Eric’s son is actually yours?

I do. And between us, I let EJ think that I’m letting go because I know that he’s convinced that this is some kind of denial or magical thinking, but, honey, I’m telling you, when I held him in my arms, I could feel it in my heart. I knew who he was. I knew that he was my son. I just–just wish there was a way I could prove it.

Maybe you can.

What do you mean?

Mom, I went to see Eric last night. And he agreed to have a DNA test done on the baby.

[gentle music]

Sorry for, uh, eavesdropping.

No, no. It’s okay. I’m just glad someone finally agrees with me about this whole Holly thing. So you agree that she doesn’t have a crush on EJ?

She doesn’t, at least, uh, not anymore. She told me she’s, uh, completely over him.

Mm, but you are saying that she did have a crush on him, right?

What–what do you mean?

Well, Chanel here thinks that the whole thing about Holly being into my dad is just a cover story and that she’s really crushing on me.



[laughs] No way. Yeah. No, definitely not.

Are you sure?

Positive. Yeah, no, Holly and I have gotten pretty tight. And we’re very honest and open with each other. She trusts me with all of her deepest and darkest secrets.

[eerie music] Okay.

Okay, what? You’ll help me bust them up, Johnny and Chanel?

I’m your friend, Holly. I-I want to see you happy.

[squeals] Tate, you are the best. And you know what? I will be happy. In fact, I’m gonna be over the moon once Johnny sees how wrong Chanel is for him. And then, by the time Christmas comes, he’ll be sharing dessert with me.

Well, if Holly hasn’t said anything to you about being into Johnny, then maybe I’m wrong.

Hey, real quick, do you mind if I just pull out a camera and record you saying that?

Okay. You put that phone away, or I’ll make you swallow it.


And I said, maybeI’m wrong.

I will still take it. Jeez. Well, Tate, sorry to have distracted you from your work.

No, no. All good. I’m actually glad I ran into you guys today. It reminded me of something important that I’m supposed to do. It, uh–it actually kind of involves Chanel.

[light country music]

So Eric thinks that Sloan will go along with the DNA test?

He didn’t seem too worried about it.

Oh, that’s–that’s great. I mean, when do we think we can do it?

Uh, Eric said he made an appointment for today. I’m guessing we just need a DNA sample from either you or EJ.

Yeah. That’s not a problem.

Okay. Mom, I hope you don’t mind that I did this without asking you first.

Honey, are you kidding me? I am so incredibly grateful that you would do something like this for me.

Okay. I just hate seeing you in pain. And I wanted to find a way to help.

Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me. I know everyone thinks I’ve gone off the deep end, so it feels really good to know that at least I have my daughter on my side.


I love you.

I love you.

[sinister music]

Hey, how’d the judge rule?

Oh, it actually– it wasn’t from the judge. But it was about Leo’s case, and, uh, I’m so sorry, but I have to go deal with it.

Yeah, sure. Listen. Um, about Holly’s idea and Nicole and the baby–

Whatever you guys wanna do to make sure that she accepts the truth is fine by me, okay?


I’ll see you soon.

Sloan told me the felony murder rule doesn’t apply in my situation because your baby died at the hospital, which happened after Dimitri and I were fleeing the police, not during the actual crime.

[snickers] She tried to spin the story the same way with me. But it’s not accurate, is it? Because my son died of injuries sustained in the accident you and Dimitri caused, which means you are still very much responsible.

No, that can’t be right. Sloan would have mentioned that.

Mm, and I assume the reason she didn’t is because she was hoping to convince me to drop the charges based on her flimsy interpretation. She tried to, uh, sell it to the judge as well, who will, undoubtedly, not approve of her motion to get the murder charge dismissed, seeing how the doctor who treated my son gave a statement saying that his death was a direct result of your actions. Face it, Stark. You’re screwed.

[ominous music]

So how am I involved in this thing you’re supposed to do?

Well, I’m not sure if you heard, but I caused some damages at my old school that my dad is making me pay for, so–

Yeah. I did hear that.

[clears throat] Yeah. That’s how I got this gig picking up dirty dishes. But at the rate my uncle Roman is paying me, I’m gonna be working off this debt until I’m his age. So I’ve been looking desperately for a second job, and I was hoping, maybe, I could work at your bakery.

Uh, sure. We could use the help. Um, I will send you an application.

I am about to go on break. We could walk over right now, and I’ll fill one out. Sorry, I’m just anxious to get the ball rolling.

[laughs] No, yeah, and I-I hear you on that, Tate, but, um, Chanel and I haven’t even eaten yet, so.

No, no. Johnny, it’s fine. I’ll just walk him over and give him the application. And then you can order for us, and I’ll be back when the food gets here.


Thanks, Chanel. I appreciate that.

Mm-hmm. Of course. I’ll be back.

[soft country music]

Okay. I’m assuming my toothbrush will provide enough DNA sample.

It seems to work on all those true crime shows I watch.


Uh, are you nervous?

Yes and no. No.

[sighs] But–I’m not worried.

Not even a little bit?

Honey… have you ever felt something so deep in your soul that nothing or no one could talk you out of it, something that felt so true that you would risk anything to make the rest of the world understand?

Yeah, I think I have.

That’s why I’m not worried. I’m hopeful. Now do you–do you think it’s too early to go to the hospital?

Uh… mm, no, I-I don’t think so. Eric just texted me. He and the baby are already there.


[soft hopeful music]

Okay, call me a biased auntie, but that is one gorgeous baby.

Yeah, he’s a keeper.

Yeah. So tell me, what’s his name gonna be?

Well, Sloan and I haven’t had a chance to kind of come up with a name quite yet. So I kind of keep resorting to, like, “Champ” and “Big Guy” and “Kiddo,” sometimes maybe even a “Hey, You.”


Yeah, well–

So tell me, what are you and Little Champ doing here?

Well, like I said in the text, I just wanted to see if it was possible to get a DNA test.

Of course. For the purposes of genetic testing, right?

Yeah, maybe somewhere down the road, but, I mean, right now I think, um, it’s more to prove that my cowboy here is my son and not EJ and Nicole’s son.

[sighs] But how did my actions cause the accident? I wasn’t the one who was driving.

Oh, I’m well-aware that it was your boyfriend, Dimitri. But, unfortunately, he is not here to face the consequences. You are. So unless you know where I can find him…

I don’t. I swear.

[sucks teeth] Then I guess it’s on you to carry the burden.

That’s not fair.

[tense music]

Don’t you dare talk to me about fair. What’s not fair is that my innocent child’s life was cut short thanks to you and my nephew. What’s not fair is that he barely had a chance to live. And now his mother is going to grieve and suffer for the rest of her life!

I know that. And, again, I am so, so sorry. But it was an accident. It was a terrible accident. No one ever intended for anyone to get hurt.

It doesn’t matter what you intended. All I have to prove is that you committed a crime, which directly led to the death of my son.

EJ, I did everything I could to try and save him. I delivered him with my own two hands. I saw the miracle of his birth. And after Dimitri rushed him to the hospital, I stayed with Nicole. I did not leave her side until help arrived. Doesn’t that count for anything?

No. No. Because in the end, my son is still dead.

I can explain about Leo.

You lied to me, Sloan. You stood on that very spot last night and you told me that you could convince EJ to drop the murder charges.

I tried my best. I built a strong case. He just wouldn’t listen.

Okay, well, that still leaves Leo on the hook for the murder of a child who is still very much alive and living in your apartment!

Look. I am far from being done on fighting to free Leo. I filed a motion this morning with the judge to have the murder charges thrown out. And I have high hopes that he will listen to reason.

That’s just not good enough, Sloan. You see, you didn’t hold up your end of the bargain. And now I have no choice but to call Nicole and tell her all about how you stole her baby.

Okay. All set.

Yeah, let’s go.

[phone rings]

Ooh. Oops. Oh, it’s an unknown caller. Maybe it’s the hospital. Hello.



Yes, this is, uh, Dimitri Von Leuschner. Listen. We need to talk.

[suspenseful music]

Dimitri? I’m really glad you called.

And why is that?

‘Cause I need to talk to you about my baby. What happened when you left the crash site with my son?

Nicole, this is exactly why I’m calling. Look, I need you to–

[line disconnects]

Hello? Dimitri. Hello? Can you hear me?

What’s happening?

Damn it. I think we got disconnected.

Mom, what did he say?

He was gonna tell me what happened with my baby.


I was close to finding out exactly what happened, how Eric and Sloan ended up with my son.

Okay, well, your phone saved his number, though, right? Why can’t you just call him back?

Because I hadn’t thought of that. Okay. I’ll do it now, while–

[phone beeps]

[line trilling]

Sloan, give me back my phone.

[phone beeps]

Look, I know you’re upset that Leo’s still facing murder charges. But telling Nicole the truth isn’t gonna set your boyfriend free.

Is that right? How do you figure that? Because the way I see it, EJ has to drop the murder charges if he finds out that the kid isn’t actually dead.

Leo is still gonna be facing charges for a litany of other crimes. And, uh, like I said, we could be hearing back from the judge any minute now that he’s dropped the charges based on the motion I filed this morning. Maybe he already has. Oh, look at that, a missed call and a voicemail. Maybe this is some good news.

Thank you, Your Honor. I’ll see you later today in court.

What did he say?

Oh, as expected, the judge denied Sloan’s motion. The murder charge stays.

[dark music]

Well, what did the judge say?

I’m sorry, Dimitri.

Well, that’s it then. I’m telling Nicole everything.

No, please, you can’t.

The hell I can’t! Sloan, I am not letting Leo go away for murder.

He won’t. I promise you. In fact, I’ll– I can guarantee it. I can guarantee that Leo will walk, okay? But there’s just one thing that you have to do to ensure that.


You have to turn yourself in.

[groans] Damn it. He’s not picking up, and I guess he’s not gonna call back.

[sighs] Okay. You know what? We should just get to the hospital.

[phone beeps]

[mysterious music]

Oh, wow.

Is something wrong?

No. Uh, it’s nothing. A friend texted about meeting up, and it’s kind of a big deal, but don’t worry, it can wait.

Honey, I can go to the hospital on my own.

Are you sure? Mom, I feel like I should be with you.

Just–I just have to give them a toothbrush, and then we wait, right?

[sighs] Okay. But if you need me–

No, honey. You have done enough already. Thanks to you, I’m gonna be reunited with my son.

Poor Nicole, believing this is her baby.

Which is why Holly came up with the idea to get the DNA test, to help her mom, you know, come to terms with the truth.

Well, it’s very kind of and Sloan to agree to all this.

I haven’t really had a chance to mention this to Sloan. Do I need her permission?

No. No. Just one parent needs to sign off.

Okay, good, because Sloan is getting very uncomfortable with Nicole claiming that this is her child.

I bet.

[phone beeps] Well, then she should be very relieved when the results come out, huh?

Yeah. Yeah. Good. Um, anyway, Nicole just said she’s on her way with the sample.

Super. Okay. Well, then let’s get started.

[soft country music]

Johnny? What a surprise.

Hey, Holly. Hey, how’s it going?

Hey. Are you eating alone?

Um, well, Chanel was here with me, but she, uh– she took Tate over to the bakery to apply for a job, so.

Oh, right. Yeah, no. He’s been talking about getting another gig. Uh, hey, do you mind if I sit with you until Chanel gets back?

No, not at all. Please, sit down.

You’re wearing the bracelet I made for you.

Yeah, of course.

It looks great. And I knew it would. And, you know, um, I’m actually glad that you and I have a chance to be alone.

Uh, why is that?

Well, because I have something I want to tell you. But I’d like to keep it between us.

Okay, I just need a sample from Nicole or EJ, and we’re all set.



Um, I-I have my sample.


This’ll–this’ll work, right?

Yeah. Yeah, it’ll be fine.

Thank you, Eric, for doing this.

Yeah, of course, anything I can do to help.

So, uh, how’s he doing?

Oh, he’s–he’s great. He’s sleeping right now.

Mind if I peek at him? I promise I won’t wake him.

Yeah, sure.

Oh. Oh, he’s so beautiful. Hey, little guy. Oh. I am so happy to see you. I’m sorry you had to be dragged to the hospital while you were trying to take a nice nap. But hopefully, in the end, it’ll all be worth it.

You are making a big mistake, EJ, going after me like this.

Yeah, why is that?

Don’t you check social media? Thanks to the support of “The Spectator,” the court of public opinion has already decided that I’m a victim.

You know that’s not a real court, right?

Maybe it’s the only one that counts. Everyone’s favorite gossip columnist becomes…

[gasps] The story himself, a young, misunderstood youngman caught up in a passionate love affair.

Oh, my God. Spare me.

It’s the truth, EJ. You should see my DMs. People are very invested in my happiness.

That’s before they knew you killed a baby.

I didn’t kill anyone.


I delivered that little baby into the world, and then my very caring boyfriend took him to the hospital. Once people hear my side of the story, you’re the one who’s going to be screwed. People will see that you are trying to railroad me, and they will be calling for your resignation.

I hate to burst your bubble, Leo, but I think you’re vastly overestimating your influence.

You could not be more wrong, Mr. DA. My devoted fans are nothing if not loyal and protective. Remember the whole “Free Britney” movement? Well, “Free Lady Whistleblower” is gonna be even bigger.

[laughs] “Free Lady Whistleblower”? Oh, that’s delicious.

I-I see it already. There’s gonna be T-shirts, signs, protest songs. My former boss, Mayor Price, is going to have no choice but to fire you.

Nice try, Stark. But as usual, you are completely delusional. No one gives a rat’s ass about you, including your beloved Dimitri.

You want me to turn myself in?

Yes, so that we can make a trade with EJ. Since it was you behind that wheel and not Leo, you agree to plead guilty, and he walks.

Why? Why would I ever do that? If I can prove that Leo never murdered anyone, the only thing that he would be facing would be aiding and abetting, and you said that you could fight that.

Yes, but I can’t fight that if I am in prison for stealing Nicole’s baby.

Fine. I’ll find myself another lawyer. You’re not the only hotshot attorney in town, Sloan.

Well, you seem to be forgetting that EJ is incredibly dangerous, and he is going to torture and punish Leo and hold him responsible for your crimes. And since Leo’s already admitted to much of what he’s done, he is going to prison. Is that what you want? Maybe for the rest of his life.

[unsettling music] is that what you want?

No. No, of course not.

Well, then… what we need to do is make a trade with EJ, give him what he really wants, which is your head on a platter, since, after all, it was you driving when his pregnant wife was behind the wheel of that car when she got in the accident. I guess the real question here is, how much does Leo mean to you? Do you love him enough to sacrifice yourself in order to save him?

Dimitri loves me with all his heart. And contrary to popular belief, it’s actually quite big. Along with some other big and magical body parts.

Mm, and yet, here you sit while he’s probably off on some yacht somewhere enjoying the good life, flaunting those big and magical body parts and never looking back. Some great love affair.

Our love affair was real. It still is.

To you, perhaps, but to my nephew, your epic love story was nothing but a temporary diversion, and now you’re all alone.

Well, that’s not true.

[gasps] Sloan.

I just spoke to Dimitri Von Leuschner. He’s willing to turn himself in, EJ, as long as you drop all charges against Leo Stark.


[somber music]

[laughs] I can’t believe I’m doing this. But Sloan is right. If I wanna guarantee Leo’s freedom, I have to turn myself in. I just never thought I’d do anything like this, sacrifice this much for another person. That’s how much I love you, Leo Stark.

[knock at door] Who the hell could that be?

[tense music]

Thank you for the tour. I never knew baking could be so interesting. You’re kind of a genius.

Okay. You don’t have to suck up to me just to get the job. Just fill this out and return it, and I’m sure we’ll find something for you.

Thank you so much.

You got it. All right, I am gonna head back to the pub.

Uh, wait. You can’t go back yet.

Why not?

Sounds serious.

It is.

What’s it about?

[sighs] My mom.

Right. Yeah, my dad told me that, uh, she thinks Eric and Sloan’s baby is hers.

It’s so sad, right? I mean, she’s totally convinced our little brother didn’t die and somehow Eric ended up with him.

That’s–it’s a lot.

Yeah, and I knew she wouldn’t get over it until she had proof, so I came up with a plan.

What kind of plan?

A DNA test, which they’re doing on Eric’s baby right now.

Uh, so what happens now?

I am gonna take these samples to the lab right now.

Okay, and how long do you think it’ll take?

Well, if we’re lucky, we’ll get the results back within the hour.

That’s great.

Yeah. Okay. And listen…

Thank you.


You guys can stay here and wait if you want, all right?




Thanks, Kayla.

Yeah. I’ll see you soon.

Oh. I can’t believe this. I’m about to have proof that this is my baby.

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