Best Lines provided by Eva
Michael: I have one word of advice for you — patience.
Diane: That’s unusually succinct for you.
Michael: Look, you can’t force everyone to come around, but if you keep being the best version of yourself, they’ll have to acknowledge eventually that you’ve changed. Whether they’ll admit it to your face or not.
Diane: How long did it take you to convince everyone you’d evolved?
Michael: That’s beside the point.
Diane: So what is the point?
Michael: Anything is possible. Look, I reinvented myself. It was a long and hard journey. But it was worth it. And now I have the life of my dreams.
Diane: I would exactly put “thrown into a South American jail for doing victor Newman’s dirty work” on my vision board, but, hey, to each his own.
Michael: No, no, alright. My job keeps my life interesting. I was talking more about my personal life. I love Lauren now more than i did the day I married her.
Diane :Aww. That is disturbingly sweet.
Phyllis: How did you know i was there?
Michael: My “Phyllis-dar” is well honed. If you’re within a 50-yard radius of me, I know it.
Phyllis: Oh. That’s odd.
Michael: So is eavesdropping. So, what the hell’s going on? I thought you were supposed to be in Savannah.
Phyllis: I was. Now I am back.
Michael: And you’re really following Diane around and spying on her?
Phyllis: [Scoffs] Well, when you say it like that, it’s so dramatic. No, I was just, you know, looking around, getting the lay of the land, if you will.
Michael: Nothing’s changed since you left.
Phyllis: Oh, I beg to differ. A lot has changed. Yeah, some of my close, personal friends have seemed to, mm, uh, forgive Diane for her past deeds.
Michael: For Pete’s sake, will you stop lurking around in the shrubbery and acting like some crazed stalker from an “I Love Lucy” episode and maybe, maybe face the fact that Diane has changed, like you have claimed that you have more than once.
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