Days of Our Lives Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
So, what makes you want to resign from the hospital, Nurse King? Oh, it’s not the job. No complaints there. And your wife, oh, she’s wonderful. Honestly, the best boss I’ve ever had is Dr. Johnson. I’m sure she’d be glad to hear that. But if you’re so happy here, why do you want to quit? Unless you’re going somewhere.
Uh, uh, Mrs. Grant, uh, what are you doing here? I thought your father’s funeral was today. Yes, uh, it was. You were there, weren’t you? My brother said he saw you standing at the back of the church. Uh, yeah. I just, uh, wanted to pay my respects. That was very thoughtful of you. Especially since it’s so strange that we even had a funeral.
What do you mean? We don’t have my father’s body, so we can’t properly lay him to rest. There’s still all these unanswered questions. Right. Of course. Which is actually what I wanted to talk to you about. Do you mind if I come in?
Uh, what do you not understand about goodbye? You are dead. Go. What
Well, look what the cat dragged in. Hey.
Hey, Dave. Pretty, uh, pretty rude in service, huh? Those people that loved and respected Abe, it’s quite a turnout. Yeah, standing room only. It’s pretty great that you came, considering everything that’s going on with Rachel. You must be going out of your mind. I want my little girl back, obviously, but it’s not like she’s actually missing.
What do you mean? I thought she ran away from summer camp. She did. But Tink, I know exactly where she is.
Okay, so what you’re saying is that you will tell us where my granddaughter is only if you get something in return. Well, I didn’t say I know where she is. This is all hypothetical at this point. But yes, if I did know, I wouldn’t tell you without being rewarded. Alright. What is it that you want? My very own pony.
What the hell do you think I want, Marlena? I want custody of my daughter.
Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. I
you. Well, of course you know me. I’m Lorna DeLorean. Everyone knows me. But I know you too, Henry Marshall. Henry. Henry Marshall. As if anyone could ever forget the most powerful ice cream magnet in the world. But, um, why are you dressed the way you are? I mean, really, you look worse than Charlemagne after Cassandra pushed her into the country club Cinderella.
Hmm. I was in the hospital, I, I was attacked. By whom? I, I’m not sure. You’re not sure who put you in the hospital? I, I don’t remember.
Well, that’s not important. Don’t you worry Henry, we’re gonna get you back to your old self. Lorna is gonna take care of everything. She always does.
Going somewhere? What? Oh, uh, I just, uh, decided to go back to L. A. You know, give this… I can think of another try. I’m actually kind of in a hurry. Oh, I won’t hold you up. It’s just, with all these unanswered questions I have about my father, my mind is kind of working overtime. And I’ve been thinking about when I met you down at the docks.
What about it? Well, Theo said that you wanted to tell him something, but you never got around to it. Uh, yeah, I just wanted to tell him again how sorry I was. About your father. Yeah. That’s what you said. The thing is, right after that you, you took off pretty fast. I mean, are you sure we didn’t do something to make you nervous?
Well, as a matter of fact, I am going somewhere. Oh, really? So you’re not happy in Salem?
When are you leaving Salem? I’m quitting my job. And I’m taking Abe somewhere far, far away from here where we can have a fresh start. Well, it has nothing to do with Salem. Just after all these years, I’m ready for a fresh start. Right. I get that. If you don’t mind me asking, um, where are you headed? Oh, uh, I’m going to Arizona.
Scottsdale. I’m originally from there and I still have some family there. I bet. Considering you’re one of five kids. How do you know that? From your background check. What background check? The one the FBI ran on you after Abe disappeared.
Well, I would ask Sean if there had been any progress on getting another warrant to search the DiMera house again, but, um, he wouldn’t know. Why not? Because he’s been suspended from the force. What? For drinking on the job. He’s still struggling with what happened at the home? Yeah. For weeks he’s been numbing the pain with alcohol.
I know you understand. Yes, I do. I’d be happy to talk to him. Thank you. But I think that finding Rachel is the priority now. So you think Kristen has her at the DiMera house? No, I, I know that she does. I was gonna go over there and just tear the place apart, but Marlena convinced me to let her handle it.
Wait, so Mom went to the mansion? She did. She did. And with any luck? Marlena’s gonna be able to convince that psycho to give me my kid back. Well, if you want to revisit custody, there are several ways to do that. You could, well, you could hire a lawyer. Oh, gee, Marlena, I hadn’t thought of that. Sarcasm. So have you hired one?
Well, I couldn’t find someone who would take my case. Hmm. So kidnapping was the next logical step. Hey, you know what? Your hypocrite stepson thought it was a pretty logical step when he kidnapped my daughter last New Year’s Eve. You are withholding the orchid that would have saved three lives, including mine.
So, what Brady did, he did for a very good reason. Well, I have a good reason too, dammit. Hypothetically speaking, of course.
Why would the FBI do a background check on me? I had nothing to do with what happened with Mayor Carver. Don’t worry, Ms. King. It’s completely routine. You see, in kidnapping cases, they need to check out everyone who had recent contact with the victim. And you saw Abe the day he disappeared. The day you left work early.
I was sick. I thought I was coming down with the flu. I’ve already been through all of this with agent Grant. I know You see, the thing is we’re not exactly clear on what happened yet, and this is Mayor Carver we’re talking about. We’re not just gonna let this go. Not me, not the cops, definitely not the fbi.
You know, Abe was Eli’s father-in-law. Mm-hmm. , that man is gonna keep digging until he nails down the entire timeline, accounting for every minute between when Abe went missing. And when he ended up in that river, I mean, where was he all this time? Who was he with? The agency needs to get every detail of the victim’s movements.
Especially from the last person to see him. It wasn’t me. It was Jerry. Uh, why
would he, uh, when you make me nervous? You kind of seem really nervous right now, Jerry. I’m just, uh… Anxious to get packed. Okay. Well, I will get out of your hair as soon as I get some answers. Okay? So, can we go back to the day on the docks real quick? It seemed like something was really weighing on you.
And of course, we appreciate your condolences. But are you sure, Jerry, that there wasn’t anything else you wanted to tell Theo? Like what?
Okay, Jerry. So many people love my father and miss him terribly. And also because it was a tragic death under mysterious circumstances. It’s especially painful for me because I used to be a cop.
Right. And I want to help with this investigation so badly so I can find whoever took my dad and give everyone who loved him answers. Including myself. But, because I’m not on the force anymore, I can’t work with the police, Jerry. But I still need those answers, desperately. So, please. Jerry, if you know anything, and I mean anything about what happened to my dad, please.
I would appreciate it if you would tell me. Because it would give me the closure that I need to finally say goodbye to my dad. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. I lied. What did you lie about? Everything. All of it. My entire story was a lie.
Henry! It’s not polite to keep a lady waiting. Henry!
Oh! Oh, well, that is much better. You look perfect. Just perfect for what I have planned. So, are you ready? For what? To run for mayor of Pineview? This town has needed new leadership since the last guy got possessed by the devil. And you’re just perfect. But there’s still a lot of work to do. So you’re going to need me.
To do what? To be your Director of Communications. Well this is all sounding a little familiar. Well, that’s because I did do it once before but it didn’t work out so well. But this time, we are going to be a great success. You and I, Henry, are going to get you elected and nothing or no one is going to stop us.
You’re sad.
Look, I know that your mom and Kristen have not always had the best history, but they’ve also been known to put their differences aside at times. I’m hoping Marlena will go in there with her expertise and help Kristen, you know, listen to reason. Brady, I hate to be the negative one here, but has Kristen ever listened to Rachel?
No. But she loves her daughter. And I think she feels guilty, Tank. She feels guilty that she’s keeping her away from me and from her grandparents. And if Marlena can go in there and make her understand that this is bad for Rachel, this is going to cause her damage, and appeal to her, mother to mother, I think that, with some luck, Yeah, she’ll be able to make her see the light, make her do the right thing.
You know, you can still do the right thing. You can repay the favor that I did for you yesterday, and you can tell me where Rachel is. Well, I can’t tell you what I don’t know.
You do know that whatever tactics you employ, Brady is never going to give you full custody. Of course I know. I’m not an idiot, Marlena. Well, then what do you want? I want Brady to share. No matter how you feel about me, you know I love Rachel every bit as much as Brady does. And you know that Rachel loves me.
And it is important for our child to have both parents in her life. So, now you know, hypothetically, How to resolve this situation. So I suggest you have a little chat with Belle.
I will talk to my daughter. And when you talk to my granddaughter, please tell her that I love her.
And your whole story was a lie. I never saw your father fall into the river. What, so did you see someone push him? No. I never saw Mayor Korver at the docks. Then how do you know he was there, Jerry? He wasn’t, but I was. What? You’re, you’re not making any sense. Of course my father was there. They found his hospital bracelet there.
They found his blood. Because I planted them. What? How? How, how did you get his bracelet and how did you get his blood? What did you do to him? Nothing! Nothing! Uh, uh, I swear, I swear. I didn’t do anything to your father. It was all Nurse King. Okay? Everything that happened, it was all a part of her plan.
You’re talking about Jerry Prentiss? The guy who witnessed Abe going into the water? Yes. He was the last one to see Mayor Carver. Oh, no, no, no. Hold on. I should have been more clear. I didn’t mean the last person to see Abe alive. I meant the last person to see him before he went missing. And that was you.
No, no. It was Jerry. Hang on. So you’re telling me, the day that Abe disappeared from this hospital… Jerry Prentiss was here.
Aren’t you a doctor? Shut up, Lorna. Oh, sorry. It’s just kind of hilarious. Anyone having the idea that looking at you, you’d be a physician. Well, how about everybody thinks that you are a raging bitch? At least I don’t dress like a whore. Well, you dress like a tacky whore. What are you doing here, Cassandra?
I’m giving you a reality check. Excuse me. You know, it’s one thing to rig the woman of the year contest, but fixing the mayor race? Well, that’s a whole different ball of wax. Well, I don’t have a clue to what you’re talking about. Oh, cut the crap, DeLorean. I’m on to you. And you know this big plan of yours?
It’s never gonna work. The hell it isn’t! Because I have the perfect candidate, and there won’t be any rigging or fixing, because Henry and I are gonna win this fair and square. Oh, well, we’ll see about that. Oh, what do you think you’re gonna do about it, Cassie? I’m gonna beat you at your own game. You see, I have my own perfect candidate right here.
I appreciate your concern for me, but this, this issue with Sean is, is rough. I’m really sorry about it. And I’m also willing to talk to him for the 19th time. I know. It’s okay. Thank you. I appreciate that. He has agreed to talk to mom, though. Oh! I’m glad I found you two. Hey, Romina. Um, Any luck with Kristen?
She said she doesn’t know where Rachel is. She’s sticking to her story. Yeah, no surprise there. But, she said if she knew anything, she’d be willing to share. Okay. I can tell by the look in your eyes that I should assume that she wants something in exchange. Yeah. She would like to revisit your custody agreement.
Sweetheart, what are you doing downstairs? Attic is scary.
I know. Please sit down. But you know, that’s just a place where things are stored and you have your favorite books and all your lovely dolls. But it’s lonely up there, Mommy. I know what, I promise, this is, this is gonna be over very soon, alright? And you’ll only have to be up there for a little bit longer.
Um, but you know why it’s important, right? Hmm? Why you have to wear this? So the police don’t find me. Yeah, that’s right. And you’re doing such a great job. Remember when the officers, they came and searched the house and, uh, They walked right by you, surrounded by all those stuffed animals. Cause I was really quiet and I didn’t move.
That’s right! You did such a wonderful job! And so, it’s just a little bit longer, alright? So I’m gonna need you to go up to the attic, but this time we can throw a beautiful tea party. I’m gonna get you a little tea set, and some teas, and you can invite your little teddy bears and your dolls. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
I guess. Wow. Okay, um. What’s wrong, honey? It’s just… Is Daddy worried about me? I don’t like making them scared. I know, honey. And it’s very sweet that you’re concerned about your daddy. But you don’t need to be. Because like I said, this is going to all be over very, very soon. Hmm?
So let me get this straight. You’re telling me that Jerry Prentiss was here the day Abe disappeared. Yes, he was right outside of Abe Carver’s room, just lingering. Why didn’t you tell anybody about it? I didn’t think it was important. But when I read in the paper that he was the eyewitness that saw Mayor Carver fall off the docks, after seeing him outside his room, well, it seemed a little suspicious.
And you still didn’t say anything about it? No. Well, I didn’t want to get Mr. Prentiss in trouble. He’s such a nice young man. Or not. Wait. You don’t think that he could have something to do with what happened to A, do you?
Huh. Do I know you? Well, not yet you don’t, but you will. This is… Drumroll, please. The one, the only, the fabulous… Cassandra Clarkington. Cassandra. Cassandra. This is so confusing. Well, don’t you worry your handsome little head, before long everyone in this town will know my name, because I am throwing my hat in the political ring and running for mayor.
You have to be kidding. Oh, I’m as serious as a panic attack, darling. And I’ll be a shoo in with all of you. Oh my, vote for Sandra Cookies! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! And my first act, after I win, will be to bulldoze a town square and build my new discount store. Clocking Town! Ah! Doesn’t that sound fantastic? I think that sounds absolutely dreadful.
Henry, are you okay? I’m getting a strange sense of déjà vu. About what? Her. Cassandra? All men do. Hey, hey, watch it. No, no, no, no, not, not, not Cassandra. Sandra. Oh, well, why would you have déjà vu about me?
This plan. You raise the town square, you… You build a discount store. You’ve done it before, haven’t you? But you kept a secret. That’s not the only… What secret you’ve kept from me, is
it? Nurse King, what does she have to do with this? She’s the one who gave me the hospital bracelet, and his blood, and she told me to put them on the docks. Why would you do that? Uh, okay, listen, um, so my grandma was sick, and she couldn’t afford her medication, so Nurse King forged some documents so that, uh, her insurance could cover it.
Okay, I know it was wrong, okay? But when she asked me for help, I couldn’t say no. And I thought that I was helping, and I thought that she was a good person, but she’s not. Okay, you, you said that she did something to my father. What does that mean? Does she hurt him? No. Okay, then how does she get his blood?
What did she do to him, Jerry? Did she kill him? No. Then how does she get his blood? Tell you talk to me. She didn’t kill him. Then what? Your father is alive
Alright, that’s it. I’m going over to that house right now. I’m gonna put my hands around her scrawny Why Why not? This is just a ploy. It’s another ploy to get me to revisit the custody arrangement. That’s all this is I understand that But the thing is, right now, Kristen holds all the cards. And if you, if you do something rash, she could just pick up Rachel and take off.
Do you really want me to cave in to this diabolical woman one more time? I don’t want to. No, no! Belle, come on, there’s gotta be something we can do here, right? Listen, as much as I would rather be a sister than a lawyer right now, the fact that Rachel went missing works in Kristen’s favor. How? What? How?
Because you have full custody. So you’re responsible for all the decisions about your daughter, including what summer camp she goes to. The one that she ran away from. Oh, co… You’re telling me there’s a court out there that’s gonna think that this is somehow my fault? I’m saying that in the eyes of the law, the fact that she escaped on your watch, it looks bad.
Brady, this isn’t just about what Kristen has done wrong. This is really about what’s right for Rachel. I know, and I’m sure she gave you an earful about that. You know, it’s important for Rachel to have both parents in her life. I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m open to that. I believe in that. Tell her. Yeah, no, during the custody hearing, when Kristen was trying to cut Brady out of Rachel’s life, I tried to reason with her.
I tried to get her to see that a joint custody agreement would be the best thing for everyone. I, I wanted Rachel to have her mother in her life. Until her mother blackmailed me with using free women’s lives, including yours, I can’t believe you’re advocating for Kristen. I am advocating for Rachel. We’ve got to put aside our feelings about Kristen and focus on how that little girl feels about her mother.
Yeah. You know, Brady, If you did, uh, agree to joint custody, I could put contingencies in the agreement, so that if Kristen were to, I don’t know… Do a drug assault, murder someone, then I’d have my kid full time. Brady, I know this isn’t easy. But experience tells me, that the better things go with Kristen right now, the easier things will be down the road.
And you know what, before you know it… You’re gonna get to spend time with both me and your daddy, alright? Ah, come here. I love you, sweetheart, so much. I love you, too, Mommy. Mmm. Alright, now head back on up into the attic, and I’m gonna bring your fabulous tea set, and we’re gonna get all those beautiful teas that Harold
has. All
right. There you go, sweetie.
I kept a secret from you? Well, I don’t have a clue what you mean. Well, this isn’t about the store. This is about something else. This is, uh… Well, that’s a much bigger secret. Well, we only just met, Henry. How could I keep anything from you? You know, much less a, uh, earth shattering secret. Well, yes. Yes, it was.
It was. Earth shattering. Well, there was a time that she stole your recipe for a rocky road. Ugh, that was you, you idiot. Well, there was a time that you tainted his sprinkles with some mind altering hallucinogen. Yeah, this is, uh, this is, uh, This is about something else. This is, uh, It’s much more important.
I remember. I remember.
You and I. We have a daughter.
What do you mean, my father is alive? I mean, he never fell off the docks. Nurse King’s had him this whole time. Jerry, if you are messing with me I’m not! I’m not. Okay? She kidnapped him from the hospital, and she’s been pretending to be his wife this whole time. And she paid me to tell Abe that I’m your brother, Theo.
And he believed you? Yes. Yes. At first. And with his head injury, he doesn’t remember anything from his life. Well, that’s not exactly true. What do you mean? Hope, every once in a while, he has these little flashes, like, uh, memory comes back to him. And he tries to put the pieces together, but Nurse King won’t let him.
So about Mr. Prentiss. Do you think it means something that he was here the day that Mayor Carver disappeared and he’s the one who saw him fall into the river? We’re sure as hell gonna find out. Excuse me.
Hey John. Yeah, I’m still at the hospital. I spoke to her. She told me something very interesting. You got an address on this Jerry Prentiss guy?
Mayor Carver, he, he, he, he knows there’s something off, but Nurse King, she sedates him to keep him in line. Why would you be a part of something so sick? I didn’t know, okay? Uh, she said she needed me for an acting gig. And, and she said that it would help him with your father’s recovery. I didn’t know I would have to fake his death.
Where is he, Jerry? Where is my father? As far as I know, he’s still at her apartment, but she said that she’s gonna leave town, and she’s gonna take him with her. I’m sorry. For everything, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry! I’m sorry!
Okay, well, my assistant just emailed a PDF of the amended custody agreement to Brady, and you should be getting it right about now. Ah, so as soon as Kristen gets that, we get to have Rachel back. Yeah. Do you really think that giving in to Kristen’s demands was the right thing to do? I think the right thing to do is what is best for Rachel.
Honey, she loves her mother. She wants to spend time with her. And there’s, there’s not a court in the land that will not take into account what a child wants. I just wish that Kristen would have found a way to deal with this without involving kidnapping. Yeah, but now that Brady is willing to compromise maybe everybody can move forward in a, in a civilized way.
Spoke to Marlena. She said that you’d be interested in revisiting our custody arrangement. Word travels fast. She said that if I was willing to amend it, that that might help in the search for Rachel. I do recall mentioning that. Well, I think you’ll, uh, be very pleased with the changes then. Yes, I am.
Quite pleased. Do
you know, I
have a really good feeling about this, Brady. I just know that once I sign this, Rachel’s gonna be found.
You’re dead.
I have a good feeling about this too.
Sorry, Jerry, but I didn’t want to do this. Dr. Johnson’s husband was getting awfully suspicious. It was either you or me, so I had to throw you under the bus. Hopefully you’re long gone
by now. I’m sorry, Miss King. Abe’s daughter deserves to know the truth. I’m not going to be there when she finds him. I’m not going down for
this. A daughter? I only just met you, Henry. We don’t have a daughter. Oh, yes, we do. Oh, is he alright? Mentally speaking? He’s as sharp as a tack. Well, I beg to differ because what he is saying is impossible. Man. This, uh, You hear that sound? I don’t hear a thing. It sounds like someone, Someone knocking. See? I think I hear it now.
Me too. I don’t know what you people are talking about. All I see is a man who is clearly out of his mind.
Oh my god. Daddy.
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