Days Transcript Monday, October 9, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Oh, well, what are you so pleased about? Check this out. A warrant out for Vivian Allemane? Mm hmm. They got that psycho on possession of a deadly weapon and parole violation. Oh, that is great news. Now, if Vivian goes to jail, Maggie gets her house back. Oh, you haven’t heard. Victor actually had a new will.

Maggie tossed old Viv out the door yesterday. That is even better news. Yes. Yes. It is for Maggie, of course. And also, I cannot wait to ditch that rock hard mattress at the Salem Inn for good. Assuming that Maggie is still okay with Justin and me moving back in.

Come on, Maggie. Oh, Justin, how are you? Hanging in there. Hanging in there. Well, what can I do for you? Well, I was wondering, um, actually, Bonnie was wondering, now that Vivian is out of the picture, whether you might welcome us back into the family fold. Oh, Justin, of course. I mean, I’ve been so distracted.

Otherwise, I would have called you myself and urged you to come back. Especially since, uh, I’m gonna be glad for the company. You know, I’m gonna be spending more time at home now than I anticipated. What do you mean?

Wait, you’re out at Titan? What happened? Eh, you know, call it karma. Maybe taking too much pleasure in kicking Vivian to the curb. Because Alex did the same to me.

Vivian, I just got back to town and Chad told me all about your plans for Titan and I want absolutely nothing to do with them, so I am here in person to tell you that I quit.

Kate. Hey, may I come in? Yeah, of course. Draw me flowers? Um, actually those are flowers that you sent me to congratulate me on the birth of my grandchild, but I thought I would give them back and let you and Stephanie enjoy them. Oh, you didn’t like them? I think they’re beautiful, it just turns out that…

Victoria wasn’t really my grandchild.

Oh, hi, sweetie. I’m sorry that I had to get off the phone so quickly, but Kate was in quite a state. Well, she just found out that Philip is going to New York with Chloe. Yeah, well, she’s concerned, you can well imagine. No, I did try to talk her down, I’m just not sure how effective I was. Thanks. Say, speaking of offspring, is there any word from Brady since he left for California?

Welcome to Global Airlines. You only travel in style. Theresa, would you hurry up, please?

Pull your jets, I’m coming already, jeez. Hey, we’re in L. A. for two days. I mean, why would anybody need this much luggage? I don’t get it. Anyone? I’m not just anyone. I’m Teresa Donovan.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

So, Victor did have a new will. Thank God. Oh, thank God. Thanks to the lawyers. Thank Judge Judy, whoever. Maggie gets to keep her house and her inheritance. Wow, that must have been a relief for the whole family. It was, um, although it came at a price. What’s that? It cost Justin his son.

Alex, what are you doing here? Well, according to the nameplate, this is my office. Your office? I guess you haven’t heard. I’m the new CEO of Titan. But don’t you work at Basic Black? And what about Vivian? Well, as it turns out, Uncle Vi Turns out Victor did have a will. He left half of everything to Maggie and half to me.

To you? And what about the rest of your family? I mean, I know Victor was your great uncle and he loved you, but… He wasn’t my great uncle. What?

Victor Kiriakis was my father.

I will talk to Alex. Justin, don’t. This isn’t right. He fired you? Oh, not exactly. Alex and I had a misunderstanding. You see, I just assumed that I would stay on as CEO, since Victor passed him over and gave me the job in the first place. Well, he didn’t see it that way because in his eyes, since Victor gave him controlling interest of the company, that meant he would get the top job.

That wasn’t Victor’s intent. If it was, he would have put it in writing. Oh, well, you know, it doesn’t matter. What do you mean it doesn’t matter? Alex told me the board was on his side. And even if they put it to a vote, that they would select him. He threatened you with a board vote. Well, it wasn’t really a threat.

He offered to let me stay on in a supporting role. But, you know, I decided I would just bow out gracefully. I’m so sorry, Maggie. Are you sure there’s nothing I can do? No, but thank you. Damn! I can’t believe Alex would do this. And I’m even more appalled that Victor would do this. Did you? To me, to all of us.

Should we, uh, get you a motorized cart? Maybe a Sherpa or something? I’m dying at first. I’m just looking for a place to get a coffee. Theresa, we’re on a three and a half hour flight. I think you ran the flight attendant about ten times. Do you still need some coffee? No, I think it was those salty pretzels or something.

Why are you in such a hurry anyway? I want to get home. That’s all. Uh, what about waiting for our son? I don’t know what’s keeping him because he just had a bag in the overhead bin, so I don’t know where he is. Sorry, I was, uh, talking to the flight attendant. You know, the blonde one? Kept offering us snacks.

Yeah, yeah, what were you trying to do, get her number, Tate? No, no, we were just talking, but she, she happens to be from Salem, so I was asking her what kind of fun things there are to do around here. Mm hmm, and then you got her number, right? Can you not? Can you not do this right now?

He gets it from you. Please proceed

to Sarah let Rex think the baby was his when she knew it was Anders all along? No, no, no. He knew from the start and he just gallantly volunteered to put his name on the birth certificate to protect Sarah and the baby. Okay, but did he have to marry her? No, of course he didn’t have to marry her. He wanted to.

He still has feelings for her? Well, clearly. Although he denies that’s the reason he made the grand gesture.

Okay, well, um, the truth is out. So now what? I don’t know. Now I am stuck with the daughter in law, I can’t stand, and Rex is in Xander Cook’s crosshairs. I’m sorry. That sounds messy. Yeah. Except now I know why Rex was keeping me at arm’s length. He just didn’t want me to get too close to a grandchild that wasn’t mine.

My God. All these years. All these years. How could Victor do that? How could he let Justin believe that Alex was his son? That is the burning question. I mean, come on, I get the whole truth will set you free thing and all, but it just would have been a whole hell of a lot easier if Victor had just taken the secret to his grave.

How’s Justin taking it? About how you’d expect. I think that Victor knew you would be a good father to Alex. A better father than he was capable of being. I certainly tried, but all of this would have been so much easier if the truth had come out 30 years ago. I know. I can’t even tell you, explain how this feels.

I mean, everything I thought I knew about my family, my relationship with Victor. My son? And why do it like this? After keeping it secret all these years? It just seems that spending time at Beau’s bedside changed Victor’s thinking. But all we have to go on is what he wrote in the new will. I mean, he left us so many questions.

Questions that we will never get the answers

to. Victor was your father? Yeah.

So, Justin is your… Cousin. And Sonny is not really my brother. Oh, Alex, of course he is. I mean, Vic and Joe are adopted. Did you ever think that they weren’t your real brothers? Yeah, but this is different. It doesn’t have to be. It does, though.

You know, Steph, I keep going over every single interaction I had with Uncle Vic. With my father. And I never would have guessed this in a million years.

So his will said that he wanted you to be CEO instead of Maggie? Not exactly. And that’s been a point of contention right now. Maggie said that if he wanted to put me in this position, then he would have done it while he was alive. Do you think that’s true? I don’t know.

I may never understand why he didn’t tell me. Why he waited until now to reveal the truth.

Maybe he thought all the money and the controlling interests of Titan would make up for all the lost years. Does it?

Sorry, stupid question. How, I, I can’t.

Nothing can make up for the fact that he lied to me. My whole

life. Jade. You’re 16 years old. So what? So what? That flight attendant was probably twice your age. There are, uh, laws, you know, covering this kind of stuff. Relax, okay? We just talked. And when I asked for her contact info, she shot me down. Extreme prejudice, I might add. Oh. Well, at least somebody’s thinking clearly.

I think you need to worry a little bit less about hitting on older women and maybe a little bit more on your future. Here we go. Yeah, yeah, here we go. Because I didn’t just bring you back to Salem for kicks, buddy. Okay, just because I got booted out of boarding school for bogus reasons. Bogus reasons? You, you, you pulled the fire alarm during exams.

Like I already explained, I didn’t think the alarm was going to cause all the sprinklers to go off and cause all that damage. No, you didn’t think at all. Well, that was good. Dad, that was serious. Did you, did you learn how to do that at the University of Fatherhood? The University of Fatherhood? Are you serious?

What is he talking about? We don’t need to go over this again, Brady. I think we do. Yeah. Obviously we do. Yeah, maybe we should go over it. Maybe we should go over some of the pranks that you pulled back in the day. Like, uh, kidnapping a goat and, uh, letting it loose in the halls. Well, from what I hear, your father wasn’t really much fun in school.

That’s wrong. I was a lot of fun in high school. And that goat, by the way, didn’t cause 50K in damage. I mean, they do eat a lot. Tate, the bottom line, this is not funny, alright? You did something really bad, you gotta pay for it. Aren’t you rich? I mean, not as rich as you were before you got kicked out of Great Grandad’s will, but still.

I’m not paying for this, buddy. You are. With what money, Dad? I’m 16, remember? Well, you’re gonna do a little something they call get a job. A job? Yeah, you’ve heard of them. Yeah, it’s a job. It’s like you do a task and people pay you for it. They give you a paycheck. Okay, he’s just a kid. He doesn’t have skills to…

He’s gonna learn. And I think I know exactly where he’s gonna do that.

So, I don’t care if Rex thinks I’m an overbearing and interfering mother. Ew. Never. Okay. The point is, I am not going to let Sarah Horton break his heart. Yeah, even if he did break hers first. I think you should stay out of it. Oh, that’s so funny. I don’t remember asking you for advice. I don’t care if you’re asking for it.

I’m giving it. You’re gonna make things worse. Who says? Says me. Someone who’s been through something very similar recently. What have I done to you recently? Surprisingly, nothing. Steven Kaler. Don’t tell me they don’t approve of you and Stephanie. Oh, quite the opposite. They cannot wait for us to get married.

What? Did they say that? Yeah, we were getting together for dinner and I walked in on Stephanie telling her mom, um, Of course I want to marry him. Do they know that you overheard that? Yeah. Yes, you know, she backtracked a bit and put it on her mom, and then Steve came in and basically asked what my intentions were.

Oh, thank God. That’s a lot of pressure. And, and, you know, I don’t, I don’t, I don’t know how to feel about it all because we haven’t been together that long. Okay, so this marriage idea, do you think that was Stephanie’s or Kayla and Steve’s? I don’t know. I don’t know. Did you talk about it? We danced around it a bit, and then, and then she had to go out of town for business.

Okay, so then it is possible she was just humoring her mom to keep her mom off her back. Yeah, I guess so. Okay, so let’s, let’s just forget about what Stephanie wants for a minute. Who do you want? Me. Mm hmm. You? Do you want to marry her?

I thought Vivian kicking us out of the house would be the worst thing that would happen after Victor’s death.

I know this is a shock and all, but… There may be some perks to the situation. You mean the job? The job. The money. The power. These are all things you’ve wanted, right? Sure. But not like this.

So I guess we’re not gonna be neighbors anymore. Why do you moving back into the mansion? Uh. I’m on the fence. Not really sure it would be all that fun for Maggie and I right now to… together. And if my dad and if Justin and Bonnie decide to move back into the house, that would be a little awkward, too.

Why? He’s still your dad, Alex. You two still love each other. Yeah. Well, I just don’t think I’d really be ready to live under the same roof with him right now.

Plus, if I move out of the apartment, I wouldn’t be able to use your shower anymore when mine craps off. I know you’d miss the hell out of that. Oh, desperately. Steph, if you still want to quit working for Titan, I totally understand. I don’t want to quit. Are you sure? We figured out our stuff. We’re friends, right?

I’d like to think so.

Alex, I’m really sorry you’re going through all of this.

I know that it hurts. You don’t have to act tough with me.

Thank you. But I’m not really feeling that tough right now.

Has Alex mentioned whether he wants to move back in? Not yet. I get the sense that he likes where he’s living now. To be honest, if Bonnie didn’t hate the Salem Inn, I’m not sure I’d be rushing to come back here either. Brings up a lot of complicated emotions, I’m sure. But, Justin, this is your family home.

Victor loved you. He would have wanted you here. And Alex is still your son, Justin. Nothing will ever change that.

Well, please, tell Justin that I’m thinking of him. And, and if there’s anything that Steve and I can do… Oh, thank you. I wish there were. But, the damage is already done.

God, look at Victor, still stirring the pot from beyond the grave. You can say that again. How’s Alex handling it? Well, he said all the right things to Justin, you know. That he’d always be his dad, etc, etc. But, knowing him, now that he’s the heir to the great Victor Kariakis, well… I’m afraid it might go to his head.

I imagine you’re right, , and now he’s a very rich, very eligible bachelor. I mean, not that he wasn’t already a hot commodity, didn’t judging by all the action he was getting, but now every single woman in town is gonna want to get their hooks in there. Know what I mean?


I wish I was as sure as you, Maggie. That nothing will change between me and Alex. Justin, do you know the story of Mickey and our son, Mike? Oh, yeah. I’ve heard it. Yeah, I’ve heard about it. Well, let me refresh your memory. Many years ago, Mickey’s first wife, Laura, had an affair with his brother, Bill. Mickey wasn’t physically able to be a father.

So, when Laura became pregnant… Everyone knew it was Bill’s child. Everyone, except Mickey. Mickey raised Mike as his own for years. And then finally when the truth came out, it was difficult and was painful at first. But you know in the end… Nothing mattered. I mean, Mike, it was still and always was his son.

Biology, it didn’t matter. Go on, Iota. And it’s not going to matter with you, Justin. Because what matters is that you’ve raised Alex to be a fine young man. Some of the time. Justin, I understand that this feels… Like a, a, a terrible loss. Now trust me, you’re gonna get through it. I promise.

Let’s see if your Uncle Willem is around. Tate? Is that you? Hey Aunt Kayla, it’s good to see you. Oh my god, wow. It’s been so long. Are you on a break from school? Kinda. He was asked to leave. It was a mutual decision. He was kicked out. Thanks. Dad, do you want to post it on all your social media? I mean, I’m sure every stranger in this town would love to know.

Uh, Bonnie, Bonnie, do you know, uh, Brady’s son, Tate? Bonnie, Lockhart Kiriakis. I mean, father’s cousins. Um, we’re related. I think. Anyway, welcome back to Sam! Thanks. Just to make sure that you know, I got kicked out of school. Yeah, I heard.

Uh, and, and, uh, and this is, uh, my niece, Theresa, uh, Kimberly’s daughter, if you forgot. Hello, Bonnie. Hello. Theresa, always good to meet another Brady. So, as we’re roaming around, I wanted to talk to him about this one getting a job here. Ah, joining the family business, huh? Yeah, yeah, it’s news to me. Well, he caused a little damage at school before he left, so it’s time that he pays for it.

What am I even going to do around here? Wait tables or something? No, you’re not going to wait tables. You have to be 18 to wait tables, so you’re probably going to bust tables or you’re going to wash dishes. Wash dishes? Anything. That Roman says you’re going to do, you’re going to do. Well, I mean, at least you won’t be scaling the fish like I had to do when I was your age.

Is this really necessary? He’s going to be working till he’s 90 at the rate that Roman pays him. But he will work till he’s 90. Come on, he just moved to a new school in a new town. He can multitask, Teresa. Uh, well, you know, Roman actually is out. Okay, then I will text him. Can I at least get some lunch while we’re waiting?

Yeah, sure, sure, sure. Grab a menu. I should go. Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie, wait up. I did want to talk to you. It’s been on my mind and I’ve been a little distracted with what’s been going on lately. So, my grandfather’s briefcase. What was in it? The one the ISA recovered from the wreckage. Oh, uh…

As it turns out, uh, Victor did write a new will just before he died. To replace the one that he destroyed. Mm hmm. Um, okay. Is that it? For starters, uh, Vivian Alamein got exactly what she deserved. Absolutely nothing. Good. That is good news. Uh, and then, um, he, he left half of everything to Maggie. Even better.

So, so does that mean that the other half goes to the, uh, to the rest of the family? No. The other half went to the son no one knew he had.

Alex Kyriakis.

Sure, I’ll answer some questions. Yes, I am the

new CEO of Titan.

Yes, it turns out I am Victor’s son.

How do I feel about it?

No comment.

I mean, honestly, I, I, I never, I never really thought about marriage until I overheard them talking about it. Really? You’re living together, she’s helping you raise your children, right? Oh, now you’re starting to sound like Caleb. Oh, no. Don’t. Please, I am sorry, because I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to pressure you at all.

Okay? Especially because I know what a big step that was for you to think about getting serious about Stephanie in the first place. Yes, it was a, it was a huge step. And honestly, it’s still kind of strange living with somebody who isn’t Abby. And she’s only been gone for 16 months, and I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life with that woman.

I know. I’m sorry. I really am. You have to take all the time you need.

Oh, hi. Hey. Am I interrupting something? Hey, welcome home.

Hey, thanks. Good to be home. Hi, Kate. Hey, Stephanie. And of course you’re not interrupting. Oh, never. Did you see these flowers? These beautiful flowers that Chad got for you? Ooh, beautiful. Anyway, I should be going. You… You have a great day. Hey. Bye. Thanks, Kate. Goodbye. Um, the flowers are amazing. What’s the occasion?

Okay, I gotta, um, I have to confess, actually, um, I bought them for Kate. But they’re yours now. I’m not offended by secondhand flowers.

I missed you like crazy. Same. You got my text? Yeah, did you uh, tell me when you quit? I stopped by Titan, but it didn’t exactly go as planned.

Thank you, Maggie, for that perspective. I’d forgotten that you lived through a similar experience. It wasn’t perfect, but in the end, Mickey and Mike… Well, it was a beautiful love story. And they were father and son in every way that counted. Just like you and Alex. But I know why you’re not sure about moving back in here.

It’s not that I don’t appreciate your offer. I know. But right now this family is hurting. Which means it’s so important. That we rally together. Please?

Oh, uh, hold on. Alex is Grandad’s son? Wait, wait, so does that change who he was to me? No. No, no, Tate. You’re, you’re good. See, um, Brady’s your dad. And his mother was, um, Somebody needs to make a family tree. You know? Oh, now I really gotta go. Okay. Uh, pleasure to meet y’all, alright? Listen, love to Justin, okay?

Thank you, honey. Okay. Love you. Bye. Gotta go. Kayla, I just need to get this straight in my head. My grandfather announced in his will that, that Alex was his son? No, no, but there was to Victor.

A letter? What kind of letter?


Wow, I thought that that briefcase was going to have, like… On the net for prison students. Anyway, it seems like there’s a lot going on around here. Maybe we should focus on this whole job thing later. Yeah, yeah, nice try. Do you think that uh, Aunt Maggie is going to share her new fortune with the rest of the family?

You pay for the sprinklers. Nah, again, that’s a really nice try. Mom, can you talk to dad about this whole dishwashing thing? Um, you know, actually, uh, there’s something that I have to take care of myself. Seriously? You’re leaving? Right now? Yeah, but you, you should wait here for, for Uncle Roman. You don’t need to stick around, do you?

No, we’ll be, we’ll be fine. Oh, really? I assume that Tate will be staying with you at John and Marlene’s while I figure out my living situation. Theresa, I gotta run and buy them first, obviously. Bye, love you, love you. Bye, love you. Yeah, thanks, alright. Did she say her living situation? Like she’s staying in Salem?

Shh. We hadn’t really discussed it. Right. Well, Stephanie told me that Theresa did mention it. And, I mean, now that I’m here, why, why would she leave? I mean, like, where else would she want to be?

So I get to eat here for free, right? Like, whenever I want? No. Not exactly, no. So I have to scrub dishes AND pay? Hey, listen. Listen. This is not the way that I would have chosen for you to come live with me, alright? But I want you to understand something. I am actually very happy to see you, and I’m glad you’re here, buddy.

And, and, and Rachel, my god, she’s still looking forward to seeing her big bro. I, I can, I can drive you there. Let’s go. How’s she doing? Thanks for asking. I’ll tell you, I don’t really know how she’s doing because I don’t see a lot of her since Kristen got custody. So, I’m her way in, huh? No. Tate, no. No, no.

It’s cool. It’s cool. We don’t have a house. Really? Where are you going? Where are you going? I haven’t, I haven’t been to Salem in forever. I thought I’d, I don’t know, take a walk around the neighborhood. Unless I’m on lockdown or something. No, you’re not on lockdown. It’s fine. I just, I would like for you to see your Uncle Roman so we can talk to him about this.

You can just text him. You can just text him. I’m gonna go. I’ll see you later, though. Have a good night, Dad. Yeah. See you in a bit. Whoa, that was fast. Oh, yeah, I had the bags in my car. We all knew Maggie would see us. Home sweet home. Yeah. You know, um, I was thinking that, uh, Well, I was hoping that maybe Alex might move back in.

I mean, now that the house is 50 percent his, I’m sure he’d be a little uncomfortable. Yeah. Considering he just ousted Maggie to take over as CEO of Titan. What? Mm hmm. Oh, no, he didn’t. Oh, no. Yes, he did. Yeah, I thought maybe he might get a little big for his bitches. I just had no idea it would happen this fast.

Yeah, let’s just hope that he gets over himself soon, before anyone

else gets hurt. Hello, Alex. Teresa, you’re back. How’s Tate? He’s okay. With his dad. You know, the guy who humiliated me in Greece, if not for you, who welcomed me with open arms, would have made my trip a total disaster. Well, I’m glad I could be of service.

Speaking of Greece, I, um, heard what happened, you know, with your great uncle’s will. It’s wild, right? I mean… Look at me. Yeah, right, I know, look at you.

And obviously I had no idea that that bombshell was in that briefcase that my dad gave me. You must be, you must be so overwhelmed. Yeah, a little bit. Are you taking care of yourself? Are you eating? Are you sleeping? Are you having fun? I’m doing my best. I don’t believe you.

I will tell you what. I’m free for dinner tonight. And I have been told that I give really good fun.

What do you say? So Alex is Victor’s son? Apparently.

I’m surprised Kate didn’t say anything. She may not know yet. Yeah, she probably got too much going on with her own son to worry about Victor’s. So, is he running Titan again? Yep. You gonna report to him? Yep.

Hey, listen, I know, um, the other night there was some weirdness. Yeah, look, about that. Like, like I said, my mom was pressuring me to tell her how serious we were. All he was saying when he walked in was that I could see myself getting married to you. Someday. It’s not like I was dropping a hint that I wanted to get married to you now.

I mean, good. But I, I, I… I don’t think we need to rush anything. I mean, I like the way things are. Don’t you? Absolutely.

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