Y&R Best Lines Friday, October 21, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Tucker: I hope this invitation means that you and i are — we’re on good terms. Like, we’re — there’s no grudges between us, no ill will between us.

Nikki: Well, that all depends on what happens going forward, since you seem to be staying in town for a while.

Tucker: I might, I might. I’m having a ball getting reacquainted with all the, um — what’d you call them? — The respectable families of Genoa City? And then, of course, to be invited here to the ranch, to sit with the grand dame of the community, well, that’s — that means a lot.

Nikki: That title does not belong to me. There is only one grand dame of Genoa City. Your mother.

Tucker: Ah, yes. The duchess. Yeah. Very respectable. Sorry. Did I offend you?

Nikki: No, no, not at all. But I’m afraid you


Talia: So, now that you don’t have Nikki Newman to impress, maybe you can give me some real answers.

Tucker: Fire away. Just don’t ask about the rumor.

Talia: What rumor?

Tucker: Oh, there’s this nasty rumor going around that the real reason I came to town is to try to convince Victor Newman to build a rocket with me so we can launch ourselves into space. You know, it’s what billionaires are doing these days. But I probably should not have said anything, should I? Because you’re going to do an article with the headline “McCall and Newman shoot themselves into space.”

Talia: You should be so lucky. You have history with the Newman family, going head to head with Victor in business and personally

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