Days of Our Lives Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
You know that expression if feels good to be true, it probably is. I’ve heard it, yes. Okay. Well, I need you to tell me that that is not. The case with how I feel right now that spending an evening together snuggling in your arms is actually happening. That it’s true. It’s real. Okay. Not only is it true and real and actually happening, it’s gonna keep happening for the rest of our lives.
Oh, I’ve missed this.
Oh. Are you aware that this is a common space for all the residents in this home? And I having to witness you two. Swapping spit might be an unsavory, if not nauseating site for those of us who also live here. Good evening to you too, ej. See, I was hoping that you’d stick around tonight since we do have business to discuss.
It’ll have to wait. I don’t think it should see. It’s about my position as consultant and you and your performance, which I’ve observed for what, two days now. You instrument, I’d like to show you my notes.
For you. Hello Eric. This is Sweets. How are you girlfriend? Oh, is that what I am now for girlfriends, ah, that you are now that we’re officially a couple. Mm-hmm. I figured it was time for me to step up in the romance department, hence the rose. I see. Well, normally I’m not the type who goes for these like romantic gestures, but for you, I think I’ll make an exception.
Mom. Why are you in the dark? Hmm. I was meditating. What just when do you meditate? Ever since I started getting those damn panic attacks. Your friend Talia recommended it and you know, I was skeptical at first, but you know what? It actually works. My anxiety level is weirder. Oh, ah, okay. Well, uh, that’s great.
I’m glad Talia was able to help. Mm-hmm. Uh, be sure to thank her for me next time you see her. Well, that would be tonight. Talia and I are going on a date.
You are so beautiful and damn you sexy. Chanel dere is not gonna be able to resist you, so you keep saying. Come here.
No, I know this is difficult for you. Yeah, but it means so much to me. Yeah, you keep saying that too. I wish to. I felt like shutting down a balcony was enough. But look, the last thing I wanna do is make you unhappy. All right. Since the legal system won’t prosecute her for, for killing my mother and driving my father to drink himself to death.
Well, I’ve had to assume that responsibility myself. I have another choice. Don’t you see that? I do. And I know that we’ve gone over this a thousand times, babe, but. This plan, Colin, it’s, it’s all sorts of twisted. You’re asking me to seduce her and, and then break her heart. I know this is gonna be challenging for you cuz of your kind heart.
Talia, I have faith in you all and your loyalty to me and your ability to do whatever you set your mind to, which is why I know you can handle this.
Actually, come on. I don’t think that I can,
Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hold on a second. Would you slow down? Hey, let’s just think this through, right? What’s to think about? You heard what the hardware store owner said. He remembers seeing Talia. Come in and make a copy of a key. Mm-hmm. The same day that someone probably made a copy of Paulina’s Key to break into our office probably being the operative word.
This is all just a theory. We don’t have any proof yet, but when you factor everything else, all the little coincidences. Oh holes and tell your story. It’s pretty clear that the person who’s been targeting Chanel and Paulina, this is my very own sister.
Like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.
But why Jada? Why would Talia go after Pauly and Anne and Chanel? I mean, she didn’t even know them before they moved to Salem, right? A possible motive. Could she have? I wish to. Hell on you. But you don’t. You don’t. Right? So we could be completely off base here. What if we’re not? What if Talia is the one who trash Paul in his office?
What if she sent those threatening text messages and, and worse, what if she was the one who drugged those biscuits? I mean, my God, that’s a felony. Me. She go to prison. Okay. Hey, you’re getting way ahead of yourself here. Right. There’s still a lot that we don’t know. We know enough. The timeline, for instance, you know, it just occurred to me, Paulina and Chanel, they didn’t start being harassed.
Until around the time my sister should open town completely outta the blue. That may be, but it also coincides with the time the Sloan’s civil case got thrown out and she vowed revenge upon them. The Sloan has an alibi. The night were drugged, which we already agreed was. Shaky at best. Yeah, but look, you’re the one who told Abe yourself.
Then we need to look at this with an open mind. Let’s not fix Abe on one suspect here, right? It’s possible the culprit could be someone we haven’t even considered yet. What do you mean you can’t handle it? Are you saying that you’re not gonna help me anymore? Answer me, Talia. Look, it’s just. I don’t like deliberately hurting someone like this, Colin, and I just don’t understand why.
You’re just so cool with me being with somebody else. I’m not cool with it. I hate the idea, but as I keep telling you, there is no other way for this to work. Yeah, and why not? Chanel likes guys too. You could be the one to seduce, sir. Don’t you think I would If that made any sense at all. But you know down well, that’s too risky.
If anyone knew that I was in town, I would be the number one suspect for everything that’s gone on. Not even my sister Sloan can know that I’m in town.
You are way more lover than I am. I bet. Chanel is well on our way to falling for you. Yeah, and that just makes me feel worse. Damnit Colin. Okay. All of this. Yemen, I’ve, I just wanted to be over so we can packages feed us. Believe me, we’re almost there. All right. Once Chanel Dupree feels a fraction of the pain that she put my family through, I’ll be able to move on because I will have honored my parents’ memory.
I get justice for them. I thought you knew how much that meant to me. I do. I really do. I promise then we’re good.
Yeah, far good,
but I better get going. I have to change from my dates.
I love you. I love you.
You are dating Claudia Hunter. It well, technically it’s our first date, but if it goes well, there could be more. Oh, interesting. Uh, my, I thought she was, was what? A totally adorable, completely gorgeous young woman of color. You know what I mean? I just assumed she was straight. Well, actually, I, I kind of thought that too, but then today she, she kissed me and it was just out of the blue.
Oh, so you were surprised, huh? Yes. And no, I think for, for a while now, I kind of thought we were vibing, but I wasn’t sure if it was just my imagination. But I, I think she was hesitant about ex expressing her feelings because she’s only ever dated men before. Oh, really? Huh. So first, Allie, I’m tired. You seem to have this.
Superpower to turn straight girls into my sexual assault. Okay, mama. That is not how it works, but I mean, I can’t help it if people of all genders and sexual orientations happen to find me Irres. Oh, you have to tell me. I know my baby girl is quite the gem, like mother, like daughter. Mm-hmm. Definitely. But, but darling, what?
Are you sure you’re ready to start dating again?
Chanel baby. I know how much you loved Allie and you, you two broke up only a couple of months ago and well, I’m worried that it, you know, it might be too soon for you that you, you’re still. Vulnerable. You know, you know, mama, I’m not gonna lie, I miss her like crazy. She was my best friend and my girlfriend all wrapped up in one person, and I’m tired of sitting around being sad about it.
Not to mention all the other stuff I have to be sad about. I mean, don’t I deserve to have some fun for a change, baby? You deserve whatever this wonderful world has to offer you. I, I’m just worried. About you throwing yourself into a another relationship. If you are not ready, uh, you know, because you’re, you’re, you’re still too vulnerable, like I said.
And. Cause my precious, precious girl, the last thing I want is for you to get your heart broken all over again.
I know what you’re saying makes sense about my sister’s. Total lack of motive. But you’re still freaked out thinking you may be guilty. Which is why you need to take a deep breath and give yourself some time to think about this situation. Clearly,
you’re right. It’s just really hard, you know when a case hits so close to home. Trust me. I get it. But we’ll get through this. Okay. Together.
Hey sis, commissioner Talia. Hi. Listen, um, I just wanna let you know that I won’t be home for dinner tonight. Okay. Uh, where are you going? I’m just hanging out with Chanel, so, um, I’m gonna go be dressed. Okay. All right. Uh, have fun. Thank you. You guys have a good time too. Okay. Call ya. Wait. I need to ask you something first.
Yeah. Show. What’s up?
Did you trash Paulina Price’s Office?
Sorry, one sec.
Oh, damn it. What? Oh, I gotta go meet a client like right now, afraid. So she’s nervous about her testimony in court tomorrow. So I gotta go do a little hand holding. You never know how long those things are gonna take. Can I get a rain check on her? Of course. Night of Romance. Listen, just be sure to call me before you turn in, okay?
Will do. Okay.
This is a complete waste of time. Everyone knows this is an utter fast. Just a way to get Gabby back at the company using underhanded tactics. I happen to disagree with that. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Gabby is a very successful businesswoman. She’s a money-grubbing bottom feeder. She’s not qualified to criticize what I had for lunch, let alone my job performance.
Mm. Now that is a great example of one of your many, many weaknesses. Your curiousness, your arrogance. Do you treat your employees like they’re beneath you? It’s a real morale killer. Pity settle. I’ve spoken to a couple people at the company. If they described you as rude, Temperamental tyrannical. One guy even said he’d rather work for the father and succession.
At least. That guy’s funny. Oh, and I’m not. Wait, who said that? It’s confidential. To protect your employees, you’re lying. You’re making every word up. Oh, suddenly I’m not speak from what I’ve seen. Your management skills are ineffective. Your bargaining tactics are counterproductive. Your interpersonal skills are an HR disaster waiting to happen.
Oh, and your cologne is very pungent. So, How God. Oh, how dare you. That’s an all in all. If I had to give you a letter grade, it would be an F. You insulate. Actually, I forgot you left crumbs in the break room, so that’s an F minus.
Feel free to write up whatever you want in your pathetic little report. Gabby, nobody gives a down what you think. I bake the differ. I think the board is gonna care very much about Gabby’s review. See, I’ve read her preliminary findings and. They’re actually quite disturbing. I have no doubt. Once she submits your evaluation, the board’s gonna want to address several of these issues before it’s too late as you wish.
But don’t forget, brother, I’m not the only one being evaluated here. Nicole has been monitoring your performance and I’m sure she has a lot to say. Nicole, darling, would you mind coming downstairs please? Oh, she’s not here. She went shopping. Well, when she gets back, I’ll ask her to present her findings. In the meantime, I’m going to get some air.
Because I’ve had enough of you two in your little childish games.
Enjoy the air. Are we having fun yet?
You and Sloan? What about me and Sloan? Well, I knew I was high on biscuits, but I distinctly remember you saying you stopped seeing each other. Well, we had, we managed to make things work out even though she caught us in bed together. Well, she understood that we were drugged and we weren’t. I’ve seen things clearly.
Right. Well, I mean, I guess you two weren’t exclusive or anything, and from what you said, it was just casual. Actually, that’s not the case anymore.
Son and I decided to give a shot to having a rare relationship.
Mama, isn’t it a little early in the game for you to be worried about me getting hurt? Mm-hmm. It’s only a first date. Yeah, but I know you baby, you tend to move pretty fast. Are you following me, Ahoe? Of course not. I was talking relationship wise. I mean, after all you marry Zander cook just hours after you met him.
Okay. You know, that wasn’t about love. Oh, and then you also married Johnny Dara of a few months after you two started dating. Okay. Maybe that was a little impulsive, and then just only a few months after that you moved him with Alien or something. Okay. Okay. Okay. Look, okay. I, I admit that I do fall pretty quickly, but I promise to take things slow with Talia.
Okay. That’s all I ask. After all, you know, you haven’t really known her that long. Okay, now you seem skeptical of Talia. You were just singing her praises two seconds ago. Well, it’s both you and I know people aren’t always what they see.
What did you say, Jada? Maybe this isn’t such a good idea. I believe that someone took. A key from Paulina’s Purse. I made a copy of it to get into her office. And why do you think that someone is me? You were with Chanel and Paulina in the Square the day her office was vandalized. You had the opportunity to do it.
Yeah. But I didn’t really, because Ra and I just came back from speaking to the hardware store owner and we showed him your picture and he remembered making a copy of a key for you that day. So how do you explain that?
I can’t, I can’t believe this. Do you seriously think I could do something so horrible? We are not accusing you of anything, Talia. We’re just asking questions. No, you’re not just asking questions. I mean, come on. You showed the guy in my picture. Right. So you two obviously think that I’m guilty. Well, at the moment we are exploring any and all angles.
So I’m the on your investigation. That’s funny because I thought I was your sister, which means you can talk to me. Was the owner of the hardware store. Right. When he identified your picture, did you make a copy of the Key that day?
Yeah, I did.
So you did make a copy of Pauline’s Key?
No, I made a key to your room upstairs. What? Yeah. You kept saying You’re gonna make me my own key. Right. But you kept putting it off and I didn’t think our system was very safe. What system? I’m leaving my own key under the mat. So tell you can get in, haven’t had time to get a key made. Yeah, so I took the initiative and I did it myself, but that was weeks ago.
Why didn’t you say something before now? I don’t know. I kept forgetting, you know, you’ve been forgetting a lot of things lately, hun. Don’t believe me. How about you take it upstairs and see if it works. Or better yet about use at Ms Price’s office. Maybe you and I should go upstairs and try out the key just for the record.
Okay, fine by me, but I’m telling the truth. My God, Chanel and Paulina have been so kind to me. Why in the world would I wanna hurt them? Well, like I said, your sister and I were just exploring any and all angles.
Yeah, right. But I thought my sister of all people would know that I’m not a horrible person and I would never do something like this.
Well, I should go get ready for my date. What do you two have planned? Dinner at the bistro? Then maybe we’ll catch a movie at the square. Or who knows? Maybe we’ll just elope at city Hall. You know, I should probably wear my wedding dress just in case. Stop, stop, stop. Stop, stop, stop. I love you, mama, and I appreciate you looking out for me.
Always. Always. You. You have a wonderful time. Now, being careful doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Yeah. Uh, Talia and I already get along so well. I’m sure the fun will happen easily. And the next step, well, that is to be seen.
You know, the one good thing about the bakery shutting down is that. I can stay out as late as I want. I guess I found something I can thank Sloane Peterson for. Well, another little bit of advice. Keep that horrible woman out of your mind tonight. I’m gonna try, mama. I’m gonna try. Mm-hmm. Hmm.
Oh wow.
Sorry I’m late. Oh, don’t be. I just got here myself. Look, I know it may seem like overkill. You know what? Nonsense. There’s no such thing. Preparation is the name of the game when it comes to going to court. Thanks. I just wanna go over my testimony one more time. Of course, Vincent, don’t worry so much. All you have to do tomorrow is when you get on this stand, you just tell the truth and you leave the rest up to me.
You make it sound so easy. Well, that’s because I’ve been doing this a very long time. Trust me, you’re in good hands. I do know that Ms. Peterson.
A real relationship. Okay. What does that mean? It means that Sloan and I are now like exclusive. Well, I gathered that I, you still don’t know what it means? Well, no, of course I do. It’s just that, it’s just, fuck, come on, Eric. I don’t think anyone who knows you thinks this makes any sense. Okay. Can you name one person who thinks highly of that woman?
Not to mention that she’ll probably be on her way to Statesville before law. Are you kidding me, Nicole? Listen, I am tired of explaining to everyone that Sloan had nothing to do with what’s happening with Chanel and Paulina. And by the way, she was with me all night. She had nothing to do with drugging those biscuits.
Really? You had your eyes on her every second, Nicole. Well, I just,
I’m just concerned. Okay. Because even after everything that. We’ve been through. I, I still care about you and if you’re serious about Sloan, then I’ll be fine.
Eric, wait.
Since you and Sloane are together, can you just do me a favor? Please Ask her not to tell anyone about what happened between us under the influence. Are you afraid ejs gonna find it? Yeah. I’m afraid ejs gonna find out and he is probably gonna blow it out of proportion. Okay. And I don’t need the drama, especially since us making love was because of the drugs.
Am I right? Yeah. It’s because of the.
He worked. All right. Well, isn’t that a good thing? I mean, it might have been, if I hadn’t already blurted out my suspicions. Yeah. Uh, about that. What happened to taking a breath and thinking this through clearly. I had every intention of doing that, but then the words just started tumbling outta my mouth and I couldn’t stop myself.
Oh, I’m sure my sister is furious with me. No, well, I mean, yeah, probably. You know, I, I should go back up there and talk to me. No, no, no, no, no. Do not do that. This is really emotional for you. You’re. Your instincts are, Ross, just wait till tomorrow morning. Okay? Okay. You know, I, I think you’re right. I’ll just give her some time, you know, let her cool off.
Yes. Okay. Yeah. Talia. Talia. Wait. Can we talk this out?
we just what?
That was perfect. If you tell your story like that tomorrow, it’s a slam dunk. Thanks. I feel much more confident now. Great. Okay. Tomorrow meet me at the courthouse at nine. Okay. Um, actually before you go, I have one more question, Uhhuh. Sure. I heard rumors about the police investigating you. Should I be looking for a backup lawyer?
Absolutely not. Look, you have nothing to worry about, okay? And neither do I. The police have no case because I’m innocent. But I heard that Paulina Price accused you of harassing her family. She’s wrong. I don’t know who’s after her and her daughter, but it certainly isn’t me.
I’m gonna go for a run by the lake. Hmm. I gotta stay in good shape for you. You better try to join. I’d love to, but I think I’m gonna send this reporting as soon as possible. I mean, I don’t know how serious Shannon and the board are gonna take this, but. It’s just fun to get under e j’s skin. I agree. Just know that we should expect some pushback.
We both know EJ gives as good as he gets. Let him. You and I can not only hold our own against him and Nicole, we can outsmart, outshine and outperform circles around them and we will. But this tit for tat can’t go on forever. Eventually, we’re gonna need to oust EJ from Damara for good.
Ah, Mr. Damira, I don’t believe we have been properly introduced. I’m SL Peterson. Nice to actually meet you, Ms. Peterson. Although in a way I feel like we already know each other, as I recall, we spent a rather painfully awkward evening at the Bist Strong Valentine’s Day, where our respective dates spent a lot of time and energy trying to ignore each other.
That is true, and I was extremely painful. Mm-hmm. Although it wasn’t half as painful as the other day when I caught the miba together.
Well, I should go,
but before I do, I, uh, I just wanna say in spite of what I said about Sloan and how I feel about her, I hope, I hope you two work out. And I, I know I’ve said this for many years now, but it bears repeating.
I just want you to be happy.
I just want you to be happy.
Even if it’s with ej,
even if it’s with ej.
Uh, I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m sorry. What did you say? Did you, you caught who? Only. Back together. Um, Nicole and Eric, I, God, I’m so sorry. I, I assumed that you knew.
Come on. We’re supposed to split these. Don’t make me eat ’em all by myself. Sorry. Not hungry Ra. What did you think of Talia’s story about her making a key for our room? It made sense mostly, but don’t you find it strange that she never said anything before about it? Hmm. Hello? But I keep going back to one thing, her lack of motive.
That’s right. She’s got nothing against Pauline and Chanel, so why would she go after them?
I am sorry I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation earlier. Oh, hi. Hi, my name’s Logan. I’m Connie. Nice to meet you. Connie. From what I gathered, it sounds like your lawyer might have a bit of legal trouble over her own. Oh, you heard our conversation. Were we talking that loud? No, no, no. It’s just I was there.
I was sitting close enough. You know? Right. Well, my lawyer, she assures me she’s innocent. Except we all know how good lawyers can be at covering things up. Right. So I just hope I can trust her. I know you can. I mean, just from observing the two of you for a couple minutes, whoa. I could get the sense that she’s a person of integrity.
I am positive. She’s innocent. Really? I’m mean, it’s, it’s obviously just a feeling, but I have been told that I am an excellent judgey character.
Wow. You look amazing. Thanks. So do you. I am loving a dress. I’m just fat. It still fits. Spend a minute since I had a reason to dress up, I. I’m glad we’re doing this. So am I. But um, look, I, I know dating women is new for you, so I want you to know there is no pressure, no expectations at all. We can just take things slow.
I actually think that would be good for both of us. Thanks. I really appreciate that. It’s great. All right, now let’s order. I am starving
Nicole and Eric. We’re in bed together. Oh God, yes. But you know, it was just those biscuits, those damn biscuits, they were drugged, you know, it meant nothing. It wasn’t like it was, it wasn’t planned or uh uh, any of that obviously, you know, and, and uh, that’s why I thought she would’ve told you. She assuredly did not.
Oh, well, like I said before, you know, it was, it was the drugs. It really meant nothing. I’m not losing sleep over at, in them, and you shouldn’t neither. Thank you for the heads up.
I didn’t tell EJ and I don’t want him to know, so it has to be our little secret.
So that was her secret. She slept with Eric.
Oh, hey, did uh, EJ track you down? No. Why? He was upset about the performance review that I gave him. The guy just doesn’t know how to take constructive criticism. Oh, yeah. I bet it was real constructive. Wow. I’m sure the board will be very interested to hear what I have to say. I, I was just about to email them my scathing review.
Oh, well, I guess I’ll just have to send them my review about Stephan also scathing. Hmm.
Oh, ow. Oh God. Ah. Oh. You all right? Oh.
Oh my God.
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