Days Transcript Monday, December 5, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Go home with you. Sorry, pal. I look, I know I have had a few drinks. I am not drunk. I, okay. Calm down. I wasn’t suggesting anything lascivious. I was nearly offering you one of our many guest bedrooms. Oh well honey, are you sure or better use for them than to rest the weary head of the fellow damage saw and I wouldn’t be any trouble.

No trouble at all, truthfully told I could use the company. Okay. What the hell? Ow. Oh, you’re a little more blotter than you originally forget. Oh, lemme talk. You come here. I’m fine. No you are not. You’re a mess. Come here.

Oh God. Give me a strength. How are you doing with ej?

Leaving now? If you excuse us leaving. What the hell you going? Not it’s any of your business, but she’s coming home with me,

Jada. Don’t worry about it. Okay. All right. Just feel better. All right.

Uh, from the look on your face, I think it’s safe to say that that didn’t go well. Yeah. Trask isn’t backing down. I didn’t think she. Yeah, she’s gonna charge Paulina with this so-called coverup. So now she has to spend the night in jail. Oh, Paulina was elected like two seconds ago. The pavers are gonna have a field day with this.

Yeah, I’m sure that had nothing to do with draft’s decision. Isn’t that woman? She lives to see her name on the front page. How’s Paulina doing? Well she said she thinks she can handle whatever Sloan and craft dish out now that Chanel’s outta jail so well for now. She could still be extradited the uk. So you bet you were cut out for your counselor.

Hmm. So does Stephanie. I know she’s supposed to be some PR genius, but I don’t know how you spend this one.

Alex, what are you doing here? Well, when you canceled on our day, you said you were busy and I thought maybe you wouldn’t find the time to eat. So thank you. That is so thoughtful. And also unnecessary. See, when you told me that you were busy, I assumed with work. My bad.

Okay. Well, it’s shorthand and typing at a hundred words per minute. Shorthand and typing. Yes. I have to wear hat and gloves and fetch the boss’s coffee too. Okay. Let’s just go at this from another direction. What are you good at? Fast learner. Mm-hmm. fast fingers. Mm-hmm. , excellent fashion sense. Okay. Well, you just advised my brother that he should not wear a shirt for the rest of his life.

Exactly. Look, Sonny, I get why you can’t give me a job at Titan, but could you at least give me a reference right. Well, I know Paulina won’t, so, so we definitely have our work cut out for us. Yeah.

Sunny, I know you don’t have to be doing this and I certainly don’t deserve it, but I do appreciate it. Um, right now I have nothing better to do.

Yeah, your doppel was wrong. Sometimes my schemes actually do work. Like tonight. For instance, I wasn’t really gonna go visit EJ dressed like Susan. I just needed Brady to see me in a new light. And guess what? It worked

like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

I thought, uh, you were putting Rachel to bed. Yeah, she was stalling. Her grandfather wanted her too. Tell her another story. Were you having a full on conversation with that doll? Well, I don’t know how much you heard. Just enough to be concerned.

You know, I, I took this job, right, trying to put the bad guys away, and still there’s so many of ’em out there that are just running around free. And meanwhile, I’m arresting the likes of Pauline and Chanel. I know, I know. It’s been a rush couple weeks. But you have tomorrow off, you can relax and regroup.

No, not anymore. Jada just called, she said she needs a couple days off medical leave. Is everything okay? Yeah. Yeah. She said she’s fine. She’s just recovering from a medical procedure. Really? What kind of medical procedure? What did she say? He said, I’m going home with him. Are you drunk? Passing judgment, Derek.

Whew. How? Out of character, you’re drunk and you’re going home with him. I am not drunk. And even if she were, it would be none of your damned. You know what? You stay outta this. This isn’t a good idea. You remember what happened last time? Oh, are you referring to when I slept with Xander? If you’re worried about my marriage or my reputation, well stop because it’s shot to hell.

Yep. Nicole Walker, fallen woman. Well, I’m worried about you. You, you are butting in. Yeah. Well, you remembered that was the biggest mistake of your life. She’s looking at the biggest mistake of her life. So you’re gonna double down and go home with this poly. The hell is wrong with.

What happened to that candy dish? Oh, uh, uncle Vic is watching his blood sugar.

I’m sorry. Was that your stomach? Neither that, or a small plane is coming in for. Didn’t you eat dinner yet? I’m on a budget of $0 a day. I cleared out the donuts at an AA meeting for lunch. Leo, you’re in aa? No, but they were free. Oh my God. Okay, I think I can take a hint. What? Hint? I’m gonna go talk to Cook, see if he can lift with something up.

I hope I’m not overstepping. No. I think we’re way past that point for anybody.

Oh, son, your phone

will, well, let me know what’s up. It’s Leo. That’s not what it looks like. I told Chad he could go home to his kids, but he said he’d stay. So I was just showing him how grateful I am for his health. We’re in the middle of a crisis here. What’s going on? Well, we were about to issue a PR statement for Paulina, but then, um, I normally wouldn’t share this, but it’s about to hit the news any minute now.

Pauline has been arrested for what? The DA came up with some bogus charges about a criminal coverup. It’s all just an obvious ploy to keep her name in the. , which is sort of hard to counter because, well, they’re not exactly untrue. We’ve been wrestling with a revised statement, but I, I don’t know. It’s just, it’s sounding more generic than I want it to be.

Oh. Do you think a fresh set of eyes would help, or? Well, if you’d be willing to take a look, that would be amazing. Obviously, I don’t have any other plans anymore, and I did stick my neck up to steal that file from Sloan. So I got skin in the game too, and she knows also my friend and I would love to help her and her mom.

Let’s give her a little look. Oh, what do we have here?

Oh yeah, they are in a hell of a mess.

Uh, Jada didn’t tell me what kind of procedure and honestly, it’s, it’s not really my business. Right. Well, no, I mean, I’m just asking because, um, Eric told my mom that Jada’s pregnant, she is . Wait, do you think this has something to do with the baby? Well, I mean, isn’t that likely, how many medical procedures do pregnant women have?

Do you think that, uh, what She had an abortion? No. No, no. Especially because she told my mom that she was. Going through with the baldness and Eric is so excited about being a dad. No, I just, I just hope nothing went wrong. Why don’t you just go ahead and say it, Eric? Huh? Call me a slut. I’m calling you anything.

I think he’s sleeping with EJ is a big mistake. I didn’t say I was gonna sleep with him. I said I was going home with him to his. To his guest bedroom because I don’t have a house because I blew up my marriage to be with you, and now you and RA both hate me and I’m sleeping in my office. I don’t hate you.

Of course you do because you think I talked your girlfriend into having an abortion. I just don’t know why you talked to her at all. She doesn’t have to listen to any more of your, get your hands off for her.

So what are you so concerned about? I just, you know, I think it’s a little strange you talking to inanimate objects. I mean, Rachel and I have been playing dolls so much. Uh, the Dawson, I are on a first name basis. How maternal, by the way, we got, um, Rachel’s Christmas list. She texted it to me and, uh, it’s, she texted it.

Yeah. That’s how they’re doing it these days, apparently. So, but we have all the traditional items. We have, uh, bike, we have a real pony, we have, uh, wrong. New item added to the list. Um, she says, more than anything in the world, what I want is for mommy and daddy to be married.

What? No, Sunny’s fine. He’s just in the other room getting us some food. All right. So Cook said, what are you doing on my phone? I’m talking to your husband. Well, hi. Hi. Yes. No, everything’s fine. I was just helping Leah look for some jobs online. Yes, I remember everything that he did to. But a lot, a lot has changed since you’ve been gone.

I, it’s can look. Can we just, can we talk about this? When you come home for Christmas, we’ll have snow and missile tell,

what do you mean you’re not coming home?

You put Rachel up to this, didn’t you? Of course not Every kid wants their parents to be together. Rachel’s no different. Yeah, but now she actually thinks it’s a possibility because you blackmailed your way into this house. Well, I don’t see it that way. I don’t think there’s any other way to see it.

Kristen, I’m sure you didn’t bother telling her that. She’s getting her hopes up for nothing. Okay. If I wanted to get married to you, I wouldn’t whisper it in Rachel’s Sierra. I would just make it a condition of our agreement. In another month, Marna, Kate and Kayla are gonna get sick again. I will just march you to the altar.

In exchange for the organ. It’s going cure them. Yeah. Mm-hmm. . And you’re just working your way up to that, aren’t you? No, I’m not. And I never,

Jada told me the other day that she and Eric broke off. Well, yeah, but they’re still gonna raise the baby together. I mean, Eric has always wanted to be a father and he would never ever leave Jada High and drive, but Ray said that. Ray said that Eric and Nicole back together. Yeah, having a baby is complicated, but still Eric would be a really good dad.

Now you worried about him, aren’t you? Hopefully it’s nothing. I’ll give him a call tomorrow. You wanna get outta here? Yeah, I’m gonna try to get Paul rained in the morning, so there’s not really anything else I can do here tonight. So what do you say? We, uh, drown our sorrows at small bar. Sounds like a plan.

All right, let’s go.

You don’t have to go home with him. Oh. Are you offering an alternative? A room at your dad’s bar, perhaps. Maybe next door to your ex with an axt grind. I’m trying to overlook. You beat a Dirtbag because your mom died. You keep my mother’s name out of your mouth. Where do you suggest I go, Eric? He probably thinks you should go to house if you don’t stay out of this.

I swear. Swear. What? What? Hmm? You gonna knock my block off? Go on, take a. You know, it might make you feel better to blame me for your screwed up life, but the fact of the matter is it’s all on you. You didn’t have to lose your baby. And Nicole, that was your choice.

Oh, what? Your job, your job? No, no, no. Of course, of course. I understand. Why, why wouldn’t I understand?

Look, I, I’ll talk to you later. Okay. Bye. What? No, I. Not tonight.

Sunny. I’m sorry. Yeah, me too.


It’s wrong. You don’t like it? Oh, what’s that smell? Oh, stinky tofu. The best I’ve ever had. Mind you. All right here in the little town of Salem. I couldn’t believe it. And you need to try it. Okay. If you start to feed her, I’m outta here. Oh, great. No, no. We have well established boundaries. Boundaries.

Hmm. I mean, that’s delicious. Maybe I’m more of a tofu fan than I thought. Ah, broadening boundaries. That’s my specialty.

Okay. So you guys have both read the statement. What do we think? I think it looks solid. We’re kind of. Tepid. I mean, I really think that you need to go on the offense here rather than just running away from the accusations. Yeah. Pauline can’t admit to anything. There’s an ongoing case. No, I’m not saying we gotta get into the details of it.

What I mean, Chad, is there anything that you wouldn’t do to protect your kids? No. No. What parent wouldn’t, I mean, at the end of the day here, isn’t that all that Pauline is really guilty. Why should she have to apologize for that? No, you’re right. She shouldn’t. You just gave me a great idea.

What the hell is wrong with you? Oh God. Are you okay? I think so. What’s going on? Your brother assaulted me. Is that true? Well, I didn’t push myself to the ground. What happened? He got his niggers in a bunch because his girlfriend had an abortion and he decided it was Nicole’s fault. Oh, here, that’s fright.

So was Nicole’s personal life. Alright. Right. All right. All right. All right. Calm down. Okay. Come on Eric. Let’s go outside. Hey, go. What? Get your hands off of me. Have you been drinking? Have you? Yeah, I had a drink so, Eric, you don’t drink anymore. What’s a choice of not an alcoholic? Tonight I chose to have a drink.

How many did he have? I don’t know. He just got here. So you had a drink and you got in a car and you drove and you came to a bar to drink more. What are you the alcohol police? No, I’m just a friend. Yeah. Like I said, let’s go outside and get a nice breath here. I said gets your hands off.

I look skeptical because I am. What’s stopping you from upping your auntie on your blackmail? Grady? When I got out of prison, you wouldn’t talk to me. You wouldn’t even look at me. And now, . I, I, I mean, I had to break through that wall somehow. And now look at us. We’re living together, we’re raising our daughter, and I’m not gonna keep giving you ultimatums.

Really? Mm-hmm. . No, I don’t wanna force you into something that, uh, you don’t want. But what we had was always real.

Right. Yeah. I, I’m glad to hear you say that. You are. I am. Because if you are since. About not wanting to manipulate me into a situation against my will. If you truly do love me and care about me, prove it and just give me the orchid.

So why isn’t we coming home for Christmas? It’s the same old stuff. He’s doing another movie for Peacock and they want the writer to be on set. They’re filming over Christmas apparently. You don’t think he’s lying, do you? No,

of course not. Well then why don’t you just go out there and see him? Because I can’t, and it’s not like he exactly encouraged it. And besides, Gabby’s already made a bunch of plans, Ferrari this winter, so.

Hi. I guess my answering your phone didn’t help. Hey, why, why did you answer my phone? Well, I, I called you and you didn’t hear me, so I thought I could let him know that you were here. I forgot. I’m kind of a trigger for him. Sonny. I swear I was not trying to make any trouble. Yeah. Well you don’t have to try Leo.

You just do.

Yeah, I’m gonna go. I, I really appreciate your help. Uh, looking at the one ads. See ya. We wave.

Why don’t you just stay for dinner? I mean, the, the food’s almost ready. That way you won’t have to have stale donuts Again,

it’s, it’s better, but it’s just, it’s still sounding a little flat to me. Hmm. It is closer though.

Do you know what’s missing? It’s pulling his voice. She would never say, my daughter, she would say My little. You’re right.

There you go. That’s perfect.

If you really want me to believe that you’re not being manipulative anymore, Kristen, if you really want me to believe that you wanna stop blackmail me by using Marlena, Kate, and Kayla’s lives. Then just give me the orchid now.

Oh, Brady, I would really love to do that, , but, um, what would stop you from kicking me out? Calling the cops and then going back to ’em is, Well, I’ll, I’ll tell you what would stop me. Number one would be Rachel’s reaction to having her father kick her mother out on Christmas and send her back to prison. As far as Chloe is concerned, I can’t go back to Chloe Kristen.

She’s with Stephan now. Yeah, but you’re, you’re gonna still move me out and, uh, that would crush Rachel. Rachel? Mm-hmm. , how are you? This living arrangement isn’t so terrible. Isn It you might, you, you really might want to ask Dad and Marlene No. And I’m asking you. I’m asking you, Brady. I mean, we’re raising our daughter together.

She’s happy. I’m happy. Isn’t there just a little part of you that’s happy too?

Oh my God. Are you okay? Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay. Two assaults in one night, and one of them an officer of the law. Aren’t you going to arrest him, officer Brady? Well, are you pressing charges? Why wouldn’t I? Well, EJ. Eric didn’t mean of course he did. Just like he meant to hurt you when he accused you of killing his baby.

You don’t owe him anything. Nicole, not a damned thing.

You’re right. I don’t if EJ wants to press charges and I’m not gonna stand in his way.

I’m sorry man. I don’t have a choice.

To teamwork. Hey, I always said three heads are better than two. Hey, cheers.

Hmm. Well, I hate to tell you this, pal. There’s only two fortune cookies. I didn’t know you’re gonna be hanging out. No worries for you. . Thank you. All right. What does your mind say here?

Help. I’m trapped inside of a Fortune cookie factory. Huh? Top that one. Wow.

What? Oh, it’s silly. Oh my God. What does it.

You’re looking at the man of your dreams.

Do you need any ice for that jaw? All I need is some ice for my scotch. Can I get you anything? Uh, no. Nothing. I think I’ve had enough for the night.

How are you doing?

Not good, Eric. I, I feel responsible for him going off like that tonight. You can’t blame yourself. You even, you agreed that I talked Jada into having an abortion that doesn’t excuse Eric’s behavior tonight. Yes, he wanted a baby, but JD didn’t. She realized that when she was talking to you, and if Eric can’t accept her choice, that’s his.

Yeah, I suppose, but coming from a woman who can’t have a child, I’d do anything to be in her shoes to be having a baby with her,

aj, my, my head is spinning. I don’t know what to think or, or how to feel. It’s just that after Eric got drunk behind the wheel and killed. D I know. I just never thought he’d drink again.

You’re worried about him. His sister is his lawyer, his brother-in-law, his arresting officer. He’s going to get off with a slap on the wrist and hopefully that’ll be the wake up calling needs,

and this is, Is a bonafide criminal and he’s getting me arrested if he pressed charges. I don’t have a choice. Bill. Can you help me here? Do something. I’m sorry I can’t.

Do I look happy? Hmm. While answering the question with a question is still an answer, Kristen, if you suddenly think that I’m just gonna decide to, to marry you, look, I’m not that delusional. No, no. I’m talking about baby steps. We could just start right now by, uh, spending the night together. That’s not a baby step.

Mm. Come on Brady. We’ve had sex before. I have never known you to turn me down. Oh, come on. Hey, now you just wanna give into your feelings. Say, screwing it. Why don’t we just go make love right now?

Oh my God. Oh my God. This one is perfect. Highly paid. Executive assistant, self-starter, organized, thinks outside the box. That is me to a t. Oh wait, it is me, , Paulina’s looking for my replacement. What? That’s not funny. I’m sorry. I just, I can confidently say that Paulina will never find anyone else like you.

You know, you’re right about it.

Right? Well, for our finished year, I should, should probably get home. Thank you for staying really. Yeah, my pleasure. Not sure how much I helped, are you kidding me? I couldn’t have done it without you, both of you.

Well, we’ll see you tomorrow. Hey, thanks for the tofu. Hey, you’re welcome man. Good night. Have a good night. Nice chat.

All right. I would like to apologize for overreacting the way I did before. No, I’m glad you came in when you did A new perspective was just what we needed. I do feel bad about our date though.

Brain check

sounds good to me.

I this suit you Well, uh, it has a bed so. 30 beats my office by a mile. . Well, you’re welcome to stay for as long as you need to. There’s toilet trees in the bathroom and aspirin for the headache you’re going to have in the morning. And if you would like your thing sent here, I can just, oh yeah. Ej, given our history, um, I don’t plan on overseeing My welcome.

Thank you for this.

Oh my God. Is this your mother’s room?

I mean, get these out of your way. Oh, well, are you sure you want me to stay in here? I mean, there’s so many other rooms. It’s the nicest room, and I would like you to have it. You deserve it.

I’ll see you in the morning. Sleep up,

of course, close for the day. There’s nothing the bell can do for you. Listen, Eric, I know that there are extenuating circumstances here, and I get that you’re really upset, okay? But you’re not even facing charges for the worst thing you did here tonight. You assaulted a cop. I barely, my husband touched him.

Okay. Eric, please keep your voice down, right? You were drinking and driving. You punched EJ ejs in the ass, but sure, you know what, you just, you take his side. I mean, after all you slept with him. Are you serious? You want my help and then you provoke me. You know what? You’re on your own. Tomorrow. I’ll get your own lawyer.

I’m sorry. Get him out of my face. Hey Eric, let’s go. Come on, bill. No, we’re gonna get you locked up. Let’s go. Come on. Let’s go.


until you hand over that orchid to me.

Nothing’s gonna.

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