Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, April 26, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: Dr. Nate Hastings.

Nate: Adam. You know I don’t practice medicine anymore.

Adam: Ah. You’re right. You quit being a doctor to do something really important. Run a media company.

Nate: Is there something I can help you with?

Adam: So, things are going well over there at Newman Media?

Nate: Couldn’t be better.

Adam: That’s good. From my experience, you have everything you need to be successful at that company.

Nate: And what exactly would that be?

Adam: Well, you have two things going for you. One, you’re not a Newman, and two, you’re not intimately intertwined with one. So, you’re in good shape.


Victor: I came here to tell you both some good news.

Nikki: Oh?

Victoria: I don’t really like the way he’s smiling right now.

Victor: You’re looking at the new owner of McCall Unlimited.

Victoria: Oh. Is that all? You scared me for a minute, I thought it was something important.

Nikki: Now, Victoria.

Victoria: He knows what I mean. Buying McCall is like buying a– a horse or, um, a car or like a trendy coffee machine. It’s fun for a minute, but it doesn’t really change the world.

Victor: And now it begins. The competition, I mean.

Nikki: Yes, of course.

Victoria: You know, if you’re still planning on putting Adam in charge, that’s– that’s a relief. Because he’s certainly doomed to fail. Thankfully, it’s not gonna be on my watch. So, as far as I’m concerned, it’s a win-win situation.

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