Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, September 27, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jack: Mamie, I could not be happier to have you back in town. Why didn’t you tell us you were coming?

Mamie: Oh, and deprive myself of the joy that I get from seeing that look of surprise on your face, Jackie? No, no. You have the best reactions of anyone that I know.

Jack: Oh, Mamie

[ Mamie laughs ]

Mamie: And it never gets old. Your father and I used to just have so much fun just watching you open the presents. Either it be on Christmas, on your birthday, just genuine delight. And awe. And now, I get to see that look on your face every time I show up at your door. Oh, I just love it! I love it.

Traci: But if you told us, we could have got your room ready, and we could have planned a– a special dinner party, maybe, um, invited over your grand niece and nephew.

Mamie: No, see, no, that’s exactly why I like to show up unexpectedly. I don’t like all this fuss.

Jack: Mamie.

Mamie: Well, look, I’m so happy that I was able to surprise you. I’m glad that we’ve had this time together, but truth be told, this reunion is not really the only reason why I’m in town.


Adam: Dad, when– when I said I wanna start from the bottom and I wanna earn my way to a higher position, this is not what I had in mind.

Victor: Son, I don’t think you and I agreed that you could choose your own starting point.

Adam: Dad, I– I thought we would be working together. You know, father and son.

Victor: Didn’t you tell me that you wanted to learn the ropes?

Adam: Yeah, not from someone who’s been in business less time than I was in business school.

Victor: This entire rebirth notion is yours. You said you wanted a chance to prove that you could change. You get your chance now.

Adam: It’s another test. That’s what this is?

Victor: Everything is a test. Every minute of every day is a test.


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