Days Transcript Friday, November 25, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Thought I might find you here.

Happy Thanksgiving, honey. Same to you. Mom.

Come in. Thank you.

Is that new? Oh no, that was, uh, that was a, a gift from Susan Banks. I was, I was just thinking about her. I heard the news and I’m sorry. I know you two were close. Well, I’m sorry that I couldn’t host today. I just didn’t really feel like it. But did you have a nice time at the pub? I did. . And I wanted to share some news that I’m very thankful for.

Oh, I’m gonna be a dad.

If you’re looking for Eric, he’s out. Actually, uh, I came here to see you

Leftovers for you and Zander. Thank you, mom. I was hoping you would join us for dinner. Yes. So was I, but Xander wasn’t feeling well. I thought he might rally, but he stayed in bed all day. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Um, so where is he?

Here you are. You sure we’re right? Yes. I told you Jack in New York with Jennifer and Chad’s taken the children out there to be with them for the holiday from the old bat and her husband have been asleep for hours.

God, you look terrible. I feel terrible. Look quite, I dunno what I’m gonna do. I feel like my whole life is gonna go up and smoke. Okay. Look, we’ll just let’s calm down and, and just tell me the whole story. Yeah.

Like sands through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Eric, I know how much you’ve always wanted a child of your own. It’s just, it’s wonderful news. I heard that you heard what? The hesitation No, I, I wasn’t. I, I didn’t. It’s okay. . I know what you’re thinking. Really? What am I thinking? Jada and I hardly know each other, and it probably wasn’t planned, which is all true.

But she did decide to keep the baby. Oh, and And you’re fine with that decision. It is complicated, but, but Kate of all people helped her with her decision and, uh, not that I know what Kate said to her. Okay. But, uh, uh, darling, you said it was complicated. What does that mean because of Nicole?

It’s been a long day, Nicole, and I’m pretty tired, so Yeah, of course. You’re tired. You’re, you’re in your first trimester and not to mention the triptofen. It looks like you were really having a nice Thanksgiving dinner. How would you know that? I stopped by earlier and I saw y’all sitting around the table sharing what you were grateful for, and I couldn’t help.

But over here at Eric say that you two were gonna raise the baby together. So if you were there, why didn’t you say anything? I didn’t wanna interrupt. So you just left. Well, I, I was afraid that I would spoil the heartwarming moment by bringing up the fact that Eric broke up with you a few days ago to be with me.

I went by your place, Steph said you’d gone out. Since you’ve been ignoring my calls, I figured I’d try and track you down. Well done Hernandez, putting those crack detective skills to work

I’m gonna need that statement about how my mother and Ava Lata wound up crashing through that guardrail and perishing and a raging in front.

You already know most of it. When I met up with Ava to pay the ransom, she lied and said my mother was dead. But then she turned up at the stra. Susan did

that. Psychotic bitch grabbed her and dragged her off a gunpoint. I pursued in my. He was swerved hard and

it’s just never meant to lead Jada on, of course, not. That isn’t who you are, mom. Jada saw Nicole and I kiss him. That’s why she decided that she wanted to end our relationship. Oh, how do you feel about that? I understand. I don’t blame her. I mean, but that doesn’t mean I’m walking away from my responsibility and I never told her what I thought she should do about the p.

Do you want the baby? Of course I do. I mean, people do it all the time, right? Co-parenting without living together, I mean, we just gotta figure a way to make it work together. Nicole and I can be together and that’s what we want. It’s just TA and I have to figure out how to raise this child. I just hope Nicole understands that and she’s okay about it.

So you’re here to what? Give me hell for ruining your little happily ever after. With Eric? No, Jada. I’m not here to give you hell. I I’m here to fight. To what? To make sure I understand that my co-parenting with Eric will never lead to anything else to make sure that we’ll be very business-like about it.

Well, let me be clear, Nicole. I have enough self-respect to not want to be with a man who’s in love with someone. And Eric knows that. I see. I’m assuming his intentions towards you haven’t changed, but you allowed to take that up with him. Dude, I, I’m so sorry. Eric and I never meant for this to happen. We never meant for you or RA to get hurt.

Oh, please just shut the hell. Excuse me. You heard me?

Why do I get the feeling? Because you’re still not telling me the whole story. I know. Detective White dude.

Well, this feels extreme. Even for Ava. I would ever drove her this far. I’ve got a hunch that it was more than some deal she made with you to leave town.

Who knows what drives a lunatic like Angel Vital. I guess I should say drove.

You’re hindering my investigation. Ej, I could arrest you for obstructing justice.

I won’t. Not after everything that you’ve been.

I appreciate that.

I see you’ve heard the news about Ava and Susie, the car wreck. Yeah, the spectators all over it. Right. You’re reporting. I went horribly wrong. How so? Oh, first that nosy body, Bonnie Keaker, she stumbled onto the shed, Ross Hole in Susan and Justin came home and I knew it was just a matter of time until he figured out that Bonnie was missing and they found both her and Susan.

I just, I should have taken that as a sign and ended the whole thing. Asco. But you wanted your payday. Yeah, exactly. So I managed to move Susan right before they rescued Bonnie. Well, so much for that. And Bonnie, she’s, she’s all right. Is she? It’s all right. As she Good, I suppose. But obviously Susan wasn’t Neely as lucky.

Uh, Xander went out to get some air. Hopefully he’ll be back soon and maybe then he’ll finally feel like eating something. Well, there were a lot of leftovers. No one, um, had much of an appetite tonight. How come? Oh, you know, the drama with Bonnie, I mean, I mean, thank God she’s all right. But you saw how upset she got when Rafe was questioning her.

Let me guess. Victor got on her case and ruined Thanksgiving dinner. Listen, as soon as we sat down to the table, poor Bonnie started having these flashbacks of this creepy clown holding her hostage and she got startled by the cork popping and, and her wine glass knocked into the gravy boat and it was just, oh God, it was downhill from there.

Or Bonnie, do the police have any leads on Ava’s accomplice? , as far as I know, all they have is Bonnie’s description of a muscle bound man and a clown mask. Blue business suit,

a blue business suit

kind of like this one.

What you offered. I didn’t expect you to take it. Commissioner Dudley do right? Drinking on the job,

Oh, what can I say? He’s spent a hell of a week. Rough one, huh? Yeah. I mean, obviously nothing compared to what you were going through, but

Nicole and I are getting divorced.

I’m sorry to hear that.

What thought? Considering how much you hate the two of us, he’d be gloating right now. I guess I’m not in the gloating mood.

So what happened? Wait, let me guess. It has something to do with Samantha’s twin brother.

And then I thought I’d come to terms with, uh, becoming a. And then there was a heartbreaking loss of McKenzie. I mean, I know I have nieces and nephews and, and Holly, it’s kind of where I feel that fate has intervened. It’s not too much to hope that all things can work out. Right, right. No, of course not.

You, you said that you’re hoping that Nicole will understand. So I guess you haven’t yet told her that Jada is pregnant and wants to keep the baby. No, I haven’t. And I know it’s a sensitive subject. Of course it’s because you, because you in a call want her to have a baby together. Yeah. And as you know, Nicole can’t have children cuz she can’t care to turn.

I just hope she didn’t feel threatened by this. How dare you? How dare I tell you? I’m sorry, . You’re not sorry. You got exactly what you wanted. So don’t pretend to feel bad for me or that you even care about me because you’re fake sympathy. It just makes it all worse. I’m sorry. I.

Imagine you’re me. I’m new to Salem. I meet this guy. He’s divorced. I’m divorced. His ex-wife seems to be happily remarried. This guy and I, we go on a few dates and we click, we have real chemistry. I be sure it moves, moves pretty fast. I’m, I’m living next door to him. We see each other every day, but. From what I can tell, he, he really likes me and I definitely like him, and so I, I think everything’s great.

But then all of a sudden, his, his, his ex-wife keeps coming around, keeps finding reasons to show up at his door. She even gives him a job. And she swears, she swears that there’s nothing going on between them. And then one day I show up at his office to pay him a visit, and I, I see him locking lifts with his ex, and then later that day, I find out that I’m pregnant with his baby.

So at the same time that he’s, he’s cutting me loose. I find out that I’m tied to this man for the rest of my life.

Really angry. Why the hell wouldn’t I be? Well, I would be too. So I, I, I hope you don’t mind me asking if this is how you feel, if this is how this guy makes you feel, then why would you wanna have a baby that ties you to him forever?

So many times I could have ended it. Greedy, cowardly. Look, Ava can be extremely scary. She’s insane. You know, she was operating outta the Dara crypt. I walked in there yesterday and I caught her talking to the walls. Goodness just got worse from there. And she finally lost it and ordered me to kill Susan.

What? What did you say? I refused, of course, but I was about to take Susan back up to the house when Ava ripped my mask off in front of Susan to give me more, I. In other words, if you didn’t kill Susan, Evan would know what you’d done. Sarah would know. In the end, I just,

I couldn’t bring myself to disappoint her yet again, and I, and I just, I let Susan, then what happened? I. Somehow Ava got Susan back and apparently the ransom handoff went bad. They got into a car chasing, driving off a cliff.

Zander, Zander. This is not your fault. You tried to save Susan. You, you helped her escape. You were not the one behind the wheel of that car. Of course, it was my fault. Agreeing to snatch Susan in the first place. If I hadn’t, Susan would still be alive.

So what are you talking to him about? That’s Sanders suit, his blue suit. Well, surely you don’t think that, I don’t know, mom. I mean, a lot of things are starting to add. Such as last night, Xander told me that he quit his job because his boss asked him to do something that was very wrong. So what was it? He was vague, but he did say that his boss was a woman.

Oh, come on. You don’t think the Xander is working for Ava mom? This sickness came on suddenly, as soon as he heard that Susan and Ava had died. You know that I love Xander and I, I want to believe in him, but he was under a lot of pressure to get this job, and he is the type of person that Ava would hire to do something like this.

Xander’s, not that man anymore. I didn’t think so either. Share why All the suspicion all of a sudden, because it, it doesn’t feel right. And an ethical boss feeling ill after hearing about a terrible tragedy. That doesn’t sound so strange to me. Okay. Then what about the fact that the kidnapper was keeping Bonnie and Susan in the Kiki shed?

Which is where Xander worked when he was the gardener. He knows the grounds. He knows how to get around unnoticed. And remember that Victor said that he had never heard of the company that Xander claimed he worked for. It was a startup, or maybe it doesn’t exist. Maybe Xander made up this job because he was working for Ava Vitali.

Yes, Cole and I are getting divorced because of Eric.

How’d you know? Now the two of them were destined to be together. Everyone knew,

it seemed like every time those two separated, they always ended up finding a way. Come back to each other.

I once thought Samantha and I had that kind of connection. Clearly I was mistaken.

Well, I’m not sure how unbreakable Nicole and Eric’s connection is. Seems like there’s already trouble in paradise.

Eric, this baby complicates things between you and Cole. I think you have to address this with her honey, and I think you’ve gotta do that very soon. Oh, mom, that’s where I was heading next actually. Good, good. Look, this will be. A difficult conversation to have and it could get complicated, but you know what?

You and Nicole have been through so much together and you love each other, so I, I just know you’ll find a way to work this out together.

I cannot believe you just asked me that. Well, it’s, it’s a legitimate. Look, Jada, I know you’re resentful of me. That’s putting it wildly, and I, I, I don’t blame you. I’m just trying to give you some perspective here. Okay. Look, I have been a single mother for years and believe me, my daughter was a surprise and I love her with my whole heart.

But you, you don’t wanna go into parenting with a negative attitude. I cannot ask for your perspective. Okay, that’s fine. I just wish someone had warned me. I’m sorry. Warned, this is the wrong word. I wish someone had painted a realistic picture of motherhood for me. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

It means it’s true what they say about babies. They change your life forever and you need to decide. Before it’s too late. If you’re ready for this change. If, if this is something that you really want, I mean, for example, have you even considered how this would affect your career? Brave told me that I can take leave anytime I want.

Okay, that’s wonderful. But how much of that leave will be paid? And not to mention before you have the baby, you’ll be sitting behind a desk for a. And for an ambitious young detective, that’s gotta be a big setback. Okay? Enough. And when you do go back to work, you’re gonna be exhausted and torn and, and crying all the time, and not just because of your hormones.

It’s guilt. It’s guilt because you love your job and you love your baby, and you try to put your whole heart into both and it’s impossible. And it, and it leaves you feeling bitter and, and not to mention depressed. And yes. We’ll be there for you a hundred percent, but even with that support, Jayda is, is the hardest thing I have ever done.

And of course, I’m, I’m gonna be in Eric’s life now, which means I’m gonna be in yours meant I am just trying to figure out a way to, to work this out, get. I am trying to help Jada. I’m just trying to help get out.

I am going to keep telling you this until you hear me. Zander, this was not your fault. Okay? Ava promised that Susan would not get hurt. Yeah, and I was stupid enough to believe her. I, I know Ava. Ava, and I think that when she hired you, she was telling the truth. This was supposed to be a simple kidnapping, but like you said, it took a horrible turn.

And if you would’ve known how this would’ve turned out, you never would’ve taken that job. You know, when I let Susan go, I, and I thought there’s a good chance she’d run straight to the cops and tell them that you were the one who took her. I almost confessed to Sarah, but then I remembered when Susan.

Begging for her life, she swore to keep her mask shut. But I thought, what if life, by some miracle, she doesn’t say anything. So you didn’t tell Sarah?

I just told her I quit my job and then I saw the news and I got my miracle. Susan will never say anything. Ever again. You didn’t want Susan to die and you did not kill her. Ah, but I, I terrorized her. I, I grabbed her, I drugged her. I tied her up. I I’m not a changed man, Gwen, and the same worthless piece of garbage I’ve always been.

Hi, Hey. That’s not true. Your intentions were good and honorable. This was about you being a supportive husband, a provider. I thing I’ve ever provided Sarah with his pain. I should just tell the truth. No, no. I have to. I This is no choice. No. Yeah. Hell, you don’t have a choice of snow. But Eva is dead and Susan is dead.

Bonnie never saw your face and I’m certainly not gonna bloody say anything. What do you mean that

I could have given you up the other night? I didn’t. I. Even after everything we’ve been through,

like I said to you before, Xander, I still care about you.

I understand you probably better than anyone. Which, um, I’m pretty sure is why you are here.

You trusted me with your secret, and I promise you is.

Sarah. Hmm, darling, when Zander first got his job at the pharmaceutical company, I was skeptical of his honesty at first because he, he wasn’t giving you any details. But now, now what? You, you think I should just believe him no matter what? I think then in this case, you. Letting your imagination run wild.

Xander has a blue suit, so do a million other men. I know. I know. No Lava Vitali was in the mafia. Okay. I’m sure she had a dozen. Muscle bowel enforcers on her payroll.

Honey, I’ve been married to a change man for a very long time, as you know, in spite of what I said to you the other day, which now I regret because. I never like it when people plant seeds of doubt with me regarding Victor’s behavior, artist honesty.

Anyway, the key is truth. To trust that your husband is being honest with you, unless you have overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you think that Xander’s being honest? Yeah, I think Xander loves you more than anything, and now that he has you. I don’t think he’d do anything to risk losing you again.

And now I need to get home to Victor . Okay. Thank you for the food. Oh, you are most welcome. Yeah. And everything is gonna be all right, sweetheart. I promise.

Have you, I love you more

travel and Paradise between St. Eric and her ex-wife to tell, yeah. Excuse me.

Yeah. Colin, what’s up? All right, I’ll be right there. Well, I’ve gotta head back to the station. Sure. I can’t persuade you to come with me. Maybe tomorrow. Definitely tomorrow fine. Okay. But tonight I’m going to sit here with my single malt and wallow just. Promise me you won’t get buying the wheel. My driver’s parked just down there.

All good. Good. And uh, be careful. It’s a blind turn right? Don’t wanna end up like my mother.


What are you doing here? I didn’t draw a holiday shift. I wanted to catch up on some paperwork and, uh, clear my head. You okay? Yeah, it’s just, it’s been a day. Yeah. I hear ya. You’re not wearing your wedding ring. Yeah. Well, Nicole and I talked earlier. We had divorced. I’m sorry. Just figured no point in dragging it out now, even if.

Nicole doesn’t end up going back to her cuz of your pregnancy. My pregnancy will not be an issue.

Nicole. Hey, my God. Oh, I’m, oh, I’m so happy to see you. I was just trying to call you to see if we can meet up. I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner. Yeah. Uh, same. I just wanted to tell you. Jed has decided to have the baby. Oh yeah. But it won’t change anything between us. Ah, are you sure?

I know it’s alive and it’s all happening at once, but we can handle it. We always have whatever life throws at us, we always find a way to make it work. . Listen, Jada and I, our relationship is over and we’re gonna co-parent, and that’s it. I love you and only you,

I promise it’s gonna be okay.

Have you made a decision about the.

I have,

I was gonna go through with a pregnancy until I’ve had time to think about it, to consider what my life would really. Be like, if I did

and I realized,

realized what?

I can’t do it after all.

You feeling better? I, I am. Yeah. The fresh air me good. Good. I’m glad you were out in the cold for such a long time. You must be freezing. Not as bad as I thought. . , something smells good. What better than sweaty gym socks, that’s for sure. Yes. Mom brought us a bunch of leftovers so we can dig in if you have your appetite back.

Uh, I do, and I am starving. Just let me unpack this really quick. Before the cockroaches or any though, why is it right and I will just move your blue suit so we have somewhere to sit, something wrong with. I was just, uh, thinking that maybe over dinner you could tell me if you were the clown that kidnapped Bonnie and Susan.

That’s strange that happened.

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