Days Lines For The Week of October 9, 2023

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Stephanie: What are you doing here?
Alex: According to the nameplate, I work here.

Marlena: I’m so glad you’re here.
Tate: Me too, Granny Mar Mar. What I heard my sister calls you that. What you don’t like it?

Marlena: Well you can call me Grandma Marlena unless you like sleeping in the broom closet.

Philip: Chloe didn’t do anything wrong.
Kate: Of course she didn’t because she never does anything wrong.

EJ: Of course Sarah’s still angry, but that doesn’t change the fact that Xander Cook kidnapped you and you lost almost a year of your life as a direct result.
Susan: but, Sarah thinks…
EJ: There is no buts
Susan: but Sarah thinks there is one…right Sarah?
Sarah: Yeah there is. He’s not a murderer.
EJ: Not this time

Susan: Xander felt very badly about kidnapping me. He treated me real nice.
EJ: Oh that makes all the difference then. It’s not really kidnapping when they treat you nicely.

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