Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Billy gets upset when Jack suggests that he isn’t happy being COO of Chancellor Winters and that he is just doing it to make Lily and Jill happy. Billy also gets upset with Jack when Jack tells him that he is jealous of the relationship he has with Adam.

Chelsea opens up to Adam about the fact that she feels adrift without direction and wants to take Connor with her to visit her mother in Minnesota. Adam tells Chelsea she can’t take Connor with her because he starts school in a few days. Chelsea tells Adam that the only good thing that came out of their relationship was Connor and other than that she wishes she had never met him

Sally overhears the end of the argument and she and Adam talk about Chelsea. Sally tells Adam she can understand Chelsea because not having family close by can isolate you and mess with your head. Chelsea goes by Society and has two drinks and has a mini meltdown in front of Abby telling her everything that has gone wrong in her life. Abby asks Chance to drive Chelsea home and Chelsea thanks Chance for listening to her and understanding how she feels right now.

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