Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, July 19, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nick: Let’s focus on the present instead of rehashing previous indiscretions.

Victoria: Nothing changes, Nick.

Nick: Neither does the argument, so let’s switch things up.

Victoria: You’re suddenly on Adam’s side?

Nick: No. I’m on the side of accepting reality and trying to make things work.

Victor: Your sister seems to think that it’ll only work under her terms.

Victoria: He is a spoiled, rotten brat. He needs a strong hand to guide him, which is why I think it’s a great idea to send Nicholas over to Adustus to keep an eye on him.

Victor: I run this company, as I’ve just made clear to all of you.


Victoria: Well, I am making the active choice to go along with this deal. And if you can’t do that, you should say so now.

Nick: Well, of course, you’re okay with it, because it works out to your advantage. But I know Adam doesn’t want to go along with this, and I’m not happy. What am I supposed to do with that?

Victor: You’ll get over it.

[ Nick laughing ]

Nick: Of course, I will. I’ll get over it for the family. Newman family unity, right?

Victor: Newman family unity. It’ll be achieved, even if I have to force it.


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