Y&R Short Recap Friday, October 21, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Kyle and Summer enjoy some romantic time on their honeymoon and later Kyle tells Summer that he feels more at peace since Diane came back into his life.

Nikki gets Talia to do a profile on Tucker for the magazine for which she works but Tucker doesn’t give her any useful information for her article.

Diane tells Jack that when she lived in Los Angeles she dated and fell in love with a financier named Jeremy Stark. Diane explains to Jack that he took her on two trips with him and for the first time in her life she felt like someone was taking care of her. Diane tells Jack she later found out that Jeremy was hiding a lot of money in her suitcases, and when she arrived at her destination, he would deposit the money in the bank. Diane told Jeremy she knew that he was using her, and she didn’t want to do it anymore. Jeremy then told Diane that she would keep working for him or he would contact her family and tell them she was alive. Jeremy asked to meet with her one day and told her that a friend in the Justice Department told him he would be arrested soon, and when he heard the police cars coming, he told her to leave so she wouldn’t be arrested. Diane tells Jack that six months before she started sending him those text messages, she saw Tucker in Los Angeles and he told her he had found Allie. Tucker wanted Diane to find a way to tell the Abbott’s about Allie or he would turn her in to the police as Jeremy’s accomplice. Jack is stunned by everything Diane has told him, but since Phyllis interrupts their conversation, he tells Diane they will continue their conversation later and he walks out of his office.

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