Best Lines provided by Eva
Adam: There you go.
Connor: Where’s mom? Don’t you have to work today?
Adam: Uh, I do. I didn’t realize that Walnut Grove was giving you guys a day off for a teachers’ professional development day. But I guess that makes sense, since most of you probably need to come down from your Halloween sugar hangover.
Connor: Funny, dad. We didn’t eat that much candy last night.
Adam: No, if I knew you had the day off from school, I might have let you stay at Beckett’s house.
Adam: You don’t have anything to make up to your mom, okay? You’re allowed to have feelings. And you are allowed to express them. But were you intentionally trying to hurt her?
Connor: No. I was just angry.
Adam: That’s understandable. You know, we all are like that sometimes. But I hope you know your mother’s love for you runs deep. And it will always lead back to forgiveness where you’re concerned, no matter what you do, Connor.
Connor: I get it.
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