Y&R Best Lines Monday, August 7, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Audra:  Tucker, that was years ago. And– and didn’t you wipe the system when you sold the company?

Tucker: Of course I did, Audra. But apparently the junk mail remained on one of the servers and guess who has found it. Adam freakin’ Newman.

Audra: How?

Tucker: How do you think? He is in charge of the company now, is he not? He has access to everything, does he not?

Audra: I know that, okay? What does this all mean, exactly?

Tucker: Well, he needed some leverage over me, so he went digging until he found it


Tucker: Let me see if I can explain it to you. Adam runs a media company under the Newman umbrella. You run a media company under the Newman umbrella.

Audra: I know.

Tucker: Yes! And do you think Adam is going to be content to peacefully co-exist?

Audra: Victor said that he doesn’t wanna merge Newman Media with Adustus.

Tucker: Oh, did Victor say so? Oh! Hallelujah, ’cause Adam always does his father’s bidding to the letter.


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