Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, October 11, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Diane: Is it too soon to start planning our next wedding reception?

Jack: I don’t know. Do you think people will find it over the top for us to be married three times in as many months?

Diane: Do we care?

Jack: It’s a good point.

Diane: [ Laughing ] No, we should probably be patient. Maybe we can have a big party for our one year anniversary. How does that sound?

Jack: I’m not sure I can wait that long. We may have to just celebrate our love on our own every hour of every day.

Diane: Mm. You’re such a romantic What’s up?


Danny: Sure.

Phyllis: Are you interested in the bug?

Danny: I want her to be happy. As I want you to be happy.

Phyllis: Oh, my god. Uh, that’s vague. I can’t– wow. I can’t believe this is happening


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