Best Lines provided by Eva
Adam: Good morning, Jack. Hey, congratulations, by the way. I heard you and Diane got married.
Jack: Well, thank you. I appreciate that. We haven’t had too many well-wishers.
Adam: Well, I wish you both all the best.
Jack: I appreciate that, and I hope you know i want the best for you as well.
Adam: From your tone, I’m guessing you’ve heard the best is not what I’m getting, lately. But yes, you’re– you’re right. Things have been a little rough since I’ve been fired from Newman.
Jack: Yeah, I imagine that was quite a blow.
Adam: But hey, I will survive, right?
Jack: I have no doubt at all. So, thank you for meeting me today.
Adam: Yeah, I– I wasn’t surprised to hear from you. I heard Billy tapped you as chief negotiator.
Jack: No, actually, I wanted to meet with you, to talk about tucker and whatever dirt you might have on him.
Adam: Yeah, ’cause you and i have a better relationship than I have with Billy.
Jack: I would call it less explosive.
Adam: Yeah, that’s true.
Jack: So, tell me, what have you got? I’m interested.
Adam: Well, how interested are you?
Jack: Enough to pay for it. Within reason.
Jack: We’re both busy men. Who has time for games?
Adam: I agree. You know, Billy was pushing me for a straight answer last time and I shut him down.
Jack: Well, it’s me now. What have you got?
Adam: I’ve been thinking about what I would want in return and to tell you the truth, you or Billy, at the moment, you don’t have anything that benefits me.
Jack: You’re not maybe looking for a little leverage?
Adam: No, in the past I probably would have tried to weasel a job out of this. I mean, I am technically unemployed at the moment.
Jack: I already offered you a job.
Adam: Yeah, that’s true. And if I was gonna make a play for something, I probably would go for Billy’s job, co-CEO.
Jack: The position you had before and walked away from.
Adam: Yes, the irony is not lost on me.
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