Y&R Best Lines Friday, May 19, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Sharon: Babies are babies. Boy or girl, really makes no difference. I mean, beyond the basics. Feeding them, rocking them to sleep and changing their diaper, they just want you to smile at them and talk to them and sing to them and love them. And you know how to do that. And the rest of it, you just figure out as they grow up.

Adam: Oh, I hope that is true.

Sharon: You sound doubtful.

Adam: Well, having a girl, I have been thinking a lot about my mom. And I want my daughter to inherit some of Hope’s intelligence and strength along with Sally’s incredible soul.

Sharon: Well, what about you?

Adam: Well, with any luck, nothing.

Sharon: Oh, come on. You must have some good qualities.

Adam: Maybe my chin and my impeccable sense of timing.

Sharon: All right. Where’s this coming from? You are always a good dad to Connor.

Adam: Yep. It’s easier. He’s a boy. You know, I start with the obvious, just don’t be like me or my father.

Sharon: I think you’re selling yourself short. You’ll be just as good of a dad to a baby girl.

************* **”********

Adam: Hm. Oh, well, as hard as it is to resist aria’s siren call, I have some McCall business that I have to take care of.

Sharon: He’s not very good at fake texting.

Sally: It’s me. I’m afraid I have made things awkward between us.

Sharon: Oh, I’m sure it’s not all you and– and you too will just figure out the co-parenting puzzle.

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