Y&R Best Lines Monday, August 15, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Sharon: Hey. Oh, my god. Did you guys buy out every store in Genoa City?

Faith: Yeah, and the outlet mall and Lake Geneva.

[Both laugh] All essentials, though.

Sharon: But your dorm room is so small.

Mariah: Oh, never fear. We will make it work. Although we might need the help of an engineering major.


Phyllis: Ah, that was incredible. I love everything I ate.

Summer: Me too. That Key Lime Tart was killer.

Phyllis: Mmm!

Summer: Plus, we got a ton accomplished.

Phyllis: Yes. Oh, my gosh. Thank you for that, boss.

Summer: Oh, my god. Do not call me that.

Phyllis: Oh, sorry, boss. Oh, my gosh. That’s gonna take some work.

Summer: No. Stop.

[Chuckles] Wait, what are you — what do you think you’re doing?

Phyllis: Paying the check.

Summer: Hand it over. This one’s going on my expense account.

Phyllis: Are you sure?

Summer: It’s my new head of Marchetti Home’s first official day. I think the company can spring for lunch.

Phyllis: Okay. Thank you. That’s very sweet.

Summer: So, on the agenda for today, we’re going to go over to H.R., Get your contract signed. Then I’ll show you your new office, let you get settled in and acclimated to the routine.

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