Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, July 18, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Audra: Just– I’m waiting to hear from nate. Um, there’s something’s going on with the Newmans and just curious to know what he found out.

Kyle: Oh. Got it. Fun time’s over. Your mind’s back to work.

Audra: Uh, well, um… it’s what I do, kyle. It’s who I am.

[ Kyle chuckling ]

Kyle: Look… not complaining.

Audra: Good, because work time and play time are two very separate things for me.

Kyle: Oh, are they? I’ll keep that in mind.

Audra: But you should know that I do give 1,000% to each of them. Better?

Kyle: Hmm. Much.

Audra: Good.

[ Kyle sighing ]

Kyle: You know, I’m still technically a member of the Newman family, so, maybe I can ask around and see what’s going on.

Audra: Um, that’s sweet of you and um… I might take you up on that offer down the road, but I think Nate has this one under control.


Kyle: We’re not quite at the spending the night stage yet.

Audra: Mm, nope.

Kyle: Plus, I have a little boy who likes to wake up bright and early for breakfast.

Audra: I’m sure he’s a cutie, just like his daddy.

Kyle: I really am, aren’t I?

Audra: Uh, you know, I like that you’re not, um… clingy.

Kyle: Uh, should I be taking notes?

Audra: Um… I– you know, I’m going to keep you posted of any new developments with Newman Media.

Kyle: Okay.

Audra: Oh, and by the way, can you, hm, please try to be a little bit more discreet with your text messages?


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