Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Sam tells Maxie about Esme’s nanny Maggie and that she and Dante are going to England to find nanny Maggie and talk to her.
Dex tells Sonny about saving Joss and Britt from the hook killer but, when Sonny asks him if he is telling him everything he lies and tells him yes when he is leaving out the part about he and Joss sleeping together. Joss pleads with Cameron not to tell anyone that she and Dex have a relationship because if Sonny finds out he could kill Dex. Cameron tells Joss he owes her nothing and he thinks they will never be friends again. Cameron tells Joss he will keep her secret because unlike her he doesn’t betray the people for which he cares.
Elizabeth talks to Laura and decides to try and forgive her parents. Elizabeth almost tells Laura that she helped Nikolas keep Esme prisoner, but their conversation is interrupted by Cameron.
Sonny asks one of his men to investigate Dex because he is suspicious of him again.
Nikolas asks Elizabeth’s mother Carolyn to suppress Esme’s memory but she tells him no because she won’t make that mistake again.
Anna, Valentin, and Renee go through the Parisian catacombs to get to Victor’s compound and search for Lucy.
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