Y&R Short Recap Thursday, June 2, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Diane apologizes to Allie for using her as a way to get close to Kyle. Diane tells Allie if she needs anything she can come to her. Allie tells her that if she needs anything she would go to the Abbotts not her. Diane tells Allie she hopes someday they can be friends.

Amanda promises Elena that she will reign in Imani and keep her so busy that she won’t have time to go after Nate. Imani tries to talk to Lily about a contract she is negotiating but Lily tells Imani that she should talk to Amanda about her ideas before they present them to her. Amanda once again tells Imani to stop going after Nate but Imani says she and Nate are adults who can make their own decisions.

Diane tells Kyle and Summer Ashland told her everything he has done when they random into each other at the park. Diane tells Kyle and Summer she told Ashland she wouldn’t help him with the Harrison situation.

Jack is angry with Phyllis because he feels that she took the next step in their relationship just to stick it to Diane. Phyllis denies Jack’s, accusations, at first, but then admits to Jack he is right…she did speed up their romantic relationship because Diane came to town. Phyllis tells Jack that Diane coming to town made her see what was in front of her and she didn’t want to go slowly with their relationship anymore Jack doesn’t believe Phyllis and asks her to leave when Kyle and Summer arrive home.

Kyle asks Jack if he wants to talk but Jack doesn’t feel like talking about his problems.

Summer goes to the Grand Phoenix to talk to Phyllis and she isn’t leaving until Phyllis tells her what is wrong.

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