Y&R Best Lines Monday, January 23, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Traci: Well, hello, you two.

Jack: Well, you’re looking exceptionally happy this morning.

Traci: And you’re looking exceptionally happy, as well.

Diane: Traci, I-I didn’t know you were home.

Traci: Surprise.


Traci: Who wants a cup of coffee?

Diane: Oh, no, thank you.

Jack: I’ll have a cup.

Traci: Okay. Actually, I probably don’t need any more caffeine this morning. I have been down here for hours, and I notice the two of you seem to be getting quite a late start.

Diane: Oh, well, we were just upstairs checking on Harrison, but I guess the nanny already has him out. You know, it is a lovely, brisk day for the park.

Traci: Oh, really? How would you know? You haven’t been outside yet.

Diane: Well, I-I do have the weather on my phone.

Jack: We have nothing to hide. For the record, Diane is going to be spending a lot more time around here.

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