Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, May 17, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Diane: You might want to rethink that nasty attitude since we’re about to become family.

Ashley: You don’t know the meaning of the word, Diane. So, I understand why you’re confused, but we will never be family.

Diane: Uh, jack was ready to marry me in jail. This marriage is definitely going to happen.

Ashley: There’s no explaining stupidity, Diane. You’re going back to jail, so don’t think that we’re gonna be having any family time together, okay?


Diane: No, I’m basing it on… oh, good morning, tucker.

Tucker: Good morning.

Ashley: Thank god, you’re up. Hey, I got an idea, let’s go somewhere.

Tucker: Yeah, it’s a nice day, you want to take a walk?

Ashley: I’d love to.

Tucker: Would you care to join us, Diane? Oh, that’s right, your little ankle accessory there. That’s a shame.

Diane: Ah, ha ha ha ha ha. Hey, are you a stand-up comedian now? I mean, don’t tell me that you sold off your life’s work to Victor Newman just for that new career.

Tucker: What’s with her?

Ashley: I don’t know. She’s very optimistic about her circumstances.
Practically dancing on poor Phyllis’s grave.

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