Y&R Best Lines Friday, May 12, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Billy: I wonder what’s keeping Connor and Chelsea?

Johnny: Maybe he just had his weekly nerd club meeting.

Billy: Easy. That’s your kid brother.

Johnny: Exactly. That’s why I get to say stuff like that. Back when he was just my cousin, it was a completely different story.

Billy: Right, right, right. So, let me get this straight. You can only say things like that if it comes from love?

Johnny: Yeah.


Billy: Well, I was just telling Johnny that you are expecting a new baby sister.

Johnny: Welcome to the big brothers club.

Connor: Right. Whoop-de-doo.

Johnny: Oh, here’s the good news. She’s not living under your roof and she’ll be too little to talk, so…

Connor: I’m not hungry. I just wanna go home.

Chelsea: Really? This is the first time this kid’s ever turned down a snack.

Billy: You know, there are benefits to having a sister. There are. Why don’t you fill him in? Tell– tell the young man all the great things.

Johnny: Well, first time she burps the way you taught her to, that’s cool. Also, you can take your broccoli from your plate and just put it on her plate–

Billy: Okay. You’re done. Cut off.

Johnny: Hey, I speak the truth.

Billy: Don’t listen to anything he says.

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