Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, November 1, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Mariah: Thank you. I needed to hear that. Well, what about you? How is the job search going?

Kyle: Oh. Uh, refresh my memory. Um, what exactly is a job?

Mariah: Oh, please tell me you’re at least looking.

Kyle: Why? I’m rather enjoying the easy life.

Mariah: Yeah, because you always struck me as a man of leisure.

Kyle: Well, I’m learning how to make sourdough from mrs. Martinez.

Mariah: Of course, you are.

[ Kyle laughing ]

Kyle: No, no. Um, but I am having fun.


Billy: Look at you. You’re here.

Chelsea: I’m back, baby.

Billy: Thank god.

Chelsea: That was the welcome home I was waiting for.

Billy: It’s damn good to see you.

Chelsea: Did you miss me?

Billy: Every day. And why didn’t you tell me you were coming home?

Chelsea: I wanted to surprise you. Be a little mysterious. Did it work?

Billy: Am I smiling?

Chelsea: Your face. It’s not the same as video chats.

Billy: No, it’s not the same like this.

Chelsea: Well, full disclosure, I’m also here for a little bit of work. I have a Marchetti meeting to discuss the spring collection.


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