Y&R Best Lines Friday, November 4, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Summer: Hey, dad.

Nick: Hey, yourself. Well, excellent job with the sunscreen. You got the perfect glow going on.

Summer: Well, I didnā€™t want to come back looking like a lobster, soā€¦

Nick: So, you and Kyle had fun in Costa Rica?

Summer: Yeah, we had a great time. The villa was phenomenal. It was, honestly, the best vacation Iā€™ve ever been on.

Nick: Okay, well, then I got to ask. You just got back from a wonderful honeymoon in a tropical paradise with the man you love. Why do you look miserable?

Summer: [Scoffs] Wow. Thanks for the compliment.

Nick: Not an insult, just an observation.

Summer: No, I mean, the trip was perfect in every way, both before and after Harrison joined us.

Nick: Did something happen after you came home? Because I know this face, and thatā€™s not the ā€œhappy supergirlā€ face.

Summer: [Sighs] I donā€™t want to get into details, but itā€™s more drama with Diane.


Ashley: Tell me everything. About you, Diane in Los Angeles.

Tucker: Sure. Iā€™m happy to tell you anything you want to know. Should we order our drink first?

Ashley: Why donā€™t we wait and see how forthcoming you are, and then Iā€™ll decide how thirsty I am.

Tucker: Fair enough. Diane and I had a completely chance encounter in Los Angeles. And, of course, I was stunned. There she is, alive. But not only that, she actually looked happy and healthy and a far cry from the bitter and vengeful woman that we all thought was dead. So, naturally, I was curious about her story. I wanted to know how she pulled off her murder. She just seemed like a completely different person than the one I knew in Genoa City. So anyway, she tells me that her new mission in life is to try to find a way to get Kyle to forgive her, to reestablish their relationship.

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