Y&R Best Lines Friday, August 12, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Chelsea: Mm. You have a different energy in this room. Different posture, even.

Billy: You know me. I have to wear a lot of hats. You know, I’ve got my corporate chapeau, I’ve got my hipster hosting beanie, and, of course, my favorite, the dunce cap.

Chelsea: Ah, right, so when i saw you at the soccer field the other day, what kind of hat were you wearing then?

Billy: That would be my number-one-dad truck hat, of course.


Summer: I like the idea. I’m not thrilled that Mariah is the one that brought it to you. That means that she’s going to be involved, which always turns into a whole thing.

Kyle: She will be on her best behavior.

Summer: That’s what we’ve been saying about our mothers, and they’re going to require a lot of managing. I don’t want me and Mariah to be another source of potential conflict.

Kyle: Hey, Mariah is genuinely happy for us and you’re happy for her and Tessa.

Summer: We’ve reached sort of a peaceful coexistence, but that’s only because of your friendship.

Kyle: Maybe, but she’s changed, like when she gives you a hard time now, it doesn’t really have any animosity to it. Like, I mean, like, at the winning. She was legitimately happy you were there.

Summer: Babe, she called me “snowflake” for years.

Kyle: It was in fun — mostly. But look, Mariah has her hands full at Jabot, so she won’t have time to play show-biz wife to Tessa. Look past all the Mariah stuff. Won’t it be awesome for Tessa to be the face of Marchetti.

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