Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, January 24, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Abby: Hi. I just wanted to drop off Dominic’s vitamins.

Devon: Oh. He’s not gonna like that you remembered. He hates these things.

Abby: Oh, that’s only because you don’t sing him the special vitamin song. Yeah. Which I will teach you after you tell me what’s on your mind. What’s up?


Tucker: You know, it’s a beautiful day, is it not?

Victoria: Yes, as a matter of fact, it is. You know, I think that it’s dinnertime in Paris right now. It must be gorgeous, with the lights twinkling on the seine, lovers walking arm in arm down the Champs-Elysées. And I’m sure that Ashley is glancing out at the Eiffel tower, basking in the fact that she escaped you. You must be so crushed that your plan to win Ashley back failed.

Tucker: Well, I must say, I’m very flattered you’ve been thinking of me so much.

Victoria: I do. I do think of you, tucker, as much as anyone thinks of an invasive species. Very difficult to eradicate, but once they’re gone, everybody’s so blissfully satisfied.

Tucker: Are you trying to tell me you think I should leave town?

Victoria: Ashley’s out of your reach. You’re out of reasons to stay.

Tucker: Well, why should i run away and deprive myself the pleasure of one-upping my enemies?

Victoria: I don’t think you’ve one-upped anyone this go-round.

Tucker: Give it time.

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