Y&R Best Lines Thursday, August 11, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: Hello, Abby.

Abby: [Chuckles] Adam, hi. How are you?

Adam: I’m good. It’s been a minute, hasn’t it?

Abby: Well, you were here yesterday, weren’t you?

Adam: Oh, I — I come in all the time. I just mean, it’s been a while since you and i have had a chance to talk.

Abby: Well, I guess I’m shocked that you’re even supporting my restaurant, since you are cutting ties with anything Newman these days.

Adam: [Chuckles] Well, I can’t quit Society. First of all, the food is delicious, and I think I would be punishing myself if I didn’t come here. Where else would I get the little crab-puff appetizers?

Abby: Nowhere in this town.

Adam: And secondly, my issues with our father and how he does business don’t have anything to do with you and me. There’s no reason we can’t have a conversation. Unless you disagree.

Abby: No, that seems fair. Your conflict with our father has nothing to do with me. And we have been civil. So, uh, sure. You know, why don’t I send you some crab puffs, on the house?

Adam: Oh, that is so nice. Thank you.

Abby: Will you be dining alone or is someone joining you?

Adam: Um, dining solo. But actually, if you have a moment, I would love to talk to you about something.

Abby: Mm. Yep. There it is. You are being so pleasant, but you had an agenda the whole time, didn’t you?

Adam: You caught me.


Victor: You know, there’s a great opportunity you have now, right? You know, it’s a good thing about business — you can build something. It’s not just about money and power.

Sally: Those things don’t hurt, though, right?

Victor: Of course, they’re important. But I haven’t spent decades building this business just for the sake of money and power. I’ve also done it for the sake of building something that will last. A legacy.

Sally: It’s really inspiring.

Victor: You have some important decisions to make in the future. I hope that you will prove yourself and stay in this position.

Sally: Thank you. Was that a compliment or a warning?

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