Y&R Best Lines Monday, September 25, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: Look, I’ve made a big deal about how I wanna live differently, without all the games. I want to get back to the basics. I wanna put in the work that it requires, okay? This is me walking the walk or at least trying to.

Sally: By telling me that you can’t stop thinking about kissing me.

Adam: Right, look, if I had pretended like it didn’t affect me, that wouldn’t fly. All right, you know me too well. It would be an act that you’d see right through. And if I said nothing about it, you would have been worried what’s really going on inside my head.

Sally: I– I– I think you’re overthinking this.

Adam: Look, when I tell people that I’m determined to live in a more authentic way, everybody gets suspicious or they just immediately dismiss the idea, or they laugh. Okay? Nobody believes it.

Sally: Since when do you care what other people think?

Adam: See, that is the point. If I’m really gonna make this change, I have to stay on track and I have to ignore those reactions. Like the one you just had.

Sally: I didn’t laugh or dismiss you.

Adam: Yeah, you kinda did. You assumed that I was putting on a front instead of just telling you the simple truth. I loved kissing you again and how it felt. It reminded me how good we are together. And for a moment there, I thought you may have been reminded as well.


Billy: You know, Jack, I think you’re right. I don’t think things are working out for me here at Jabot. I should take my energy somewhere else.

Jack: You would not be that petty.

Billy: Tell that to the aggrieved, competitive little brother.


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