Best Lines provided by Eva
Billy: Brought the perfect goodies — classic snacks for a classic comedy, guaranteed to make you laugh.
Chelsea: Does it look like i need cheering up?
Billy: Well, I mean, everybody could use a — use a laugh, right? I mean, I could use one right about now. I mean, we could go superhero. We could watch some costumed people blow a bunch of things up. Or we could go sci-fi. I mean, with me, older, the better. “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians” right there for me. So many choices, so little time. What do you say? Your pick.
Chelsea: Um, uh, it doesn’t matter. Whatever you think.
Billy: Yeah, maybe I, uh — maybe I should have called first, huh? Are you upset that I showed up unannounced?
Chelsea: No. No, no. I’m really — I’m happy you’re here. I am.
Billy: I’m not buying that. Feels like there’s something else going on. I mean, I mentioned “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians,” and i didn’t get nothing out of you. Straight crickets. So, what is it? What’s going on?
Nick: I mean…
[Exhales heavily] I-I don’t know what else to say. Believe me, under this calm exterior, there’s raging jealousy. I think it’s gonna take more time than you think to, uh, get past this. I think the big question is, what does it mean for us? I don’t mean to put you on the spot.
Sally: No, you’re not at all. And I can answer that right now. I want us to date. You know, with my new sense of freedom, I’m ready to get to know you more fully now that i don’t have to worry what Adam thinks every time he sees us out there together. That’s where I stand. The rest is up to you.
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