Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, July 26, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: That’s a nice suit. Heard through the grapevine that, uh, it’s a pretty big day for you at Newman. Steering the ship while the boss is out of town.

Nate: Just grateful for the opportunity.

Adam: Hm. I am sure that you are. You have certainly been busy continuing to maneuver your way into the inner circle. Good luck.

Nate: You know, I found out from Victoria you’re interested in absorbing newman media into your new company.

[ Adam clearing throat]

Adam: Well, yeah, it’s, uh, a logical move now that we’re all under the newman enterprise umbrella. Newman media’s a standalone, kind of seems redundant with what I’m planning to accomplish.

Nate: Newman media is a powerhouse of the two. Mccall’s company needs a ton of work to be fit enough face off against us.

Adam: Well, I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

Nate: Oh, I’m more than sure. What you’re planning would never happen. The parts of your body that collagen supports:


Sally: Nick suspects the same thing. It’s ironic more often than not. You two are on the same page when deciphering your father’s actions and words.

Adam: It’s maddening, isn’t it?

Nick: What’s going on?

Adam: Uh, I’m just here early for our meeting with sharon. She’s on her way, so she should be here soon.

Sally: Well, I will leave you two to get to work. But before I go, I think you both should know that I have made a decision.

Nick: What’s that?

Sally: I am going to give victor the benefit of the doubt. Pending a conversation with chloe, I am going to consider taking victor up on his offer.


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